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Highly Efficient Angular Array Calibration Based on the Modal Wave Expansion Technique

Reply on CC1

Spoof Plasmon Polariton-Antenna Transitions for Terahertz On-Chip Applications

Imaging the internal structure of trunks via multiscale phase inversion of ground-penetrating radar data

An efficient hybrid method for analyzing the coupling response of microstrip antenna system

Investigation on Wireless Link for Medical Telemetry Including Impedance Matching of Implanted Antennas

Simulating MADMAX in 3D: requirements for dielectric axion haloscopes

SFCW Radar with an Integrated Static Target Echo Cancellation System

A Compact Current- and Voltage-Mode Model of Antenna-Coupled FET Terahertz Detectors

Coupling-Cancellation-Antenna for Improving Doppler Radar Motion Measurement Accuracy

Antenna Array Driven by Non-Isolated Power Amplifiers for MIMO Applications

Optimizing propagating spin wave spectroscopy

Passive Interference Cancellation in a 2×2 STAR MIMO Antenna Network

Effects of coupling and overspeeding on performance of predictor antenna systems in wireless moving relays

MIMO with Energy Recycling

An Adaptive Cancellation Method of Wideband Co-frequency Noise

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Antenna Coupling 안테나 커플링

Antenna Coupling 안테나 커플링
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