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Cognitive Robotic Architecture for Semi-Autonomous Execution of Manipulation Tasks in a Surgical Environment

Robotic Arc sentence examples within robotic arc welding

Numerical Simulation of Temperature Distribution in Robotic Arc welding by ARISTOTM Robot

Benchmarking framework for robotic arc welding motion planning

MPC-based control strategy of a neuro-inspired quadruped robot

Open source and open hardware mobile robot for developing applications in education and research

Time-Domain Passivity-based Controller with an Optimal Two-channel Lawrence Telerobotic Architecture*

Soft Office: a human–robot collaborative system for adaptive spatial configuration

Dynamic Iranian Sign Language Recognition Using an Optimized Deep Neural Network: An Implementation via a Robotic-Based Architecture

Negotiated matter: a robotic exploration of craft-driven innovation

Acceptability Study of A3-K3 Robotic Architecture for a Neurorobotics Painting

Functional advantages of an adaptive Theory of Mind for robotics: a review of current architectures

Integration of CNN into a Robotic Architecture to Build Semantic Maps of Indoor Environments

Transferring Adaptive Theory of Mind to social robots: insights from developmental psychology to robotics

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Robotic Arc ロボットアーク
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