Slowly Growing ゆっくりと成長 - This poorly characterized tumor was initially discovered on an MRI conducted to investigate an acute diplopia and slowly growing during follow-up. [1] According to the UNTWO predictions, the number of international tourist arrivals will be slowly growing by the end of 2021. [2] Most of these carcinomas are indolent and slowly growing but few rapidly progressive and extremely aggressive? cases have also been reported. [3] They are slowly growing, benign tumors that can arise from any segment of the facial nerve—from the cerebellopontine angle to the parotid gland. [4] Our classified multi-temporal maps, validated with multiple field and lab-based methods, revealed persistent and slowly growing ‘hotspots’ of jarosite on the mine waste rock pile, whereas EMS exhibit more rapid fluctuations in extent. [5] Affecting almost exclusively women, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung disease characterized by slowly growing, estrogen-sensitive metastatic smooth muscle cell-like adenomas that result in cystic lung changes and loss of pulmonary function. [6] BACKGROUND Multicystic peritoneal mesothelioma (MCPM) is a rare, slowly growing, condition prone to recur after surgery. [7] Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a lowgrade, slowly growingfibroblastic sarcomawith a high local recurrence rate and a low propensity for metastasis. [8] Thymomas tend to be slowly growing, whereas thymic carcinomas are more aggressive and often metastasize wildly. [9]この特徴付けられていない腫瘍は、最初は急性卒膜を調査し、追跡調査中にゆっくり成長したMRI上で発見された。 [1] UNTWOの予測によると、国際的な観光客の到着の数は2021年末までにゆっくり成長します。 [2] これらの癌のほとんどは怠惰でゆっくり成長していますが、急速に進行性で非常に攻撃的ですか? ケースも報告されています。 [3] それらはゆっくり成長している、顔面神経のあらゆる部分からの微量の腺角から耳地への腺の角度から生じる可能性がある良性腫瘍。 [4] 複数のフィールドとラボベースの方法で検証された私たちの分類された多時間マップは、鉱山廃棄物岩石のゼロサイトの持続的かつゆっくり成長している「ホットスポット」を明らかにしましたが、EMSはより急激な変動を展示しました。 [5] ほとんどの排他的に生じる、リンパ管脂肪腫症(LAM)は、嚢胞性肺の変化および肺機能の喪失をもたらすエストロゲン感受性転移平滑筋細胞様腺腫を特徴とする稀な肺疾患である。 [6] バックグラウンド 多眼科腹膜中皮腫(MCPM)はまれであり、ゆっくり成長している、手術後に再発する傾向があります。 [7] Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans(DFSP)は、低い局所再発率と転移に対する低い傾向が低い低いゆっくり高機能の血小柱軟質縫合頻度です。 [8] 胸腺腫はゆっくり成長する傾向がありますが、胸腺癌はより攻撃的で、しばしば激しく転移します。 [9]
year old woman 歳の女性
The first case is about a 56-year-old woman, who presented with a slowly growing violaceous elevated firm papulonodular lesions of 1. [1] Case 1: A 56-year-old woman, presented with a slowly growing violaceous elevated firm papulonodular lesions in the retroauricular area and the front of her scalp over the past two years. [2] A 45-year-old woman presented with a history of a slowly growing asymptomatic solitary yellowish-red papule on the face. [3] Case Report: a 60-year-old woman presented with a slowly growing pulsatiling mass for 2 and 1⁄2 years years, Occ. [4] A 64-year-old woman presented with a large slowly growing mass extending from the parotid to the submandibular area, expanding medially to displace the pharynx across the midline. [5] A healthy 32-year-old woman presented with a 7-year history of a slowly growing asymptomatic alopecia plaque on the scalp. [6] Case Report: A 50-year-old woman presented with a one-year history of a slowly growing swelling in the sacral region. [7]最初の症例は、ゆっくり成長しているゆっくりと成長している黄色の淡色性膿型病変を提示した56歳の女性についてです。 [1] ケース1:56歳の女性は、ゆっくりとゆっくりと成長しているゆっくりと成長している豪華な褐色の淡色性淡色性膿道播種性膿顆の病巣を過去2年間で彼女の頭皮の正面で示した。 [2] 45歳の女性は、顔面上のゆっくり恥ずかしくて豊かに成長している黄色がかった赤い丘疹の歴史を示しました。 [3] nan [4] 64歳の女性は、PAROTIDから顎下領域まで伸びる大きなゆっくり成長している大きな質量を示し、正中線を横切って咽頭を変位させます。 [5] nan [6] nan [7]
year old male 年男
