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Arterial Coronary sentence examples within artery bypass grafting

Clinical application of individualized total arterial coronary artery bypass grafting in coronary artery surgery

Priorities in coronary artery bypass grafting: Is midterm survival more dependent on completeness of revascularization or multiple arterial grafts?

Arterial Coronary sentence examples within Total Arterial Coronary

Clinical application of individualized total arterial coronary artery bypass grafting in coronary artery surgery

Total arterial coronary grafting: outcomes, concerns and controversies

Arterial Coronary sentence examples within Multiple Arterial Coronary

Comparison of patency of single and sequential radial artery grafting in coronary artery bypass.

Priorities in coronary artery bypass grafting: Is midterm survival more dependent on completeness of revascularization or multiple arterial grafts?

Learn more from Arterial Coronary 동맥 관상

Arterial Coronary sentence examples within arterial coronary artery

Clinical application of individualized total arterial coronary artery bypass grafting in coronary artery surgery

Priorities in coronary artery bypass grafting: Is midterm survival more dependent on completeness of revascularization or multiple arterial grafts?

Arterial Coronary sentence examples within arterial coronary revascularization

Comparison of patency of single and sequential radial artery grafting in coronary artery bypass.

giant saphenous vein graft pseudoaneurysm and total arterial redo coronary revascularization in a high risk patient

Arterial Coronary sentence examples within arterial coronary disease


Validity and reliability of the 6-min step test in individuals with coronary artery disease.

Arterial Coronary sentence examples within arterial coronary ethanol

Alcohol Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia.

Preprocedural imaging to guide transcoronary ethanol ablation for refractory septal ventricular tachycardia

Alcohol Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia.


Factors of Progression and Occurrence of Atherosclerosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Comparison of patency of single and sequential radial artery grafting in coronary artery bypass.

CHA2DS2-VASC Score as a Predictor of Coronary Artery Disease: A Cross Sectional Observational Study

Clinical application of individualized total arterial coronary artery bypass grafting in coronary artery surgery

Total arterial coronary grafting: outcomes, concerns and controversies

Priorities in coronary artery bypass grafting: Is midterm survival more dependent on completeness of revascularization or multiple arterial grafts?

Validity and reliability of the 6-min step test in individuals with coronary artery disease.

Anomalous left anterior descending artery diagnosed on pulmonary artery computed tomography.

Preprocedural imaging to guide transcoronary ethanol ablation for refractory septal ventricular tachycardia

giant saphenous vein graft pseudoaneurysm and total arterial redo coronary revascularization in a high risk patient

A comparative review of the outcomes of using arterial versus venous conduits in coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in a Patient with Situs Inversus Totalis

The coronary sinus reducer: a validate option for “no-option” labeled patients. Clinical evidences and new perspectives

More Arterial Coronary 동맥 관상 sentence examples

[Early clinical outcomes of minimally invasive coronary surgery-total arterial coronary revascularization].

Bilateral internal thoracic artery versus radial artery multi-arterial bypass grafting: a report from the STS database†.

Impact of preoperative fractional flow reserve on arterial bypass graft anastomotic function: the IMPAG trial.

Learn more from Arterial Coronary 동맥 관상

Arterial Coronary 동맥 관상

Arterial Coronary 동맥 관상
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