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Thought Action Fusion sentence examples within obsessive compulsive disorder

Effectiveness Of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment On Tolerance Of Uncertainty And Thought-Action Fusion In The Patients With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Ocd)

The Neural Correlates of Positive Versus Negative Thought-action Fusion in Healthy Young Adults.

Therapists’ Thought-Action Fusion Beliefs Predict Utilization of Exposure in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Erratum regarding missing Declaration of Competing Interest statements in previously published articles

The role of disgust proneness and contamination-related thought-action fusion in mental contamination-related washing urges

Erratum regarding missing Declaration of Competing Interest statements in previously published articles

Korean Version of the Thought-Action Fusion Scale: The Evidence for Its Psychometric Properties

[The Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire: Adaptation of Its Short Forms to the Turkish and Examination of Their Psychometric Properties].

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Thought Action Fusion 思考行動融合の概要

Thought Action Fusion 思考行動融合
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