Articulated Arm(다관절 암)란 무엇입니까?
Articulated Arm 다관절 암 - In this study, we therefore present three simple and non-invasive methods for determining hydraulic fracture apertures applicable for laboratory and field work using (1) a syringe air permeameter, (2) a microscope camera and (3) a 3D laser scanner in combination with an articulated arm. [1] The sensors are side-mounted on the cryostat that is mounted on an articulated armature for recordings on arbitrary head locations of a seated subject. [2] First they only used a full-body avatar with articulated arms, so we add a condition with hands-only representation similar to the majority of current consumer applications. [3] The triple Langmuir probe was mounted on an articulated arm that can rapidly insert the probe inside the thruster channel, providing a clear picture of relevant plasma properties along the channel centerline, from the near plume to the near-anode region. [4] Finally, the classical Painlevé example of a single rod and the multibody model of an articulated arm are used to illustrate how the proposed cone can detect the cases where the dynamic equations have no solution, or multiple solutions. [5] This paper presents a robust method to track a moving object under occlusion using an off-the-shelf monocular camera and a 6 Degree of Freedom (DOF) articulated arm. [6] We present our routine programme of VATS surgery assisted by articulated arm (AVATS) for major resections, as a technique that allows ergonomic surgery for both, surgeon and first assistant and cooperative surgical field when is needed. [7] Through TRIZ theory, the range of each articulated arm is determined, then the design of the main load-bearing structure is carried out. [8]따라서 이 연구에서 우리는 (1) 주사기 공기 투과계, (2) 현미경 카메라 및 (3) 3D 레이저 스캐너를 함께 사용하여 실험실 및 현장 작업에 적용 가능한 수압 골절 구멍을 결정하기 위한 세 가지 간단하고 비침습적인 방법을 제시합니다. 관절이 있는 팔로. [1] 센서는 앉은 대상의 임의의 머리 위치에 기록하기 위해 관절형 전기자에 장착된 저온 유지 장치에 측면 장착됩니다. [2] 처음에는 관절이 있는 팔이 있는 전신 아바타만 사용했으므로 현재 소비자 응용 프로그램의 대부분과 유사한 손으로만 표현되는 조건을 추가합니다. [3] 3중 Langmuir 프로브는 추진기 채널 내부에 프로브를 빠르게 삽입할 수 있는 관절 암에 장착되어 플룸 근처에서 양극 근처까지 채널 중심선을 따라 관련 플라즈마 특성에 대한 명확한 그림을 제공합니다. [4] 마지막으로 단일 막대의 고전적인 Painlevé 예와 관절형 암의 다물체 모델을 사용하여 제안된 원뿔이 동적 방정식에 해가 없거나 여러 해가 없는 경우를 감지하는 방법을 설명합니다. [5] 이 논문은 기성 단안 카메라와 6자유도(DOF) 관절 암을 사용하여 교합 상태에서 움직이는 물체를 추적하는 강력한 방법을 제시합니다. [6] 우리는 주요 절제를 위한 관절형 팔(AVATS) 보조 VATS 수술의 일상적인 프로그램을 외과의와 첫 번째 조수 및 필요할 때 협력 수술 분야 모두를 위한 인체공학적 수술을 허용하는 기술로 제시합니다. [7] TRIZ 이론을 통해 각 다관절 암의 범위를 결정한 다음 주요 하중 지지 구조의 설계를 수행합니다. [8]
coordinate measuring machine 좌표 측정기
It is difficult to establish the error model of an articulated arm coordinate measuring machine by using the traditional mathematical modeling because there are many error factors between which the relationship is nonlinear. [1] Researched on the probe’s diameter error of the Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine (AACMM) in the measuring process. [2] The Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine (AACMM) is a kind of coordinate measuring devices in the form of an articulated robot. [3] Articulated arm coordinate measuring machines (AACMM) have become popular because of their portability, flexibility, and reduced cost though it is generally reputed that they are less accurate compared to CNC CMMs. [4] Within this context, a measuring system group that has gained great importance in the field of high precision dimensional verification are the portable coordinate measuring machines (PCMMs) such as articulated arm coordinate measuring machine (AACMM). [5] The concept of virtual articulated arm coordinate measuring machine (VAACMM), allows for a near-real time determination of single measurement results along with its uncertainty, which eliminates the need for multiple repetitions of measurements and significantly reduces the costs