Discover more insights into Terminal Constraints 端末の制約

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Terminal Constraints sentence examples within model predictive control

Viability, viscosity, and storage functions in model-predictive control with terminal constraints

Safe polyhedral tubes for locally convexified MPC

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within optimal control problem

On the strong subregularity of the optimality mapping in mathematical programming and calculus of variations

Multistage Linear Gauss Pseudospectral Method for Piecewise Continuous Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Without Terminal Constraints

Constrained nonlinear output regulation using model predictive control

Tube-based Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: A Comparative Study on Constraint Tightening

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Meeting Terminal Constraints

Closed-loop dynamic real-time optimization of a batch graft polymerization reactor

Grafting of Styrene on Ground Tire Rubber Particles in a Batch Polymerization Reactor: Dynamic Real-Time Optimization

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Stabilizing Terminal Constraints

Nonlinear MPC for collision-free and deadlock-free navigation of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots

Robust Self-triggered MPC for Constrained Linear Systems with Additive Disturbance

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Hard Terminal Constraints

Geometric control with model predictive static programming on SO(3)

An Intercept Guidance Law with Impact-Angle-Constrained Based on Linear Gauss Pseudospectral Model Predictive Control

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Guarantee Terminal Constraints

Two-Stage Guidance Law With Constrained Impact via Circle Involute

Autonomous Entry Guidance based on 3-D Gliding Trajectory Analytical Solution

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Variou Terminal Constraints

Multiconstrained Gliding Guidance Based on Optimal and Reinforcement Learning Method

An ascent guidance algorithm for the energy management of solid rockets.

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within Select Terminal Constraints

Constraint Enforcement via Tube-Based MPC Exploiting Switching Restrictions

Constraint Enforcement via Tube-Based MPC Exploiting Switching Restrictions

Terminal Constraints sentence examples within terminal constraints involving

Relationship between backward and forward linear-quadratic mean-field-game with terminal constraint and optimal asset allocation for insurers and pension funds

Relationship between backward and forward linear-quadratic mean-field-game with terminal constraint and optimal asset allocation for insurers and pension funds

Multiple Motors Collaborative Motion of Cyber-Physical System under DoS Attack

Optimization Based Merging Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles and Platoons

Impact Angle Control Guidance Laws Using Finite-Time-Convergence Control Methods

Successive Convexification for Online Ascent Trajectory Optimization

Trajectory shaping guidance law design using constraint-combining multiplier

Data-Driven Finite-Horizon Tracking Control With Event-Triggered Mechanism for the Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems.

Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons Under Uncertainty

Terminal inventory level constraints for online production scheduling

Sliding mode–based simultaneous control of impact angle and impact time

Multiconstrained Real-Time Entry Guidance Using Deep Neural Networks

Minimum Energy Control of a Unicycle Model Robot

Gradient method using pseudospectral collocation scheme for two-stage optimal control with an unspecified switching time

Distributed MPC for economic dispatch and intermittence control of renewable based autonomous microgrid

Impact Angle Control Guidance of Glide-Capable Munition Using a Vector Field Approach

Analysis of Markov Jump Processes under Terminal Constraints

A convex approach to trajectory optimization for boost back of vertical take-off/vertical landing reusable launch vehicles

A Distributed Integrated Control Architecture of AFS and DYC Based on MAS for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles

Impact time and angle control guidance independent of time-to-go prediction

Suboptimal trajectory programming for unmanned aerial vehicles with dynamic obstacle avoidance

Neural-Network-Based Output-Feedback Control Under Round-Robin Scheduling Protocols

Short-Range Reentry Guidance With Impact Angle and Impact Velocity Constraints for Hypersonic Gliding Reentry Vehicle

2D Terminal Constrained Model Predictive Iterative Learning Control of Batch Processes With Time Delay

Scheduling in production, supply chain and Industry 4.0 systems by optimal control: fundamentals, state-of-the-art and applications

Distributed model predictive based secondary control for economic production and frequency regulation of MG

Stability of Predictive Control in Job Shop System with Reconfigurable Machine Tools for Capacity Adjustment

Terminal region characterization and stability analysis of discrete time quasi-infinite horizon nonlinear model predictive control

An Improved Lexicographic MO-MPC Based on Linear Decomposition

New approach to visual servo control using terminal constraints

An on-line guidance algorithm for high L/D hypersonic reentry vehicles

Rapid trajectory planning of a reusable launch vehicle for airdrop with geographic constraints

Feasible footprint generation with uncertainty effects

Scheduling in Production, Supply Chain and Industry 4.0 Systems by Optimal Control: Fundamentals, State-of-the-Art, and Applications

Development of a mobile web services discovery and composition model

Optimal Design of Turning Law for Vertical Launch of Missile Based on Quaternion

An Engineering Re-entry Guidance Method for Fixed-trim Vehicles with Terminal Constraints

Dynamic pressure based mid-course guidance scheme for hypersonic boost-glide vehicle

Control variable parameterisation with penalty approach for hypersonic vehicle reentry optimisation

Simultaneous Capture and Detumble of a Resident Space Object by a Free-Flying Spacecraft-Manipulator System

Trajectory Optimization of Two Cooperative Aircrafts Based on RHC

Three-Dimensional Intercept Angle Guidance for Active Aircraft Protection

Robust Batch-to-Batch Optimization with Scenario Adaptation

Modeling of goethite iron precipitation process based on time-delay fuzzy gray cognitive network

Glide trajectory optimization for hypersonic vehicles via dynamic pressure control

Learn more from Terminal Constraints 端末の制約

Terminal Constraints 端末の制約の概要

Terminal Constraints 端末の制約
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