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AKECP: Adaptive Knowledge Extraction from Feature Maps for Fast and Efficient Channel Pruning

Adaptive Knowledge Transfer by Continual Weighted Updating of Filter Kernels for Few-shot Fault Diagnosis of Machines

Adaptive Knowledge sentence examples within adaptive knowledge transfer

Toward Adaptive Knowledge Transfer in Multifactorial Evolutionary Computation

Multiobjective Evolutionary Multitasking With Two-Stage Adaptive Knowledge Transfer Based on Population Distribution

Adaptive Knowledge sentence examples within adaptive knowledge distillation

Semantics-Aware Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for Sensor-to-Vision Action Recognition

Self-Supervised Learning With Adaptive Distillation for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Learn more from Adaptive Knowledge 적응 지식

Adaptive Knowledge sentence examples within adaptive knowledge discovery

Platform for Adaptive Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making Based on Big Genomics Data Analytics

SOA Based System for Big Genomic Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery

Adaptive Knowledge sentence examples within adaptive knowledge base

IoT-Enabled Adaptive Smart Water Distribution Management System

Adaptive Fault Detection Exploiting Redundancy with Uncertainties in Space and Time

Adaptive Knowledge sentence examples within adaptive knowledge extraction

Pushing Intelligence at the Edge: Edge-centric Inferential Analytics

AKECP: Adaptive Knowledge Extraction from Feature Maps for Fast and Efficient Channel Pruning

The Use of Translational Modelling and Simulation to Develop Immunomodulatory Therapy as an Adjunct to Antibiotic Treatment in the Context of Pneumonia

Coevolutionary dynamics of genetic traits and their long-term extended effects under non-random interactions.

Adaptive Knowledge-Enhanced Bayesian Meta-Learning for Few-shot Event Detection

Adapting to Context-Aware Knowledge in Natural Conversation for Multi-Turn Response Selection

Assessment and Adoption of Tomato Charcoal Cooler Storage Bin for Farmers in The Tropics

Prestige-biased social learning: current evidence and outstanding questions

Integrating farmers’ adaptive knowledge into flood management and adaptation policies in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: A social learning perspective

An Optimal Algorithm to Resolve the Impact of Big Data in IoT Application using Bayesian Network

Adaptive Knowledge 적응 지식

Adaptive Knowledge 적응 지식
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