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Sweet Orange sentence examples within present study aimed

Alcoholic fermentation of citrus flavedo and albedo with pure and mixed yeast strains: Physicochemical characteristics and phytochemical profiles

Sweet orange acclimatisation to water stress: a rootstock dependency

Sweet Orange sentence examples within Valencium Sweet Orange

Spray volumes and frequencies of insecticide applications for suppressing Diaphorina citri populations in orchards

The Mechanism of Citrus Host Defense Response Repression at Early Stages of Infection by Feeding of Diaphorina citri Transmitting Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Sweet Orange sentence examples within Pera Sweet Orange

Mid-season sweet oranges for fresh and processing markets in Brazil

Compatibility and horticultural performance of Pera sweet orange clones grafted to Swingle citrumelo rootstock

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Sweet Orange sentence examples within Hamlin Sweet Orange

Evaluation of the control effect of SAR inducers against citrus Huanglongbing applied by foliar spray, soil drench or trunk injection

Base editors for citrus gene editing

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange peel

Antioxidant Activity of Flavonoid Compounds in Ethanol and Ethyl Acetate Extract from Citrus Sinensis

Anti-fungal activity of phenolic sweet orange peel extract for controlling fungi responsible for post-harvest fruit decay.

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange tree

Potential of soil cover with plastic film for the setting of sweet orange orchards

Produção e qualidade de frutos de genótipos de laranjeiras-doce selecionados para o estado do Acre

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange fruit

Comparative chemical composition of 24-hour fermented sweet orange fruit (Citrus sinensis) peel meal and maize and effect on performance response of starting pullet chicks

Transcript profiles analysis of citrus aquaporins in response to fruit water loss during storage.

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange juice

Rootstocks Genotypes Impact on Tree Development and Industrial Properties of ‘Valencia’ Sweet Orange Juice

Antibacterial activity of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) juice extract on selected bacteria

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange grafted

Less Is More: A Hard Way to Get Potential Dwarfing Hybrid Rootstocks for Valencia Sweet Orange

Bioactivity of the essential oil from sweet orange leaves against the coconut mite Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae) and selectivity to a generalist predator

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange cv

Effect of foliar application of micronutrients and soil application of zinc sulphate on total chlorophyll and carotenoid content in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) cv. blood red

Flavedo and albedo of five citrus fruits from Southern Italy: physicochemical characteristics and enzyme-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange essential

Enhancing the oxidative stability of algal oil emulsions by adding sweet orange oil: Effect of essential oil concentration.

Essential Oils-Loaded Polymer Particles: Preparation, Characterization and Antimicrobial Property

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange plant

Development of a gRNA-tRNA array of CRISPR/Cas9 in combination with grafting technique to improve gene-editing efficiency of sweet orange.

Effects of grafting and gradual rootstock substitution on gas exchanges of orange seedlings under high atmospheric evaporative demand

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange production

Influence of Foliar Fertilization of Micronutrients on Leaf Micro Nutrient Status of Sweet Orange cv. Blood Red

Evaluating high-resolution computed tomography to study citrus tristeza virus-induced stem pitting

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange variety

Environmental requirements for infection of Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides sensu lato in citrus flowers and prevalence of these pathogens in Brazil

Studies on mutation breeding in citrus: Improving seedless types of ‘Kozan’ common orange by gamma irradiation

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange citru

Sweet orange acclimatisation to water stress: a rootstock dependency

فعالية الزيوت الطيارة لقشور نوعين من فواكه الحمضيات على حلم العنكبوت (Tetranychus urticae Koch) (Acari: Tetraychnidae) والحلم المفترس (Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henroit) (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Sweet Orange sentence examples within sweet orange cultivar

Potential areas for the establishment of citrus leprosis virus vectors, Brevipalpus spp., in Mexico.

Genetic structure analysis and genetic finger printing of sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) by using SCoT molecular markers

Incidence of Asiatic Citrus Canker on Trifoliate Orange and Its Hybrid Accessions in a Florida Field Planting

Leaf proline accumulation and fruit yield of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees under natural water stress

Citrus Cell Suspension Culture Establishment, Maintenance, Efficient Transformation and Regeneration to Complete Transgenic Plant

Discrimination of Genetically Very Close Accessions of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

A Review on Papaya Mealybug Identification and Management Through Plant Essential Oils

Effect of Wax Coating on Post Harvest Quality Parameters and Sensory Characteristics of Oranges

Citrus sinensis CBF1 Functions in Cold Tolerance by Modulating Putrescine Biosynthesis Through Regulation of ARGININE DECARBOXYLASE.

Damage potential and control of the common mormon butterfly, Papilio polytes Cramer on citrus

Preliminary Report on the Acquisition, Persistence, and Potential Transmission of Citrus tristeza virus by Diaphorina citri

Advances and Challenges in RNA Interference Technology for Citrus Huanglongbing Vector Control

‘Tropical Sunki’ mandarin and hybrid citrus rootstocks under ‘Pera’ sweet orange in cohesive soil and As climate without irrigation

Variation of Patulin Levels in Citrus Fruits From Central Cities of Punjab and Northern Cities of Pakistan, and Estimation of Dietary Intake

Evaluation of Prophage Gene Revealed Population Variation of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus’: Bacterial Pathogen of Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) in Northern Thailand

Migration of Chlorine in Plant–Soil–Leaching System and Its Effects on the Yield and Fruit Quality of Sweet Orange

A Transcriptional Analysis of the Genes Involved in the Ascorbic Acid Pathways Based on a Comparison of the Juice and Leaves of Navel and Anthocyanin-Rich Sweet Orange Varieties

Impact of the Drying Techniques on the Functional Properties of Citrus sinensis (Sweet Orange) Fruit − A Review

Regulation of Tocopherol Biosynthesis During Fruit Maturation of Different Citrus Species

Diversity of Colletotrichum Species Associated with Olive Anthracnose Worldwide

First Report of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri causing Citrus Canker on lime in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

Octahedral ruthenium and magnesium naringenin 5-alkoxide complexes: NMR analysis of diastereoisomers and in-vivo antibacterial activity against Xylella fastidiosa.

Comparative Assessment of Wines Developed from Different Varieties of Oranges

Field Performance of ‘Hamlin’ Orange Trees Grown on Various Rootstocks in Huanglongbing-endemic Conditions

Effects of Molecular Distillation on the Chemical Components, Cleaning, and Antibacterial Abilities of Four Different Citrus Oils

Extraction and Characterization of Pectin from Citrus sinensis Peel

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of Polyamine Uptake Transporter gene family in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis).

Chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant and antihyperglycemic activities of clove, thyme, oregano, and sweet orange essential oils

Natural variations of TFIIAγ gene and LOB1 promoter contribute to citrus canker disease resistance in Atalantia buxifolia

Genetic background of the citrus landrace ‘Huarongdao Zhoupigan’ revealed by simple sequence repeat marker and genomic analyses

Economic Analysis of Sweet Orange in Sindhuli District of Nepal


Use of Thermal Imaging to Assess Water Status in Citrus Plants in Greenhouses

Easily Extractable Glomalin-Related Soil Protein as Foliar Spray Improves Nutritional Qualities of Late Ripening Sweet Oranges

Association of 16SrII-C subgroup phytoplasma related strains with witches’-broom symptoms in Sweet orange and Orlando tangelo in Iran

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