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The sensitivity of third party punishment to the framing effect and its brain mechanism

Teams Do Inflict Costly Third-Party Punishment as Individuals Do: Experimental Evidence

Reputational and cooperative benefits of third-party compensation

Direct and indirect reciprocity among individuals and groups.

Third-party punishment promotes fairness in children.

Social status affects how third parties assess unfairly shared losses and unfairly shared gains.

Punishing defectors and rewarding cooperators: Do people discriminate between genders?

Roles of trait resilience, flexibility, and volitional self-control in social adaptation: An fMRI study

Third-Party Punishment Mechanism and Corporate Cooperation in Environmental Investment: Experiments on Public Goods Game

Who initiates punishment, who joins punishment? Disentangling types of third-party punishers by neural traits.

Wired to Punish? Electroencephalographic Study of the Resting-state Neuronal Oscillations Underlying Third-party Punishment

Intrinsic functional connectivity of the frontoparietal network predicts inter-individual differences in the propensity for costly third-party punishment.

Moral outrage drives the interaction of harm and culpable intent in third-party punishment decisions.

Altruistic Punishment, Status Conflict, and Knowledge Sharing in the Workplace: An Evolutionary Game Model

Empathy-based tolerance towards poor norm violators in third-party punishment.

Children favor punishment over restoration.

An fMRI investigation of the intention-outcome interactions in second- and third-party punishment.

Third-party punishment promotes fairness in children

Fairness and Altruism Among High School Students - A Global Study in Behavioral Economics

The Roots of Cooperation

“Watching Eyes” Triggers Third-Party Punishment: The Role of Emotion Within the Eyes

Learn more from Third Party Punishment 第三者による罰則

Third Party Punishment 第三者による罰則の概要

Third Party Punishment 第三者による罰則
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