associated with measurement procedure. [6] In order to solve the online calibration problem and effectively improve the calibration efficiency of the Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machines (AACMMs) in practical application, a self-calibration system of circular grating angle sensor which is applied to joints of the AACMMs was established. [7] Solving issues in testing articulated arm coordinate measuring machines by bringing homogeneity to the process was the intention of the standard but it also had the consequence of being difficult to comply with in 100% totality. [8]다관절 팔 좌표 측정기의 오차 모델은 관계가 비선형적인 오차 요인이 많기 때문에 기존의 수학적 모델링을 사용하여 설정하기 어렵습니다. [1] 측정 과정에서 AACMM(Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine) 프로브의 직경 오차에 대해 조사했습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8]
articulated arm coordinate 관절 팔 좌표
It is difficult to establish the error model of an articulated arm coordinate measuring machine by using the traditional mathematical modeling because there are many error factors between which the relationship is nonlinear. [1] Researched on the probe’s diameter error of the Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine (AACMM) in the measuring process. [2] The Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine (AACMM) is a kind of coordinate measuring devices in the form of an articulated robot. [3] Articulated arm coordinate measuring machines (AACMM) have become popular because of their portability, flexibility, and reduced cost though it is generally reputed that they are less accurate compared to CNC CMMs. [4] Within this context, a measuring system group that has gained great importance in the field of high precision dimensional verification are the portable coordinate measuring machines (PCMMs) such as articulated arm coordinate measuring machine (AACMM). [5] The concept of virtual articulated arm coordinate measuring machine (VAACMM), allows for a near-real time determination of single measurement results along with its uncertainty, which eliminates the need for multiple repetitions of measurements and significantly reduces the costs associated with measurement procedure. [6] In order to solve the online calibration problem and effectively improve the calibration efficiency of the Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machines (AACMMs) in practical application, a self-calibration system of circular grating angle sensor which is applied to joints of the AACMMs was established. [7] Solving issues in testing articulated arm coordinate measuring machines by bringing homogeneity to the process was the intention of the standard but it also had the consequence of being difficult to comply with in 100% totality. [8] To improve the position accuracy of industrial robots, a novel kinematic model and calibration method using articulated arm coordinate machines (AACMM) is proposed in this paper. [9]다관절 팔 좌표 측정기의 오차 모델은 관계가 비선형적인 오차 요인이 많기 때문에 기존의 수학적 모델링을 사용하여 설정하기 어렵습니다. [1] 측정 과정에서 AACMM(Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine) 프로브의 직경 오차에 대해 조사했습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] 본 논문에서는 산업용 로봇의 위치 정확도를 향상시키기 위해 AACMM(Articulated Arm Coordinate Machine)을 이용한 새로운 운동학적 모델과 보정 방법을 제안한다. [9]
articulated arm robot 다관절 암 로봇
We evaluate our approach on several industrial components using a articulated arm robot to guarantee a high level of comparability during the different measurement runs. [1] With the progress of wireless power transfer (WPT), research works are conducted to transfer power to motors wirelessly, such as application in in-wheel motors and articulated arm robots. [2]다양한 측정 실행 중에 높은 수준의 비교 가능성을 보장하기 위해 다관절 암 로봇을 사용하여 여러 산업 구성 요소에 대한 접근 방식을 평가합니다. [1] WPT(Wireless Power Transfer)의 발전에 따라 인휠 모터, 다관절 로봇 등에 적용하는 등 무선으로 모터에 전력을 전달하는 연구가 진행되고 있다. [2]