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Development of an Intelligent Foreign Language Multimedia Teaching System Based on the “New Liberal Arts” Paradigm

Proposing a theoretical and state-of-the-art didactic model to balance oral communication fluency and accuracy in English as a foreign language

Teaching Theories sentence examples within New Teaching Theories

Education Reform and Practice of Public English Teaching in Higher Vocational Education under STEAM


The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes

Design and Analysis of a Robotics Day Event to Encourage the Uptake of a Career in STEM Fields to Pre-GCSE Students

Asālīb Bināi Manhaj At-Ta‘allum Al-Madji ‘Alā Asās Al-Madkhal Al-Itisālī Li Tanmiyati Mahārāt Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Li Nātiqīna Bi Gairihā

Educating Healthcare Students: Strategies to Teach Systems Thinking to Prepare New Healthcare Graduates.

Las Teorías de Enseñanza y los Estilos de Aprendizaje y los Modelos Teóricos para ajustarlos / Teaching Theories, Learning Styles and Theoretical Models for their Adjustment

Construction and Evaluation of PBL College English Teaching Test Model Based on “Product Oriented” (POA)

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Teaching Theories 教育理論
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