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3d Object sentence examples within convolutional neural network

A New Rotation-Invariant Deep Network for 3D Object Recognition

Photorealistic Image Synthesis for Object Instance Detection

3d Object sentence examples within attracted increasing attention

Feature Preserving and Uniformity-Controllable Point Cloud Simplification on Graph

3D Object Retrieval Based on Multi-View Latent Variable Model

3d Object sentence examples within fused deposition modeling

Fabrication of Zero-Order Sustained-Release Floating Tablets via Fused Depositing Modeling 3D Printer.

Three-Dimensional Printing of a LiFePO4/Graphite Battery Cell via Fused Deposition Modeling

3d Object sentence examples within Complex 3d Object

A structured framework for 3D cadastral data validation − a case study for Victoria, Australia

CityGML goes mobile: application of large 3D CityGML models on smartphones

3d Object sentence examples within Virtual 3d Object

Application Education For Introduction Hijaiyah With Technology Augmented Reality Magic Card

Spooky action at a distance: real-time VR interaction for non real-time remote robotics

3d Object sentence examples within Monocular 3d Object

Monocular 3D Object Detection Leveraging Accurate Proposals and Shape Reconstruction

Deep Fitting Degree Scoring Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection

3d Object sentence examples within Kittus 3d Object

Precise Synthetic Image and LiDAR (PreSIL) Dataset for Autonomous Vehicle Perception

Adaptive Attention Model for Lidar Instance Segmentation

3d Object sentence examples within Reconstructing 3d Object

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Using the Depth Map

3D reconstruction under light ray distortion from parametric focal cameras

3d Object sentence examples within Create 3d Object


Developing of a 3D Printer to Produce Parts Using Powder Metal

3d Object sentence examples within Generate 3d Object

3D Mesh Deformation Using Graph Convolution Network

Chemistry from 3D printed objects

3d Object sentence examples within Visualize 3d Object


Comparative evaluation of virtual and augmented reality for teaching mathematics in primary education

3d Object sentence examples within Real 3d Object

Denoising of dynamic 3D meshes via low-rank spectral analysis

High-resolution augmented reality 3D display with use of a lenticular lens array holographic optical element.

3d Object sentence examples within Accurate 3d Object

UAS-Based Crack Detection Using Stereo Cameras: a Comparative Study

Effective 3D object reconstruction from densely sampled circular light fields

3d Object sentence examples within Deformable 3d Object

New Graph Distance Based on Stable Marriage Formulation for Deformable 3D Objects Recognition

New graph distance for deformable 3D objects recognition based on triangle-stars decomposition

3d Object sentence examples within Imaging 3d Object

3D Phaseless Imaging at Nano-scale: Challenges and Possible Solutions

Noise suppression by controlling the sparsity of the point spread function in interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography (I-COACH).

3d Object sentence examples within Building 3d Object

Investigate the Effects of the Laser Cladding Parameters on the Microstructure, Phases Formation, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Metallic Glasses Coatings for Biomedical Implant Application

Use of 3D printing in andrological surgery: what are the new perspectives

3d Object sentence examples within View 3d Object

Viewpoint invariant semantic object and scene categorization with RGB-D sensors

Deep Learning a Single Photo Voxel Model Prediction from Real and Synthetic Images

3d Object sentence examples within Form 3d Object

Stitch-Free Fabrication of Microoptical Elements Employing Femtosecond Laser 3D Lithography

The MoSeS dynamic omnigami paradigm for smart shape and composition programmable 2D materials

3d Object sentence examples within Creating 3d Object

Visual knitting machine programming

3D modelling of cultural heritage objective in Timisoara using precise LiDAR

3d Object sentence examples within Dynamic 3d Object

Region Dependent Mesh Refinement for Volumetric Video Workflows

Global 3D Non-Rigid Registration of Deformable Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera

3d Object sentence examples within Optical 3d Object

Optical 3D object security and reconstruction using pixel-evaluated integral imaging algorithm.

Application of immersion method for measuring freeform surfaces

3d Object sentence examples within Fabricate 3d Object

Fabrication of Zero-Order Sustained-Release Floating Tablets via Fused Depositing Modeling 3D Printer.

Effect of ultrasonic impact treatment on the stress-controlled fatigue performance of additively manufactured ti-6al-4v alloy

3d Object sentence examples within Time 3d Object

SCNet: Subdivision Coding Network for Object Detection Based on 3D Point Cloud

Real-Time 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Monocular Images of Cluttered Environment

3d Object sentence examples within Simple 3d Object

Numerical study of color holographic display from single computer-generated cylindrical hologram by radial-division method

High-resolution spatial light modulator on glass for digital holographic display

3d Object sentence examples within Corresponding 3d Object

PIFu: Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution Clothed Human Digitization

An Adaptive Probabilistic Atlas for Anomalous Brain Segmentation in MR Images.

3d Object sentence examples within Novel 3d Object

Body scanning oriented 3D object modelling method based on multi-view depth camera

GSPN: Generative Shape Proposal Network for 3D Instance Segmentation in Point Cloud

3d Object sentence examples within Tackle 3d Object

NormalNet: A voxel-based CNN for 3D object classification and retrieval

A Deep Learning Method for 3D Object Classification Using the Wave Kernel Signature and A Center Point of the 3D-Triangle Mesh

3d Object sentence examples within Popular 3d Object

A Polynomial Surface Fit Algorithm for Filling Holes in Point Cloud Data

Angular Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-view 3D Shape Retrieval

3d Object sentence examples within Build 3d Object

Resilient living materials built by printing bacterial spores

Resilient Living Materials Built By Printing Bacterial Spores

3d Object sentence examples within Final 3d Object

Three-Dimensional Printing of a LiFePO4/Graphite Battery Cell via Fused Deposition Modeling

Recent advancements in additive manufacturing technologies for porous material applications