Stratospheric Warming 成層圏の温暖化 - We introduce a new method to detect and monitor sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation (RO) data at high northern latitudes and demonstrate it for the well-known January–February 2009 event. [1] In contrast, global-mean radiative forcing, stratospheric warming and surface cooling from infrequent large-magnitude tropical eruptions (e. [2] , monthly to seasonal) evolution, dynamics, predictability, and surface impacts of a rare Southern Hemisphere (SH) stratospheric warming that occurred in austral spring 2019. [3] In particular, the models allow the separation of the dominant shortwave (surface cooling) and longwave (stratospheric warming) impacts of volcanic aerosol. [4] During 1981–1992 and 2004–2016, the loss of autumn Arctic sea ice condensation (SIC) leads to the stratospheric warming and the polar vortex weakening, which results in the enhancement of the Siberian High (SH) and the colder surface air temperature (SAT) over NEA. [5]突然検出して監視するための新しい方法を紹介します グローバルナビゲーション衛星システムを用いた成層圏温暖化(SSW)イベント (GNSS)高北部緯度における電波掩蔽(RO)データ 2009年1月から2月のイベントのためにそれを実証します。 [1] 対照的に、大規模な大きさの熱帯噴火からの地球平均放射強制力、成層圏温暖化および表面冷却(e。 [2] 、毎月から季節的には、2019年春に発生した希少南半球温暖化(SH)成層圏温暖化の進化、動力学、予測可能性、および表面の影響。 [3] 特に、モデルは、火山エアロゾルの支配的な短波 (地表冷却) と長波 (成層圏温暖化) の影響を分離することを可能にします。 [4] 1981 年から 1992 年と 2004 年から 2016 年の間に、秋の北極海氷結露 (SIC) の喪失は、成層圏の温暖化と極渦の弱体化につながり、その結果、シベリア高気圧 (SH) が強化され、地表気温が低くなります ( SAT) NEA 経由。 [5]
stratospheric polar vortex 成層圏極渦
Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme dynamical events where the usual strong westerly winds of the stratospheric polar vortex temporarily weaken or reverse and polar stratospheric temperatures rise by tens of Kelvin over just a few days. [1] Sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are impressive phenomena that consist of a rapid stratospheric polar vortex breakdown. [2] Every spring, the stratospheric polar vortex transitions from its westerly wintertime state to its easterly summertime state due to seasonal changes in incoming solar radiation, an event known as the “final stratospheric warming” (FSW). [3] Every spring, the stratospheric polar vortex transitions from its westerly wintertime state to its easterly summertime state due to seasonal changes in incoming solar radiation, an event known as the “final stratospheric warming” (FSW). [4] Sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are major disruptions of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) stratospheric polar vortex and occur on average approximately six times per decade in observation-based records. [5]主要な突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は、一時的に少数のケルビンによって一時的に弱く、極性の成層圏の温度が一時的に弱く、極性成層圏の温度が上昇する極端な動的な事象です。 [1] 突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は、急速な成層圏極性渦崩壊からなる印象的な現象です。 [2] 毎年の春、成層圏極性渦は、入ってくる日射の季節的な変化、「最終成層圏温暖化」(FSW)として知られるイベントの季節的な変化に起因して、その西洋性極渦の常時帯の常時州の州に移行します。 [3] nan [4] nan [5]
usually stable winter 通常は安定した冬
During September 2019 there was a sudden stratospheric warming over Antarctica, which brought disruption to the usually stable winter vortex. [1] During September 2019 there was a sudden stratospheric warming over Antarctica, which brought disruption to the usually stable winter vortex. [2] During September 2019 a minor sudden stratospheric warming took place over the Southern Hemisphere (SH), bringing disruption to the usually stable winter vortex. [3]2019年9月中、南極大陸に突然の成層圏温暖化がありました。 [1] 2019年9月中、南極大陸に突然の成層圏温暖化がありました。 [2] nan [3]
extreme wintertime circulation 極端な冬の循環
Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme wintertime circulation events of the Arctic stratosphere that are accompanied by a breakdown of the polar vortex and are considered an important source of predictability of tropospheric weather on subseasonal to seasonal time scales over the Northern Hemisphere midand highlatitudes. [1] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme wintertime circulation events of the Arctic stratosphere that are accompanied by a breakdown of the polar vortex and are considered an important source of predictability of tropospheric weather on subseasonal to seasonal timescales over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes and high latitudes. [2] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme wintertime circulation events of the Arctic stratosphere that are accompanied by a breakdown of the polar vortex and are considered an important source of predictability of tropospheric weather on subseasonal to seasonal time scales over the Northern Hemisphere mid- and high- latitudes. [3]主要な突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は極渦の内訳を伴う北極成の循環イベントであり、北半球中間帯の季節的スケールに対する対流圏天候の予測可能性の重要な予測可能性と考えられています。 [1] 主要な突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は、極渦の内訳を伴う北極層の極端な循環イベントであり、北半球のミッドライテッドと高い緯度の上の季節的タイムスケールに対する対流圏天候の予測可能性の重要な予測可能性と考えられています。 。 [2] nan [3]
planetary wave activity プラネタリーウェーブ活動
The planetary wave activity in the stratosphere–mesosphere during the Arctic major Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in February 2018 is discussed on the basis of microwave radiometer (MWR) measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) above Kharkiv, Ukraine (50. [1] However, the most dramatic changes in the polar vortex are due to strong enhancements of planetary wave activity, which typically result in a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), a momentary breakdown of the polar vortex. [2] The planetary wave activity in the stratosphere–mesosphere during the Arctic major Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in February 2018 is discussed on the basis of the microwave radiometer (MWR) measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) above Kharkiv, Ukraine (50. [3]2018年2月の北極圏の突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)中の成層圏 - 中間圏の惑星波の活動は、Kharkiv、ウクライナの上の一酸化炭素(CO)のマイクロ波放射計(MWR)測定に基づいて議論されています(50。 [1] しかしながら、極渦の最も劇的な変化は、典型的には突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)、極渦の瞬間的な破壊をもたらす惑星の波動の強化によるものです。 [2] nan [3]
Sudden Stratospheric Warming 突然の成層圏温暖化
The spring transition itself can be rapid in form of a final sudden stratospheric warming (SSW, mainly dynamically driven) or slow (mainly radiatively driven) but also intermediate stages can occur. [1] We address the problem of forecasting rare events in a prototypical example, Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs). [2] During Sudden Stratospheric Warming events, the ionosphere exhibits phase-shifted semi-diurnal perturbations, which are typically attributed to vertical coupling associated with the semi-diurnal lunar tide (M2). [3] Using the ERA5 reanalysis, sea surface temperature and sea ice observations, and the real-time multivariate Madden–Julian index, this study explores a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in January 2021, its favorable conditions, and the near surface impact. [4] During September 2019 there was a sudden stratospheric warming over Antarctica, which brought disruption to the usually stable winter vortex. [5] 6° N, 20° E) and Irkutsk (53° N, 103° E) stations during strong sudden stratospheric warmings is presented. [6] The analysis period is not long but benefits such an estimate by including an important phenomenon of wintertime variations, the sudden stratospheric warming. [7] We use the Specified Dynamics version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model Extended (SD-WACCMX) to model the descent of nitric oxide (NO) and other mesospheric tracers in the extended, elevated stratopause phase of the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW). [8] They show composites of the evolution of the leading EOF pattern prior to sudden stratospheric warmings using ERA Interim reanalysis data and a longer integration of ISCA, an 'intermediate' complexity model. [9] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are the most important phenomena of the wintertime boreal stratospheric variability. [10] The Arctic middle atmosphere was affected by major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSW) in February 2018 and January 2019, respectively. [11] The lower ozone levels in the Arctic spring during the QBO-W/Smin years are associated with a stronger Arctic polar vortex