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Combination machine for soil cultivation and sowing grain

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Nutrient expert ® rice - an alternative fertilizer recommendation strategy to improve productivity, profitability and nutrient use efficiency of rice in Nepal

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Physical-mechanical and technological properties of eroded soils

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Mathematical model for calculating the parameters of machines for processing near-trunk strips in a terrace

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Simulation of moisture redistribution pattern on sloping lands under drip irrigation system

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Creating hyssop phytocenoses in anthropogenically transformed ecosystems

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Economic analysis of application two agroforestry combinations in the sloping lands

Exploring soil particle size fraction and spatial redistribution of 137Cs in sloping landscapes with different lynchet height of terracing hedgerows in the remote mountain region, southwestern China

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Methods for reducing erosion on degraded pastures of slope lands of the RSO-Alania

Effects of Crop–Hedgerow Intercropping on the Soil Physicochemical Properties and Crop Yield on Sloping Cultivated Lands in a Purple Soil of Southwestern China

Quantification of Three Dimensional Characteristics of Macrofauna Macropores and Their Effects on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity in Northern Vietnam

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Effects of vegetation and slope aspect on soil nitrogen mineralization during the growing season in sloping lands of the Loess Plateau

Effectiveness of Arachis pintoi Karp. & Greg. as Biomulch to Control Weeds on Maize Cultivation

Surface water runoff of different tillage technologies for maize

Occurrence mechanism and prediction of rocky land degradation in karst mountainous basins with the aid of GIS technology, a study case in Houzhai River Basin in southwestern China

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Modeling the operation process of the unit for processing row-spacings of fruit plantings

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Vetiver grass hedgerows significantly reduce nitrogen and phosphorus losses from fertilized sloping lands.

Environmentally Sound Spatial Management Using Conservation and Land Evaluation Approach at Sloping Lands in Humid Tropic (A case study of Antang Kalang sub-district, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Atypical Pattern of Soil Carbon Stocks along the Slope Position in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest in Thailand

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