Structures Formed
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Structures Formed sentence examples within scanning electron microscopy
Microstructures formed in the aluminum/copper interface were studied by optical- and scanning electron microscopy, while a sessile drop wetting test was used to study the wettability between the aluminum melt and Sn-coated copper substrates.
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Scanning electron microscopy has been used to study recrystallization processes during the annealing (to 16 h) of nickel with cellular, mixed, and submicrocrystalline structures formed by high-pressure torsion deformation.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within density functional theory
In this work, we employed density functional theory to obtain structures, adsorption energies, electronic/optical properties, binding (AIM, NBO), and energy decomposition analyses (ALMO-EDA) of nanostructures formed by phosphorene and fullerenes (C24 to C70).
この研究では、ホスホレンとフラーレン(C24~C70)によって形成されたナノ構造の構造、吸着エネルギー、電子/光学的性質、結合(AIM、NBO)、およびエネルギー分解分析(ALMO - EDA)を得るための密度汎関数理論を採用しました(C24~C70)。
この研究では、ホスホレンとフラーレン(C24~C70)によって形成されたナノ構造の構造、吸着エネルギー、電子/光学的性質、結合(AIM、NBO)、およびエネルギー分解分析(ALMO - EDA)を得るための密度汎関数理論を採用しました(C24~C70)。
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Electronic and optical properties of nanostructures formed by monolayer of molybdenite and with adsorption of alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) and halogens (F, Cl, Br, I, At) on MoS2 are investigated by using the first principle calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT).
モリブデンイトの単層によって形成されたナノ構造の電子的および光学的性質およびMOS2上のアルカリ金属(Li、Na、K、Rb、CS)およびハロゲン(F、Cl、B、I、AT)の吸着が最初の原理を使用することによって調べられる 密度汎関数理論(DFT)に基づく計算
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Assembled Structures Formed
We report the self-assembled structures formed by Fmoc modified aliphatic uncharged single amino acids.
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Dynamic light scattering was used to analyze the effects of the two polysaccharides on the different self-assembled structures formed within these solutions as a function of temperature from the micellization to the sol-gel transition.
動的光散乱を用いて、これらの溶液中に形成された異なる自己組織化構造上の2つの多糖類の効果を、ミセル化からゾル - ゲル転移までの温度の関数として分析した。
動的光散乱を用いて、これらの溶液中に形成された異なる自己組織化構造上の2つの多糖類の効果を、ミセル化からゾル - ゲル転移までの温度の関数として分析した。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Network Structures Formed
The BES-3 fluid exhibited superior viscoelasticity, shear-tolerance, and temperature-tolerance as a result of the strong network structures formed by entangled wormlike micelles of the interacted surfactants in solution.
BES - 3流体は、溶液中の相互作用した界面活性剤の絡み合っている摩耗性ミセルによって形成された強力なネットワーク構造の結果として、優れた粘弾性、剪断耐性、および温度耐性を示した。
BES - 3流体は、溶液中の相互作用した界面活性剤の絡み合っている摩耗性ミセルによって形成された強力なネットワーク構造の結果として、優れた粘弾性、剪断耐性、および温度耐性を示した。
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In addition, Si–O–Si and Si–O–Zn bonds were found in the CPTES/CGC, which indicate new network structures formed inside the CPTES/CGC, between the interface of the CPTES/CGC and HDG substrate, resulting in dry adhesion, wet adhesion, and the cathodic protection time of CPTES/CGC increased by 50% and 200% and 300% respectively compared with the CGC.
さらに、Si - O - SiおよびSi - O - Zn結合はCPTE / CGC内に見出され、これはCPTE / CGCの内部に形成された新しいネットワーク構造、CPES / CGCおよびHDG基質の界面の間に形成された新しいネットワーク構造を示す。
CPTES / CGCの接着、湿潤接着、および陰極保護時間は、CGCと比較して50%および200%および300%増加した。
さらに、Si - O - SiおよびSi - O - Zn結合はCPTE / CGC内に見出され、これはCPTE / CGCの内部に形成された新しいネットワーク構造、CPES / CGCおよびHDG基質の界面の間に形成された新しいネットワーク構造を示す。 CPTES / CGCの接着、湿潤接着、および陰極保護時間は、CGCと比較して50%および200%および300%増加した。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Secondary Structures Formed
In addition, we characterised secondary structures formed by individual fibrillar complexes using laser-tweezers Raman spectroscopy.
