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Sloping Cropland sentence examples within Abandoned Sloping Cropland

Main controls on the denitrification rates during cropland revegetation in the southwest China Karst Critical Zone Observatory

Changes in the biological N2-fixation rates and diazotrophic community as vegetation recovers on abandoned farmland in a karst region of China

Responses of flood peaks to land use and landscape patterns under extreme rainstorms in small catchments - A case study of the rainstorm of Typhoon Lekima in Shandong, China

A 30 m terrace mapping in China using Landsat 8 imagery and digital elevation model based on the Google Earth Engine

More Sloping Cropland 傾斜地 sentence examples

Soil and water conservation management on hill slopes in Southwest Ethiopia. I. Effects of soil bunds on surface runoff, erosion and loss of nutrients.

Impact of soil thickness on productivity and nitrate leaching from sloping cropland in the upper Yangtze River Basin

[Characteristics of Runoff-related Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses Under Long-term Fertilization and Cultivation on Purple Soil Sloping Croplands].

Unpaved road erosion after heavy storms in mountain areas of northern China

Runoff-related nutrient loss affected by fertilization and cultivation in sloping croplands: An 11-year observation under natural rainfall

Aggregate-associated soil organic carbon dynamics as affected by erosion and deposition along contrasting hillslopes in the Chinese Corn Belt

More Sloping Cropland 傾斜地 sentence examples

Distribution of soil organic carbon impacted by land-use changes in a hilly watershed of the Loess Plateau, China.

Soil Water Movement Changes Associated with Revegetation on the Loess Plateau of China

Characteristics of soil moisture variation in different land uses in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau, China

[Effects of Biochar Application and Ageing on the Adsorption of Antibiotics in Purple Soil].

The effects of tillage on sheet erosion on sloping fields in the wind-water erosion crisscross region of the Chinese Loess Plateau

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