from late winter to early spring, which is linked to the reduced occurrence of sudden stratospheric warming in the winter during the QBO-W/Smin years. [12] In particular, such characterizations of stratospheric temperature may be a step towards greater insight in modelling and prediction of large-scale middle atmospheric events like sudden stratospheric warmings. [13] The lower ozone levels in the Arctic spring during the QBO-W/Smin years are associated with a stronger Arctic polar vortex from late winter to early spring, which is linked to the reduced occurrence of sudden stratospheric warming in the winter during the QBO-W/Smin years. [14] g strong vortex events and sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events, are often the main focus of stratospheric predictability studies. [15] With an aim to investigate the mechanisms responsible for those peak 7Be events, and in particular to verify if they are associated with the fast descent of stratospheric air masses occurring during sudden stratospheric warming (SSWs), we analyse 7Be observations at six sampling sites in Scandinavia during January–March 2003 when very high 7Be concentrations were observed and the Arctic vortex was relatively unstable as a consequence of several SSWs. [16] Aura Microwave Limb Sounder measurements were used to estimate wave amplitudes in geopotential height during sudden stratospheric warmings in recent boreal winters. [17] A pronounced signature of stratosphere–troposphere coupling is a robust negative anomaly in the surface northern annular mode (NAM) following sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events, consistent with an equatorward shift in the tropospheric jet. [18] 5 concentration in the BTH (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) region, the two most recent sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs, February 11, 2018 and January 2, 2019) in the Northern Hemisphere and their potential impact on the environmental condition are investigated. [19] A sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) is a large-scale meteorological phenomenon, which is most commonly observed in the Arctic region during winter months. [20] Using the World Meteorological Organization definition and a threshold-based classification technique, simulations of vortex displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are evaluated for four Chinese models (BCC-CSM2- MR, FGOALS-f3-L, FGOALS-g3, and NESM3) from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) with the Japanese 55-year reanalysis (JRA-55) as a baseline. [21] This study examines the ionospheric response to meteorological phenomenon of Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) events during Solar Cycle 24 (Arctic winter 2008/09 to 2018/19). [22] During September 2019 there was a sudden stratospheric warming over Antarctica, which brought disruption to the usually stable winter vortex. [23] They show composites of the evolution of the leading EOF pattern prior to sudden stratospheric warmings using ERA Interim reanalysis data and a longer integration of ISCA, an 'intermediate' complexity model. [24] An exceptionally strong sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) during September 2019 was observed. [25] Atmospheric circulation regimes can be used to study links between regional weather and other climate processes, like sudden stratospheric warmings. [26] 5 km and include ozone profiles retrieved during the Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) event registered in Spring 2019. [27] Both sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events and tropospheric blocking events can have a significant influence on winter extratropical surface weather. [28] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme dynamical events where the usual strong westerly winds of the stratospheric polar vortex temporarily weaken or reverse and polar stratospheric temperatures rise by tens of Kelvin over just a few days. [29] This study analyzes the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) dataset from 2002 to 2019 to examine