A 50-year-old male patient presented with a slowly growing, painless mass in the right foot for 4 years. [1] A 65-year-old male with no previous medical history presented himself with a nonhealing asymptomatic lesion on the abdomen slowly growing for the last ten years. [2] Clinical Case: A 55 year- old male with a slowly growing skull lesion was referred to our center after an attempt to remove this scalp lesion was aborted as the lesion extended through a calvarial defect. [3] Herein, we report a 25-year-old male who presented with a 10-year history of an asymptomatic slowly growing skin lesion on his face. [4] A 36-year-old male presented with a slowly growing right scrotal mass (size: 3 × 2 cm). [5]40歳の男性患者は、右足にゆっくり成長している、右足の痛みのない塊を紹介しました。 [1] 以前の医療歴を持つ65歳の男性は、腹部の非胸膜症の病変を持ち、過去10年間ゆっくり成長しています。 [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5]
year old female 年女
Methods A 26-year-old female patient presented with a small infraorbital mass that was slowly growing within the last 6 months. [1] Dear Editor, A 78-year-old female presented with a slowly growing mass on the left axillary region. [2] We present the case of a 72-year-old female patient, with a history of a slowly growing tumor originating from the nail bed epithelium of the left thumb. [3] Case presentation A 54-year-old female presented with a slowly growing mass in the right thigh. [4] A 40-year-old female sustained a slowly growing mass at the left groin for many years. [5]方法26歳の女性患者は、過去6ヶ月以内にゆっくり成長していた小さな梗塞体腫瘤を呈した。 [1] 親愛なる編集者、78歳の女性は左腋窩地域にゆっくり成長している質量を示した。 [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5]
year old man 年男
A 44-year-old man presented with a chief complaint of painless swelling on the left zygomatic region that had been slowly growing for the past year. [1] CASE PRESENTATION A 33-year-old man accidentally found a slowly growing, painless mass in the left cheek more than a month ago. [2] Cases Case 1 was a 58-year-old man who presented with an incidentally detected, slowly growing mass in the right hypochondrium area. [3] Clinical Case - Diagnostic Evaluation, Treatment, and Follow Up: A 70-year old man presented in 2016 with a right thyroid nodule, slowly growing since 2012. [4]44歳の男性は、ゆっくりとゆっくり成長していた左の頬の腫れの腫れのない腫れの主な苦情を示しました。 [1] ケースプレゼンテーション 33歳の男性が誤ってゆっくり成長している、1か月以上前の左頬に痛みのない塊を見つけました。 [2] nan [3] nan [4]
old woman presented 提示された老婆
A 43-yr-old woman presented with 1-yr history of a slowly growing painless mass in her left medial eyelid. [1]43歳の女性が、左中心的まぶたにゆっくり成長している痛みのない塊の1歳の歴史を呈した。 [1]
Two Slowly Growing
It stores the first principle component of the found waveforms into two slowly growing set along with negative, uncorrelated motion patterns. [1] Received: Revised: Accepted: Published online: April 04, 2019 April 29, 2019 May 08, 2019 May 16, 2019 A 7-year-old grey horse was referred to Kyungpook National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital due to two slowly growing pigmented masses located on her tail. [2]それは、見つかった波形の第1の主成分要素を、負の無相関の動きパターンと共に2つのゆっくり成長させるセットに記憶する。 [1] nan [2]
Painles Slowly Growing ゆっくりと成長するPainles
We report the case of a 10-year-old girl with a painless slowly growing mass that had developed over the course of 2 years in the left submandibular area. [1] Usually it presents as solid painless slowly growing mass. [2]私たちは、左顎下域で2年間で発展した痛みのないゆっくり成長している塊を持つ10歳の少女の症例を報告します。 [1] 通常、それはゆっくりゆっくりゆっくりと重大な塊として存在します。 [2]
Benign Slowly Growing ゆっくりと成長する良性
