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Application Across sentence examples within Broad Application Across

A Biomedical Knowledge Graph System to Propose Mechanistic Hypotheses for Real-World Environmental Health Observations: Cohort Study and Informatics Application

Systematic Organization of COVID-19 Data Supported by the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework

Application Across sentence examples within Potential Application Across

A Structured Observation Distribution for Generative Biological Sequence Prediction and Forecasting

Interconnected Disaster Management - Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide

Application Across sentence examples within Wider Application Across

Embedding and Sustaining Inclusive Practices in STEM

Standardized questions in English for estimating tinnitus prevalence and severity, hearing difficulty and usage of healthcare resources, and their translation into 11 European languages

Application Across sentence examples within Clinical Application Across

Prioritizing Dose in Music-Listening Intervention Research

Perspectives in immunotherapy: meeting report from the immunotherapy bridge (December 2nd–3rd, 2020, Italy)

Application Across sentence examples within Broader Application Across

CRISPR/Cas9 technology for improving agronomic traits and future prospective in agriculture.

Child sexual abuse in institutional and non-institutional contexts

Application Across sentence examples within Find Application Across

Controlled viscoelastic particle encapsulation in microfluidic devices.

Practical Application of Transient-Free Capacitor Switch (TFCS) Technology for Starting Large Induction Motors at a Texas Natural Gas Processing Plant

Application Across sentence examples within Consistent Application Across

Determination of Planetary Nebulae angular diameters from radio continuum spectral energy distribution modelling

A Haptic Object to Quantify the Effect of Feedback Modality on Prosthetic Grasping

Application Across sentence examples within Immediate Application Across

Filling the terahertz gap

Widely tunable compact terahertz gas lasers

Application Across sentence examples within Wide Application Across

Assessment of Traditional Rainwater Harvesting System in Barren Lands of a Semi-Arid Region

A direct comparison of high-speed methods for the numerical Abel transform.

Application Across sentence examples within Geophysical Application Across

Very broadband strain-rate measurements along a submarine fiber-optic cable off Cape Muroto, Nankai subduction zone, Japan

Very broadband strain-rate measurements along a submarine fiber-optic cable off Cape Muroto, Nankai subduction zone, Japan

Application Across sentence examples within Widespread Application Across

Modeling dependence in two-tier stochastic frontier models

Developing socio-ecological scenarios: A participatory process for engaging stakeholders.

Application Across sentence examples within application across different

Mismatch Repair Status Characterization in Oncologic Pathology: Taking Stock of the Real-World Possibilities

A universal framework for sensorless adaptive optics in microscopes

Application Across sentence examples within application across multiple

Developing medical ultrasound imaging application across GPU, FPGA, and CPU using oneAPI

Deep Modeling of Regulating Effects of Small Molecules on Longevity-Associated Genes

Application Across sentence examples within application across diverse

Robust RNA editing via recruitment of endogenous ADARs using circular guide RNAs

Systematic Organization of COVID-19 Data Supported by the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework

Application Across sentence examples within application across variou

CRISPR/Cas9 technology for improving agronomic traits and future prospective in agriculture.

Radiomics in Pulmonary Lesion Imaging.

Application Across sentence examples within application across biology

A Structured Observation Distribution for Generative Biological Sequence Prediction and Forecasting

Surface contrast enhancement of integumentary structures in X‐ray tomography

Application Across sentence examples within application across disease

Delivering genes across the blood-brain barrier: LY6A, a novel cellular receptor for AAV-PHP.B capsids

Delivering genes across the blood-brain barrier: LY6A, a novel cellular receptor for AAV-PHP.B capsids

Application Across sentence examples within application across society

Social Project Culture: A New Project Management Culture to Promote the Sustainable Development of Organizations

Child sexual abuse in institutional and non-institutional contexts

Application Across sentence examples within application across several

Controlled viscoelastic particle encapsulation in microfluidic devices.

A recommender system for component-based applications using machine learning techniques

Application Across sentence examples within application across fmy

A novel telecoupling framework to assess social relations across spatial scales for ecosystem services research.

Empowering young people who experienced domestic violence and abuse: The development of a group therapy intervention

Application Across sentence examples within application across system

Refugia and anthelmintic resistance: Concepts and challenges

A low-cost, open-source inertial movement GPS logger for eco-physiology applications

Application Across sentence examples within application across bacterial

Synthetic gene circuits enable systems-level biosensor discovery at the host-microbe interface

Synthetic Gene Circuits Enable Systems-Level Biosensor Trigger Discovery at the Host-Microbe Interface

Application Across sentence examples within application across large

The Historic Rainfalls of Hurricanes Harvey and Florence: A Perspective from the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System

Preoperative Frailty and Surgical Outcomes Across Diverse Surgical Subspecialties in a Large Health Care System.

Application Across sentence examples within application across health

Quality assessment with diverse studies (QuADS): an appraisal tool for methodological and reporting quality in systematic reviews of mixed- or multi-method studies

Identifying quality improvement opportunities using patient complaints: Feasibility of using a complaints taxonomy in a metropolitan maternity service

Application Across sentence examples within application across research

SaQuant: a real-time PCR assay for quantitative assessment of Staphylococcus aureus

Nanoscale porous organic polymers for drug delivery and advanced cancer theranostics.

Including geoconservation in the management of protected and conserved areas matters for all of nature and people

Quantum Computing Methods for Supervised Learning

Identifying Project Corporate Behavioral Risks to Support Long-Term Sustainable Cooperative Partnerships

Quality of Service‐aware matchmaking for adaptive microservice‐based applications

Evolution of Radioembolization in Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Pictorial Review.

Towards a Reformulated Theory Underlying Schema Therapy: Position Paper of an International Workgroup

A review of social marketing interventions in low- and middle-income countries (2010–2019)

Preliminary Data on Trauma Knowledge, Confidence, and Stress During Navy Trauma Training.

Autoethnography and Beyond: Colonialism, Immigration, Embodiment, and Belonging

Vapor-liquid equilibrium of water with the MB-pol many-body potential.