the sudden stratospheric warming event that occurred in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) in 2019 (hereafter referred to as SSW2019). [30] Sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are impressive phenomena that consist of a rapid stratospheric polar vortex breakdown. [31] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme wintertime circulation events of the Arctic stratosphere that are accompanied by a breakdown of the polar vortex and are considered an important source of predictability of tropospheric weather on subseasonal to seasonal time scales over the Northern Hemisphere midand highlatitudes. [32] Sudden stratospheric warming (SSWs) events in January 2008 and 2009 were analyzed. [33] During September 2019 a minor sudden stratospheric warming took place over the Southern Hemisphere (SH), bringing disruption to the usually stable winter vortex. [34] The planetary Rossby waves propagating from the troposphere to the stratosphere occasionally lead to the displacement or splitting of the polar vortex, accompanied by sudden stratospheric warming (SSW). [35] In September 2019 a rare sudden stratospheric warming occurred in the Antarctic region. [36] This study examines fundamental characteristics of the wintertime tropospheric circulation pattern in the hindcast simulations of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) Phase-2 model suite through examining how the models capture sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events, known to precede large changes in the tropospheric NAM by 2–6 weeks. [37] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are largest instances of the boreal polar stratospheric variability. [38] Also the extraordinary winter in 2019 in the Southern Hemisphere with a minor sudden stratospheric warming at the beginning of September was observed. [39] The North Hemisphere winter stratosphere is frequently affected by large and rapid temperature increases, known as Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs). [40] The uniqueness of this Odin-IRI OH long-term data set makes it valuable for studying various topics, for instance, the sudden stratospheric warming events in the polar regions and solar cycle influences on the MLT. [41] It has often been reported that warming at high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) summer mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) appears during Arctic sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events. [42] Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme wintertime circulation events of the Arctic stratosphere that are accompanied by a breakdown of the polar vortex and are considered an important source of predictability of tropospheric weather on subseasonal to seasonal timescales over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes and high latitudes. [43] In winter, sources of infrasound ambient noise are mainly located in the North Atlantic and in the North Pacific during Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) events. [44] During winter, an anomalous poleward increase in Fstrat preceding a sudden stratospheric warming is followed by an increase in outgoing longwave radiation anomalies, with little influence on the surface energy budget of the Arctic. [45] In the upper atmosphere, planetary-scale wave disturbances are recorded during periods of geomagnetic disturbances and powerful dynamic processes in the lower atmosphere, such as hurricanes, meteorological storms, and sudden stratospheric warming. [46] They show composites of the evolution of the leading EOF pattern prior to sudden stratospheric warmings using ERA Interim reanalysis data and a longer integration of ISCA, an 'intermediate' complexity model. [47] The 2019 El Niño and a rare sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) that occurred in austral spring 2019 caused reduced precipitation in eastern Australia, which caused the strongest bushfire in history in terms of area and disaster degree. [48] The predictability is higher when sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events occur, and strong SSW events tend to form a negative AO phase distribution in the Eurasian mid-high latitudes both in the observation and model. [49] We seek to investigate the role of stratospheric and CO2 forcing, such as from sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs), strong polar vortex events (SPVs), and anthropogenic global warming, on the Atlantic jet in the context of these jet regimes. [50]ばね遷移自体は、最終突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW、主に動的に駆動される)または遅い(主に放射線駆動される)が急速であり得るが、中間段階も起こり得る。 [1] プロトタイプの例では稀な出来事、突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)の予測の問題に取り組んでいます。 [2] <p>突然の成層圏温暖化事象中に、電離層は典型的には半経尿路線潮汐(M2)に関連した垂直結合に起因する、典型的には垂直結合に起因する。 [3] nan [4] 2019年9月中、南極大陸に突然の成層圏温暖化がありました。 [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21] nan [22] 2019年9月中、南極大陸に突然の成層圏温暖化がありました。 [23] nan [24] nan [25] nan [26] nan [27] nan [28] 主要な突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は、一時的に少数のケルビンによって一時的に弱く、極性の成層圏の温度が一時的に弱く、極性成層圏の温度が上昇する極端な動的な事象です。 [29] この調査では、2019年の南半球(SH)で発生した突然の成層圏温暖化イベント(以下、SSW2019という)を検討するために、2002年から2019年までの日本の55年のReanalysis(JRA-55)データセットを分析します。 [30] 突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は、急速な成層圏極性渦崩壊からなる印象的な現象です。 [31] 主要な突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は極渦の内訳を伴う北極成の循環イベントであり、北半球中間帯の季節的スケールに対する対流圏天候の予測可能性の重要な予測可能性と考えられています。 [32] nan [33] nan [34] nan [35] nan [36] nan [37] nan [38] nan [39] nan [40] nan [41] nan [42] 主要な突然の成層圏温暖化(SSW)は、極渦の内訳を伴う北極層の極端な循環イベントであり、北半球のミッドライテッドと高い緯度の上の季節的タイムスケールに対する対流圏天候の予測可能性の重要な予測可能性と考えられています。 。 [43] nan [44] nan [45] nan [46] nan [47] nan [48] nan [49] nan [50]
Final Stratospheric Warming 最終成層圏温暖化
This manuscript analyzes the wave geometry of Final Stratospheric Warming (FSWs) for both northern and Southern Hemispheres. [1] Every spring, the stratospheric polar vortex transitions from its westerly wintertime state to its easterly summertime state due to seasonal changes in incoming solar radiation, an event known as the “final stratospheric warming” (FSW). [2] Every spring, the stratospheric polar vortex transitions from its westerly wintertime state to its easterly summertime state due to seasonal changes in incoming solar radiation, an event known as the “final stratospheric warming” (FSW). [3] Here we consider the predictability of NH final stratospheric warmings in multimodel hindcasts from the Subseasonal to Seasonal project database. [4]この原稿は、北半球と南半球の両方の最終成層圏温暖化(FSW)の波形を分析します。 [1] 毎年の春、成層圏極性渦は、入ってくる日射の季節的な変化、「最終成層圏温暖化」(FSW)として知られるイベントの季節的な変化に起因して、その西洋性極渦の常時帯の常時州の州に移行します。 [2] nan [3] ここでは、Subseasonal to Seasonal プロジェクト データベースからのマルチモデル ハインド キャストにおける NH 最終成層圏温暖化の予測可能性を検討します。 [4]
Simulated Stratospheric Warming
Numerical simulations have been performed to estimate sensitivity of ozone fluxes to the impact of mesoscale orographic gravity waves (OGWs) in the middle atmosphere at different phases of simulated stratospheric warming (SW) events during boreal winter. [1] In this study, numerical simulations have been performed to estimate the transformation of the mean meridional circulation in altitude range 0–100 km at different phases of simulated stratospheric warming (SW) events in January–February including and excluding impact of mesoscale orographic gravity waves (OGWs). [2]数値シミュレーションを実行して、冬季のシミュレートされた成層圏温暖化 (SW) イベントのさまざまな段階で、中層大気におけるメソスケールの地形重力波 (OGW) の影響に対するオゾンフラックスの感度を推定しました。 [1] この研究では、数値シミュレーションを実行して、1月から2月にシミュレートされた成層圏温暖化(SW)イベントの高度範囲0〜100kmatのさまざまなフェーズで、メソスケールの地形重力波の影響を含むおよび除外して、平均子午線循環の変換を推定しました( OGW)。 [2]
Minor Stratospheric Warming
The year 2019 was exceptional in the Southern Hemisphere, due to the occurrence of a rare minor stratospheric warming in September. [1] The data are analysed with respect to the temporal and spatial evolution of mesopause gravity wave activity just before a minor stratospheric warming at the end of January 2016. [2]nan [1] データは、の時間的および空間的進化に関して分析されます。 メソポーズ : 成層圏の小さな温暖化の直前の重力波活動 2016 年 1 月末。 [2]
Strong Stratospheric Warming 強い成層圏温暖化