Osteomas are common benign slowly growing neoplasms that make up a group of osteogenic tumors, occurring mainly in the lower jaw and the sinonasal region with the involvement of the frontal sinuses in 80–96%, an ethmoid labyrinth in 2–15%, maxillary in 2–5% of cases, and extremely rarely – sphenoid sinuses. [1] OBJECTIVE Vestibular schwannomas are benign slowly growing tumors, with 3 treatment options: wait and scan, radiosurgery, and microsurgery with specific advantages and disadvantages. [2]骨腫は、骨形成性腫瘍のグループをゆっくり成長し、骨形成性腫瘍のグループを構成し、主に下顎および染色体領域、80~96%の前頭洞の関与、2~15%のエスモイドラビリンス、上顎 症例の2~5%、そして非常にめったにない脳脊髄洞。 [1] 客観的な前庭Schwannomasは、ゆっくり成長している腫瘍であり、3つの治療の選択肢があります。 [2]
Large Slowly Growing 大きくゆっくり成長
A 64-year-old woman presented with a large slowly growing mass extending from the parotid to the submandibular area, expanding medially to displace the pharynx across the midline. [1] Serial imaging revealed a large slowly growing and highly vascularized left ventricular mass, which required surgical resection. [2]64歳の女性は、PAROTIDから顎下領域まで伸びる大きなゆっくり成長している大きな質量を示し、正中線を横切って咽頭を変位させます。 [1] シリアルイメージングは、外科的切除を必要とする大きなゆっくり成長し、非常に血管新生された左心室質量を明らかにしました。 [2]
slowly growing mas ゆっくり成長するマス
We report the case of a 10-year-old girl with a painless slowly growing mass that had developed over the course of 2 years in the left submandibular area. [1] Forty-nine years old female who presented with painless, slowly growing mass in the sublingual region underwent excisional surgery and was diagnosed with giant cell-rich solitary fibrous tumor previously referred to as giant cell angiofibroma. [2] A 34‐year‐old male presented with a slowly growing mass in the right antecubital fossa. [3] Usually it presents as solid painless slowly growing mass. [4] A 64-year-old woman presented with a large slowly growing mass extending from the parotid to the submandibular area, expanding medially to displace the pharynx across the midline. [5] The tumor commonly presents as asymptomatic, indolent lesion and slowly growing mass, typically located in the head and neck region. [6] Dear Editor, A 78-year-old female presented with a slowly growing mass on the left axillary region. [7] Cases Case 1 was a 58-year-old man who presented with an incidentally detected, slowly growing mass in the right hypochondrium area. [8] Case presentation A 54-year-old female presented with a slowly growing mass in the right thigh. [9] Her clinical history began when she presented with complaints of a slowly growing mass in the left posterior mandible with increased bleeding upon toothbrushing over a 3-month period. [10] The aim of the present case report is to describe an unusual case of myoepithelioma of the soft palate in a male patient, which developed as an asymptomatic, slowly growing mass. [11] This paper reports on an asymptomatic, slowly growing mass on the hard palate of a 90-year-old lady, with a reported use of denture for two decades. [12] Clinically they are painless, slowly growing mass causing difficulty in breathing, eating and swallowing Imaging modalities most importantly; ultrasonography helps in the evaluation of the lesion. [13] A 40-year-old female sustained a slowly growing mass at the left groin for many years. [14]私たちは、左顎下域で2年間で発展した痛みのないゆっくり成長している塊を持つ10歳の少女の症例を報告します。 [1] 舌下域でゆっくりゆっくり成長している塊を呈した49歳の女性は、切除手術を受け、これまで巨細細胞血管小筋腫と呼ばれる巨大細胞豊富な孤立性繊維状腫瘍と診断されました。 [2] 34歳の男性は、右の石綿窩にゆっくり成長している腫瘤を呈した。 [3] 通常、それはゆっくりゆっくりゆっくりと重大な塊として存在します。 [4] 64歳の女性は、PAROTIDから顎下領域まで伸びる大きなゆっくり成長している大きな質量を示し、正中線を横切って咽頭を変位させます。 [5] 腫瘍は一般的にASを提示します 無症候性、怠惰な病変とゆっくり腫瘤、 典型的には頭と首の地域にあります。 [6] 親愛なる編集者、78歳の女性は左腋窩地域にゆっくり成長している質量を示した。