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G-quadruplexes (G4) are the most actively studied non-canonical secondary structures formed by contiguous repeats of guanines in DNA or RNA strands.
G - 四重鎖(G4)は、DNAまたはRNA鎖におけるグアニンの連続的な反復によって形成された最も能動的に研究されていない非標準二次構造である。
G - 四重鎖(G4)は、DNAまたはRNA鎖におけるグアニンの連続的な反復によって形成された最も能動的に研究されていない非標準二次構造である。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Hierarchical Structures Formed
Hierarchical structures formed by colloidal building blocks are typically assembled from monodisperse particles interacting via engineered directional interactions.
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The hierarchical structures formed by the femtosecond laser dramatically enhanced the wettability of the electrode interface, giving it superwicking properties.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Complex Structures Formed
Biofilms are complex structures formed by a community of microbes adhering to a surface and/or to each other through the secretion of an adhesive and protective matrix.
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Statistical analysis of species – mediated relationships has shown that most species prefer to survive incommunities with complex structures formed in poorly polluted organic waters.
種の統計的分析 - 媒介関係は、ほとんどの種が汚染されていない有機水で形成された複雑な構造を持つ不一致を生き残ることを好むことを示しました。
種の統計的分析 - 媒介関係は、ほとんどの種が汚染されていない有機水で形成された複雑な構造を持つ不一致を生き残ることを好むことを示しました。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Layer Structures Formed
We then investigated the hydration layer structures formed on the PMPS films and achieved the selective adsorption of fibronectin (Fn).
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Multiple-layer structures formed in the NiTi thin films owing to proton irradiation.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Acid Structures Formed
R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures formed by an RNA-DNA hybrid with a displaced non-template DNA strand.
R-ループは、変位した非鋳型DNA鎖を有するRNA - DNAハイブリッドによって形成された三本鎖核酸構造である。
R-ループは、変位した非鋳型DNA鎖を有するRNA - DNAハイブリッドによって形成された三本鎖核酸構造である。
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G-quadruplexes are noncanonical nucleic acid structures formed by stacked guanine tetrads.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Rna Structures Formed
Some RNA structures formed by the genomes of RNA viruses are critical for viral replication.
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Importance Some RNA structures formed by the genomes of RNA viruses are critical for viral replication.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Cubic Structures Formed
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images showed cubic structures formed by smaller cubic nanostructures.
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(a) Cubic structures formed by CTAB above critical micellar concentration used as a template to generate highly ordered mesoporous silica.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Tubular Structures Formed
Moreover, CAR T cells were able to destroy the tubular structures formed by human umbilical vein endothelial cells and significantly inhibit the growth, infiltration and metastasis of orthotopic mammary xenograft tumors in a female BALB/c nude mice model.
さらに、CAR T細胞は、ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞によって形成された管状構造を破壊することができ、女性BALB / Cヌードマウスモデルにおけるオルソトピック乳化腫瘍腫瘍の増殖、浸潤および転移を著しく阻害することができた。
さらに、CAR T細胞は、ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞によって形成された管状構造を破壊することができ、女性BALB / Cヌードマウスモデルにおけるオルソトピック乳化腫瘍腫瘍の増殖、浸潤および転移を著しく阻害することができた。
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Proliferation and migration of EPCs, and number of tubular structures formed were significantly suppressed under high glucose conditions, but were significantly and concentration-dependently promoted by XTG treatment (p < 0.
EPCの増殖および移動、および形成された管状構造の数は、高グルコース条件下で有意に抑制されたが、XTG処理によって有意にそして濃度依存的に促進された(P <0。
EPCの増殖および移動、および形成された管状構造の数は、高グルコース条件下で有意に抑制されたが、XTG処理によって有意にそして濃度依存的に促進された(P <0。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Dimensional Structures Formed
The numerical simulation was carried out for two-layer ensembles and bulk clouds of charged particles in the gravity field, and for two-dimensional structures formed in the external electric fields under the influence of forces proportional to the square of dust radius.
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Biofilms are complex three-dimensional structures formed at interfaces by the vast majority of bacteria and fungi.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Porou Structures Formed
Microporous zeolite-type materials, with crystalline porous structures formed by well-defined channels and cages of molecular dimensions, have been widely employed as heterogeneous catalysts since the early 1960s, due to their wide variety of framework topologies, compositional flexibility and hydrothermal stability.