In 2019 southern hemisphere spring, a strong stratospheric warming event was predicted to force the southern annular mode (SAM) into a negative phase and adversely impact surface weather and Austra. [1] In contrast, strong stratospheric warming in the spring of 2019 curtailed the development of the ozone hole, causing it to be anomalously small and of similar size to ozone holes in the 1980s. [2]2019年半球春、南環状モード(SAM)を負の段階に強制的に感染させ、表面天候とオーストラに悪影響を与えると予測されました。 [1] 対照的に、2019年春に強い成層圏温暖化はオゾン穴の開発を減らし、1980年代に異常に小さく、オゾン穴に同様の大きさになる。 [2]
stratospheric warming event 成層圏温暖化現象
During Sudden Stratospheric Warming events, the ionosphere exhibits phase-shifted semi-diurnal perturbations, which are typically attributed to vertical coupling associated with the semi-diurnal lunar tide (M2). [1] This study analyzes the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) dataset from 2002 to 2019 to examine the sudden stratospheric warming event that occurred in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) in 2019 (hereafter referred to as SSW2019). [2] The uniqueness of this Odin-IRI OH long-term data set makes it valuable for studying various topics, for instance, the sudden stratospheric warming events in the polar regions and solar cycle influences on the MLT. [3] In 2019 southern hemisphere spring, a strong stratospheric warming event was predicted to force the southern annular mode (SAM) into a negative phase and adversely impact surface weather and Austra. [4] The analysis reveals that vespagrams can monitor seasonal variations in the microbarom azimuthal distribution, amplitude, and frequency, as well as changes during sudden stratospheric warming events. [5] Sudden stratospheric warming events (SSWs) manifest the strongest alteration of stratospheric dynamics. [6] The EMI-derived observations were able to account for the rapid change in TOC associated with the sudden stratospheric warming event in October 2019; monthly average TOC in October 2019 was 45% higher compared to October 2018. [7] quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO), El Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO), major sudden stratospheric warming events). [8] Tropospheric features preceding sudden stratospheric warming events (SSWs) are identified using a large compendium of events obtained from a chemistry–climate model. [9] The standard deviation fairly responds to the daily variability of SqH with a phase shift in January 2008 and 2013 which may likely have connection to the sudden stratospheric warming event that occurred in these months. [10] The temporal variations of the waves are studied statistically with a special focus on their responses to sudden stratospheric warming events (SSWs) and on their climatological seasonal variations. [11] Analysis of the results has shown that both phenomena strongly affect the circulation of the winter extratropical stratosphere, the polar vortex decay, and sudden stratospheric warming events; the character of the effect depends on the combination of their phases. [12] We report examples of a weekly and an hourly observation series, reflecting various dynamical events in the middle atmosphere, such as a sudden stratospheric warming event in January 2019 and an occurrence of a stationary gravity wave, generated by the flow over the Alps. [13] The temporal variations of the waves are studied statistically with a special focus on their responses to sudden stratospheric warming events (SSWs), and on their climatological seasonal variations. [14]<p>突然の成層圏温暖化事象中に、電離層は典型的には半経尿路線潮汐(M2)に関連した垂直結合に起因する、典型的には垂直結合に起因する。 [1] この調査では、2019年の南半球(SH)で発生した突然の成層圏温暖化イベント(以下、SSW2019という)を検討するために、2002年から2019年までの日本の55年のReanalysis(JRA-55)データセットを分析します。 [2] nan [3] 2019年半球春、南環状モード(SAM)を負の段階に強制的に感染させ、表面天候とオーストラに悪影響を与えると予測されました。 [4] 分析は明らかにされています VESPAMは、マイクロバーモーム方位角分布、振幅、および頻度の季節変動、ならびに突然の変化を監視することができる 成層圏温暖化イベント [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] 突然の成層圏温暖化イベント (SSW) に先行する対流圏の特徴は、化学気候モデルから得られたイベントの大要を使用して識別されます。 [9] 標準偏差は、2008 年 1 月と 2013 年 1 月に発生した突然の成層圏温暖化イベントに関連している可能性がある位相シフトを伴う SqH の日々の変動にかなり対応しています。 [10] 波の時間変化 突然の反応に特に焦点を当てて統計的に研究されています 成層圏温暖化イベント(SSW)とその気候学的季節性 バリエーション。 [11] 結果の分析は、両方の現象が冬の温帯成層圏の循環、極渦の崩壊、および成層圏の突然の温暖化イベントに強く影響することを示しています。効果の特徴は、それらのフェーズの組み合わせによって異なります。 [12] nan [13] nan [14]