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Hydrodynamic Analysis of Twin-Hull Structures Supporting Floating PV Systems in Offshore and Coastal Regions

Numerical Investigation on Motion Responses of a Floating Hemisphere Over a Sloping Bottom

Adaptive array invariant in range-dependent environments with variable bathymetry.

Mathematical modeling of arbitrary shaped harbor with permeable and impermeable breakwaters using hybrid finite element method

Application of deep learning to large scale riverine flow velocity estimation

An optimized, parameter-free PML-FEM for wave scattering problems in the ocean and coastal environment

Numerical Simulations of Non-Breaking, Breaking and Broken Wave Interaction with Emerged Vegetation Using Navier-Stokes Equations

Radial Basis Function Collocation Models for Water Wave Propagation over a Submerged Breakwater

More Variable Bathymetry 可変水深 sentence examples

A nonconforming hydroelastic triangle for ice shelf modal analysis

HOS Simulations of Nonlinear Water Waves in Complex Media

Learn more from Variable Bathymetry 可変水深

Variable Bathymetry 可変水深の概要

Variable Bathymetry 可変水深
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