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Understanding Reflective Practice

We are women! We are ready! Amplifying women’s voices through feminist participatory action research

Women’s movement in the United States today

Perched on a Parched Hill: Popular Women, Popular Feminism, and the Struggle for Water in Medellín


Transformationsprozesse, politische Un-Ordnung und die Ordnung der Geschlechter im Vorderen Orient. Das Beispiel Irak

Digital ‘Lakshman Rekhas’: Understanding the Impact of Safety Apps on Women’s Freedom of Movement in Urban Spaces

Colluding With and Resisting the State: Organizing Against Gender Violence in the U.S.

Casa de la Asegurada: A Collective Housing Facility for Women Development in Mexico

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Advances and challenges in healthcare for delivery and childbirth in the Unified Health System (SUS): the role of Rede Cegonha.

Colombian women’s and feminist movements in the peace negotiation process in Havana:complexities of the struggle for peace in transitional contexts

Gender and the Politics of Class: Women in Trade Unions in Bengal

The Pioneer Women: Rewriting the History of Gender in Sudan

Between Sexual Violence and Autonomy: Rethinking the Engagement of the Indian Women’s Movement with Criminal Law

Arab women’s activism in a transnational media landscape: negotiating gendered spaces

Introduction: A Country of Her Making

Divorce, kinship, and errant wives: Islamic feminism in India, and the everyday life of divorce and maintenance

Review of Faith and Feminism in Pakistan by Afiya Zia and The Women’s Movement in Pakistan by Ayesha Khan

Cycles of Conflict, a Century of Continuity: The Impact of Persistent Place-Based Political Logics on Social Movement Strategy1

Baptising Pandita Ramabai: Faith and religiosity in the nineteenth-century social reform movements of colonial India

Gender Identity, National Identity and the Right to Self-Determination: The Peculiar Case of Taiwan

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Legislative Attempts, 1983–1988

Security in the Gulf: Local militaries before British withdrawal

Stanowisko kobiety w rodzinie i społeczeństwie według „Gazety Kołomyjskiej”

Women’s Participation in Peace-Making Processes

A Review of Feminist Scholarship on Domestic Violence and Innovative Pathways Forward: An Introduction to the Special Issue

Europe and the storming of the US Capitol

The Kurdish Women’s Movement in Turkey and Its Struggle for Gender Justice

Performing the Female Alternative in Victorian Popular Drama: The “Girl of the Period” and the “Fast Girl”

Women’s rights and critical junctures in constitutional reform in Africa (1951–2019)

The Cultivation of Conformity: Towards a General Theory of Internal Secularisation

El país de las mujeres, Gioconda Belli’s (Neo)feminist Treatise: New Proposals for a Post-Sandinista Society in Nicaragua

Feminicidio and #NiUna Menos: An Analysis of Twitter Conversations During the First 3 Years of the Argentinean Movement

Queen Elizabeth II – a ruler for all seasons and all races

Adaptive work in the primary health care response to domestic violence in occupied Palestinian territory: a qualitative evaluation using Extended Normalisation Process Theory

Including caste and caste-based sexual violence in teaching

Fortieth anniversary reflections on the early days of HIV and the current era

Female sagging breast dynamic 3D displacement study based on multiple 3-axes accelerometers measuring system

Beijing +25

Introducing the special issue on sexual violence in a Nordic context

Sex Selection, Family Building Strategies and the Political Economy of Gender

Becoming equals: the meaning and practice of gender equality in an Islamic feminist movement in India

F. A. Hayek’s Family and the Vienna Circles

Feminist Research in Misogynistic Times

Growing Up as a Girl in Late Socialist Poland: The Personal, the Political and Class in Feminist Quasi-Autobiographical Novels by Izabela Filipiak and Joanna Bator

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Clara Zetkin (1857–1933)

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Asante Queen Mothers in Ghana

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The Anti-Rape and Battered Women’s Movements of the 1970s and 1980s

Feminism, Family Planning and National Planning

Feminist-Inspired NGO Activism in Contemporary China: Expanding the Inductive Approach in Qualitative Inquiry

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