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Prediction of leopard habitat suitability in Taman Negara main forest complex, Malaysia

A camera trap record of Asiatic Golden Cat Catopuma temminckii (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in State Land Forest, Merapoh, Pahang, Malaysia

Taman Negara sentence examples within taman negara johor

Documentation of plants as natural colorants by Temuan community in Taman Negara Johor Gunung Ledang

Comparison of Diversity and Community Structure of Aquatic Insects Based on Habitat Class in Johor

Taman Negara sentence examples within taman negara terengganu

A Checklist of the Moths of Tasik Kenyir

Checklist of Small Mammals of Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu

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More Taman Negara 国立公園 sentence examples

A 3D GIS mapping for landscape geovisualisation and park management: A case study in Kuala Keniam Station, Taman Negara Malaysia

Orchid diversity in antropogenic-induced degraded tropical rainforest, an extrapolation towards conservation

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Taman Negara 国立公園の概要

Taman Negara 国立公園
Encyclopedia 百科事典