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Assessing Sustainability sentence examples within assessing sustainability performance

How far are the metropolitan areas in Brazil from achieving the sustainable development goals? An analysis based on SDG dashboards

Relative Assessment of Indicators in Sustainability Enhancement (RAISE): a first approach in the manufacturing stage of products

An MCDM Model for Sustainable Decision-Making in Municipal Residential Buildings Facilities Management

Development of Sustainability Assessment Framework for Sewerage Infrastructure Projects in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Environmental Product Declarations for plants and soils: how to quantify carbon uptake in landscape design and construction?

Methods for researching the sustainability of production processes when implementing a cyber-physical system

Effect of tillage system on soil CO2 flux, soil microbial community and maize (Zea mays L.) yield

Sustainable development in higher education

A Framework for Assessing Sustainability in Multi-tier Supply Chains using Empirical Evidence and Fuzzy Expert System

Evaluating Life Cycle of Buildings Using an Integrated Approach Based on Quantitative-Qualitative and Simplified Best-Worst Methods (QQM-SBWM)

Sustainability Assessment with Integrated Circular Economy Principles: A Toy Case Study

Sustainability of hospital-based midwife-led antenatal care consultation — a qualitative study

Beyond a Sustainable Consumption Behavior: What Post-pandemic World Do We Want to Live in?

Extension of Energy and Transport Scenario Modelling to Include a Life Cycle Perspective

Determining deep root water uptake patterns with tree age in the Chinese loess area

A data envelopment analysis approach by partial impacts between inputs and desirable-undesirable outputs for sustainable supplier selection problem

2 New COVID initiative – introduction of the just in time emergency medicine pack (JEMP)

Prioritization of sustainability dimensions and categories for residential buildings of tropical climate: A multi-criteria decision-making approach

The golden scale psychology sustainability, algorithm use at a research

Multi-criteria analysis of heating sector sustainability in selected North European countries

Sustainable Land Management Paradigm: Harnessing Technologies for Nutrient and Water Management in the Great Lakes Region of Africa

Culture as Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development: Perspectives for Integration, Paradigms of Action

Sustainable aquaculture in Canada: Lost in translation

Sustainability assessment of sewerage infrastructure projects: A conceptual framework

Would a sustainable city be self-sufficient in food production?

Формирование конкурентных преимуществ российских транснациональных корпораций в условиях глобализации

The methodology of the S-ERP system employment for small and medium manufacturing companies

Supply chain sustainability assessment with Dempster-Shafer evidence theory: Implications in cleaner production

Sustainability assessment of a community open space vision

Identification of appropriate indicators for assessing sustainability of small-holder milk production systems in Tanzania

An Indicators Framework for Sustainability Assessment of RFID Systems in Manufacturing

Dual weak–strong sustainability synthetic indicators using a double reference point scheme: the case of Andalucía, Spain

Social Priorities of Less Developed Countries Sustainable Housing (Case of Sudan)

Towards the Façades of the Future: A New Sustainability Assessment Approach

Life cycle costing as a bottom line for the life cycle sustainability assessment in the solar energy sector: A review

Evaluating the sustainability of health programmes: A literature review

Hybrid Exergetic Analysis-LCA approach and the Industry 4.0 paradigm: Assessing Manufacturing Sustainability in an Italian SME

Ensuring the sustainability of cyberphysical systems based on dynamic reconfiguration

Управління ризиками на підприємствах сімейного бізнесу.

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Assessing Sustainability 지속 가능성 평가

Assessing Sustainability 지속 가능성 평가
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