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Lattice structures are porous structures formed by a controlled repetition in space of a designed base unit cell.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Crystal Structures Formed
The results of XRD analysis showed that the crystal structures formed at a calcination temperature of 450 oC were the anatase and rutile phases.
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Based on the theoretical study presented here, the anhydrous analogues of the known hydrated Pu(IV) and Pu(III) oxalates are the preferred crystal structures formed through an overall exothermic reaction process.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Dna Structures Formed
This review will emphasize recent developments of aptasensors using aptamers that are able to adopt the particular G-quadruplex (G4) conformations, which are secondary DNA structures formed from guanine-rich sequences.
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i-motifs are noncanonical DNA structures formed via the stack of intercalating hemi-protonated C+: C base pairs in C-rich DNA strands and play essential roles in the regulation of gene expression.
I - モチーフは、CリッチDNA鎖中の挿入ヘミプロトン化C +:C塩基対のスタックを介して形成され、そして遺伝子発現の調節において必須の役割を果たす非系列DNA構造である。
I - モチーフは、CリッチDNA鎖中の挿入ヘミプロトン化C +:C塩基対のスタックを介して形成され、そして遺伝子発現の調節において必須の役割を果たす非系列DNA構造である。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Gel Structures Formed
Scanning electron micrographs showed fine-stranded gel structures formed at low ionic strength and coarsely aggregated gel structures at high ionic strength.
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In addition, the strengthened retrogradation and gel structures formed by the rearrangement and entanglement of starch polymer chains also demonstrated the structural disorganizations of starch granules during ultrasonic treatment.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Containing Structures Formed
The Deup1-containing structures formed in multiciliogenesis and the Deup1 condensates self-assembled in vitro showed low turnover of Deup1, suggesting that Deup1 forms highly stable structures.
in vitroで自己集合された多循環構造およびDeup1縮合物に形成されたDeup1含有構造は、Deup1の回転が低いことを示し、Deup1は非常に安定な構造を形成することを示唆している。
in vitroで自己集合された多循環構造およびDeup1縮合物に形成されたDeup1含有構造は、Deup1の回転が低いことを示し、Deup1は非常に安定な構造を形成することを示唆している。
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SnO2-containing structures formed in the electrolytes with [Sn-EDTA]2- anions are shown to be active in catalytic oxidation of CO into CO2 at temperatures above 350 °C.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Bicontinuou Structures Formed
The past decade has seen increased research interest in studying bicontinuous structures formed via colloidal self-assembly due to their many useful applications.
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The presence of the bicontinuous structures formed by the upconverting fibrous nanoassemblies and the solution phase is utilized to design photochemical reaction systems induced by TTA-UC.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Pore Structures Formed
We observed that the as-prepared 2D TMO nanosheets not only perfectly inherit the transition metal selenides’ 2D topological structure, but also possess numerous pore structures formed as a way to release the structural stress associated with lattice growth.
我々は、準備された第2D TMOナノシートが遷移金属セレン化物の2D位相構造を完全に継承するだけでなく、格子成長に関連する構造的ストレスを放出する方法として形成された多数の細孔構造を有することを観察した。
我々は、準備された第2D TMOナノシートが遷移金属セレン化物の2D位相構造を完全に継承するだけでなく、格子成長に関連する構造的ストレスを放出する方法として形成された多数の細孔構造を有することを観察した。
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These latest developments hold the promise of delivering accurate, directly visualized representations of membrane pore structures formed by a given process.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Surface Structures Formed
The different surface structures formed on the SiC are classified and characterized by AE signals.
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We report an experimental investigation on laser induced periodic surface structures formed on crystalline silicon at various angle of incidence θ, for p-polarization in air.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Nano Structures Formed
By regulating the reaction solution of hydrothermal treatment, the micro-nano structures formed on the surface of scaffolds can be successfully controlled.
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Micro-nano structures formed by self-assembled peptides have been proven to have good optical, mechanical, semiconductive properties and intrinsic biocompatibility, which can be used for monitoring human health and activities.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Local Structures Formed
By the example of the local structures formed by the rock of terrigenous red bed, the present work illustrates the impact made by tectonic fracturing on their properties development.
Terregenous Red Bedの岩石によって形成された局所構造の例によって、本研究はそれらの特性開発に及ぼす構造破砕によって行われた影響を説明する。
Terregenous Red Bedの岩石によって形成された局所構造の例によって、本研究はそれらの特性開発に及ぼす構造破砕によって行われた影響を説明する。
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All local structures formed at these defects are understood by the concept of so-called canonical cell tiling.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Band Structures Formed
Band structures formed in grains upon deformation were characterized by electron backscatter diffraction technique, and the local stored energy was analyzed in a quantitative way.
