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Factors that affecting nursing students quality of interpersonal relationships

Female sex as a risk factor in minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting

Sex Differences in the Velocity of Muscle Contraction of the Hamstring and Quadriceps Among Recreationally Active Young Adults

Does the Dark Triad Manifest Similarly in men and Women? Measurement Invariance of the Dirty Dozen across sex

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P058 Associations between sleep parameters, non-communicable diseases, HIV status and medications in older, rural south africans

Relationship Between the 20-m Multistage Fitness Test and 2.4-km Run in Law Enforcement Recruits.

Differences in kinematics and driver performance in elite female and male golfers.

Divergent Energy Expenditure Impacts Mouse Metabolic Adaptation to Acute High-Fat/High-Sucrose Diet Producing Sexually Dimorphic Weight Gain Patterns

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[Evaluation and Comparison of Thromboelastography and Conventional Coagulation Tests for Blood Coagulation Function in Children with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura].

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