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Joint nested frailty models for clustered recurrent and terminal events: An application to colonoscopy screening visits and colorectal cancer risks in Lynch Syndrome families

Is There Any Role for Super-Extended Limphadenectomy in Advanced Gastric Cancer? Results of an Observational Study from a Western High Volume Center

First and recurrent events after percutaneous coronary intervention: implications for survival analyses

The Cox–Aalen model for recurrent‐event data with a dependent terminal event

Dynamic prediction of repeated events data based on landmarking model: application to colorectal liver metastases data

Design and analysis of nested case-control studies for recurrent events subject to a terminal event.

Nonparametric group sequential methods for recurrent and terminal events from multiple follow-up windows.

Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Dokter tentang Pengisian Penyebab Kematian Medis (Medical Cause of Death) Berdasarkan Standar ICD-10 di RS Tersier di Bandung

A semiparametric additive rates model for the weighted composite endpoint of recurrent and terminal events

DORA: An Experimental Platform for Smart Cities

Partial sufficient dimension reduction on joint model of recurrent and terminal events

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Terminal Events ターミナルイベント
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