Discover more insights into Adaptive Fuzzy 적응형 퍼지

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within sliding mode control

Adaptive fuzzy hierarchical sliding mode control of uncertain under-actuated switched nonlinear systems with actuator faults

Safe and Energy-Efficient Car-Following Control Strategy for Intelligent Electric Vehicles Considering Regenerative Braking

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within dynamic surface control

Finite-time adaptive fuzzy control of output constrained permanent magnet synchronous motors

Improved Adaptive Fuzzy Output-Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Dead-Zone Output

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within fault tolerant control

Fuzzy-Approximation-Based Event-Triggered Output Feedback Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Switched Large-Scale Systems With Actuator Faults

Adaptive Fuzzy Fault Tolerant Control of Uncertain MIMO Nonlinear Systems With Output Constraints and Unknown Control Directions

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within finite time control

Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Finite-Time Control Design With Prescribed Performance for Switched Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Systems

Disturbance Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Finite-Time Prescribed Performance

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within sliding mode controller


Investigation on the vortex-induced vibration active control of the riser in the “lock-in” region based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode theory

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within output feedback control

Observer-Based Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Nontriangular Nonlinear Systems With Full-State Constraints

Adaptive Fuzzy Output-Feedback Control for Nonaffine MIMO Nonlinear Systems With Prescribed Performance

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within terminal sliding mode

Adaptive Fuzzy Modified Fixed-Time Fault-Tolerant Control on SE(3) for Coupled Spacecraft

Attitude Control of Spacecraft Formation Flying Based on Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control with Adaptive Fuzzy Tuning Technique

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within tracking control problem

Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Nonstrict-Feedback and Dead Zone

Adaptive fuzzy output feedback fault-tolerant tracking control of switched uncertain nonlinear systems with sensor faults

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within particle swarm optimization

Optimization of Modified Yagi-Uda Nanoantenna Arrays Using Adaptive Fuzzy GAPSO

Setup of fuzzy hybrid particle swarms: a heuristic approach

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within finite time prescribed

Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Prescribed Performance Control for High-Order Stochastic Nonlinear Systems

Finite-Time-Prescribed Performance-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Dynamic Uncertainty and Actuator Faults.

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within nonstrict feedback nonlinear

Fixed-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Uncertain Nonstrict-Feedback Systems with Time-Varying Constraints and Input Saturations

Reduced Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for High-Order Stochastic Nonstrict Feedback Nonlinear System With Full-State Constraints

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within finite time tracking

Adaptive Fuzzy Finite-Time Control for a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation

Command-Filter-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Finite-Time Control for Switched Nonlinear Systems Using State-Dependent Switching Method

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within state feedback control

Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Tracking Control for Flexible Robotic Manipulator

Adaptive Fuzzy Full-State and Output-Feedback Control for Uncertain Robots With Output Constraint

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within extended state observer

A Robust Fuzzy PD Inverse Dynamics Decoupling Control of Spherical Motion Mechanism With Fuzzy Linear Extended State Observer

An Enhanced DC-Link Voltage Response for Wind-Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Adaptive Fuzzy Extended State Observer and Sliding Mode Control

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within tracking control scheme

Adaptive Fuzzy Consensus Tracking Control for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Constraints

Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems With Full-State Constraints

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within fixed time control

Singularity-Free Fixed-Time Fuzzy Control for Robotic Systems With User-Defined Performance

Adaptive Fixed-Time Control of Error-Constrained Pure-Feedback Interconnected Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within finite time command

Adaptive Fuzzy Finite-Time Command Filtered Impedance Control for Robotic Manipulators

Finite-Time Command Filtered Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within nonlinear multi agent

Adaptive fuzzy containment control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with input delay

Distributed adaptive fuzzy control approach for prescribed-time containment of uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown hysteresis

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within backstepping control strategy

Adaptive fuzzy backstepping control of underactuated multi-cable parallel suspension system with tension constraint

Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems With Unmeasured States and Unknown Backlash-Like Hysteresis

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within trajectory tracking control

Neural Network Identification and Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network (DAFNN) Controller for Unknown Nonlinear Non-affine Pneumatic Servo System

Adaptive fuzzy neural network control for a space manipulator in the presence of output constraints and input nonlinearities

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within backstepping control design

Observer-Based Fuzzy Adaptive Finite-Time Containment Control of Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With Input Delay

Adaptive Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Dead Zone Output

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within novel event triggered

Observer-Based Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Leader-Following Consensus of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems

Finite-time adaptive event-triggered fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems based on fuzzy observer

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within fractional order nonlinear

Adaptive Fuzzy Output-Feedback Decentralized Control for Fractional-Order Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems.

Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Nonaffine Fractional-Order Full-State-Constrained MISO Systems With Actuator Failures.

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within event triggered mechanism

Observer-Based Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Unmeasured Stochastic Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Control Directions.

A novel fuzzy control with filter-based event-triggered mechanism for nonlinear uncertain stochastic systems suffered input hysteresis

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within time varying output

Fully Adaptive Practical Time-Varying Output Formation Tracking for High-Order Nonlinear Stochastic Multiagent System With Multiple Leaders

Fully Adaptive Practical Time-Varying Output Formation Tracking for High-Order Nonlinear Stochastic Multiagent System With Multiple Leaders.

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within single input single

Robust adaptive fuzzy control for a class of uncertain nonaffine nonlinear systems with unknown control directions

Adaptive Fuzzy Dynamic Surface Control for A Class of Fractional-Order Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within prescribed performance control

Prescribed-performance based finite-time adaptive fuzzy control for PV inverter in islanded systems

Observer-Based Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Control with Prescribed Performance for Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within feedback switched nonlinear

Switched-observer-based adaptive output-feedback control design with unknown gain for pure-feedback switched nonlinear systems via average dwell time

Disturbance-Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Strict-Feedback Switched Nonlinear Systems With Input Delay

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within local information c

Exploring Fuzzy Local Spatial Information Algorithms for Remote Sensing Image Classification

Study the Effect of Convolutional Local Information-Based Fuzzy c-Means Classifiers with Different Distance Measures

Adaptive Fuzzy sentence examples within nonlinear time delay