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Temporal Expectations sentence examples within Rhythmic Temporal Expectations

Rhythmic Temporal Expectation Boosts Neural Activity by Increasing Neural Gain

Individual alpha frequency increases during a task but is unchanged by alpha-band flicker

Temporal Expectations sentence examples within While Temporal Expectations

Minimal interplay between explicit knowledge, dynamics of learning and temporal expectations in different, complex uni- and multisensory contexts

Minimal interplay between explicit knowledge, dynamics of learning and temporal expectations in different, complex uni- and multisensory contexts

Temporal Expectations sentence examples within temporal expectations exert

Effects of Temporal Expectations on the Perception of Motion Gestalts

Effects of Temporal Expectations on the Perception of Motion Gestalts.

Learn more from Temporal Expectations 一時的な期待

Decoding Object-Based Auditory Attention from Source-Reconstructed MEG Alpha Oscillations

Visual Familiarity Induced 5-Hz Oscillations and Improved Orientation and Direction Selectivities in V1

Shielding working-memory representations from temporally predictable external interference

Cross-modal perceptual enhancement of unisensory targets is uni-directional and does not affect temporal expectations

Shielding working-memory representations from temporally predictable external interference

The spatiotemporal link of temporal expectations: contextual temporal expectation is independent of spatial attention

Dissociating cholinergic influence on alertness and temporal attention in primates in a simple reaction time paradigm

Having your cake and eating it: Faster responses with reduced muscular activation while learning a temporal interval

Explicitly versus implicitly driven temporal expectations: No evidence for altered perceptual processing due to top-down modulations

Learn more from Temporal Expectations 一時的な期待

Temporal Expectations 一時的な期待の概要

Temporal Expectations 一時的な期待
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