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Using particle and $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray coincidence techniques, three new higher-lying states around 6 MeV and five new $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray transitions were identified for $^{46}\mathrm{Ca}$, suggesting three independent band structures formed from different particle-hole configurations.
粒子と$ ansuremath {\ gamma} $ rayの一致技術を使用して、$ ^ {46} \ Mathrm {46} \ mathrm {
粒子と$ ansuremath {\ gamma} $ rayの一致技術を使用して、$ ^ {46} \ Mathrm {46} \ mathrm { 異なる粒子穴構成から形成された3つの独立したバンド構造を示唆している。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Plant Structures Formed
Galls are characteristic plant structures formed by hypertrophy (excessive increase in cell size) and/or hyperplasia (cell proliferation) induced by parasitic or pathogenic organisms.
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Galls are characteristic plant structures formed by cell size enlargement and/or cell proliferation induced by parasitic or pathogenic organisms.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Ordered Structures Formed
The crystallographic characteristics of ordered structures formed by macromolecules of asphaltenes are studied.
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The ordered structures formed at boundary is difficult to extend to the central region due to the restricted change of particle contact conditions.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Diffraction Structures Formed
A theoretical model of quasimonochromatic light beams diffraction by spatially inhomogeneous transmitting multilayer diffraction structures formed in a photopolymer material by a holographic method is presented in this work.
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An analytical model of the diffraction of quasi-monochromatic light beams on spatially inhomogeneous multilayer diffraction structures formed in a photopolymer material by holographic means is presented.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Domain Structures Formed
The captured surface potential distribution shows significant changes: the domain structures formed rapidly, but the surface potential on polarized c domain was unstable and reversed its sign after lengthy lapse; the high broad potential barrier burst at the corrugated a-c domain wall and continued to dissipate thereafter.
波形のA - C磁壁壁に高幅潜在的な障壁が破裂し、その後放散し続けた。
捕捉された表面電位分布は有意な変化を示しています。 波形のA - C磁壁壁に高幅潜在的な障壁が破裂し、その後放散し続けた。
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The possibility of studying the Hall effect on artificially created domain structures formed by the local magnetic field of the probe of an atomic force microscope is demonstrated.
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Multiset Structures Formed
Among those, Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) offers very suitable features for image fusion, since it can easily cope with multiset structures formed by blocks of images coming from different samples and platforms and allows the use of optional and diverse constraints to adapt to the specific features of each HSI employed.
これらの中でも、多変量曲線分解能 - 交互の最小二乗(MCR - ALS)は、異なるサンプルやプラットフォームからの画像のブロックによって形成されたマルチセット構造に容易に対処することができ、オプションで多様なものの使用を可能にするので、画像融合に非常に適した特徴を提供する。
これらの中でも、多変量曲線分解能 - 交互の最小二乗(MCR - ALS)は、異なるサンプルやプラットフォームからの画像のブロックによって形成されたマルチセット構造に容易に対処することができ、オプションで多様なものの使用を可能にするので、画像融合に非常に適した特徴を提供する。 採用されている各HSIの特定の機能に適応するための制約。
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Among those, Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) offers very suitable features for image fusion, since it can easily cope with multiset structures formed by blocks of images coming from different samples and platforms and allows the use of optional and diverse constraints to adapt to the specific features of each HSI employed.
これらの中でも、多変量曲線分解能 - 交互の最小二乗(MCR - ALS)は、異なるサンプルやプラットフォームからの画像のブロックによって形成されたマルチセット構造に容易に対処することができ、オプションで多様なものの使用を可能にするので、画像融合に非常に適した特徴を提供する。
これらの中でも、多変量曲線分解能 - 交互の最小二乗(MCR - ALS)は、異なるサンプルやプラットフォームからの画像のブロックによって形成されたマルチセット構造に容易に対処することができ、オプションで多様なものの使用を可能にするので、画像融合に非常に適した特徴を提供する。 採用されている各HSIの特定の機能に適応するための制約。
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Structures Formed sentence examples within Impact Structures Formed
<p>Tensile fractures are ubiquitous in impact structures formed because of high strain rate deformations of the earth’s crust.
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