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Financing Innovation with Future Equity

Establishment of detailed loss functions for the urban flood risk assessment in Chao Phraya River basin, Thailand

Risks Elaborated vs. Risks Downplayed: The Effect of Risk Comparisons in Mainstream Media During Covid-19 on Risk Perceptions and Anxiety Levels


Performance of Islamic financial institutions: Viable option in Canada?

‘Life communication’ after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster: what experts need to learn from residential non-scientific rationality

Coastal inconsistencies: Living with and anticipating coastal flood risks in southern France

Analisis Perbedaan Risk dan Return antara Saham Syariah dan Konvensional di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Systematic review and meta-analysis of febrile neutropenia risk with TCH(P) in HER2-positive breast cancer

Laterality condition analysis on non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy patient in one of the hospital in Jakarta with medical data mining

Analisis Perbandingan Risiko Dan Tingkat Pengembalian Reksadana Pendapatan Tetapi

Childhood and lifetime risk comparison of myopia control with contact lenses.

The Evaluation of Safety Barriers Using the Method Lopa Case: Haoud Berkaoui in Sonatrach

Joint modelling of competing risks and current status data: an application to a spontaneous labour study

More Risk Comparison リスク比較 sentence examples

Direct Aspiration versus Stent Retriever Thrombectomy for Acute Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in 9127 Patients.

Sex and Gender Role Differences in Occupational Exposures and Work Outcomes Among Registered Nurses in Correctional Settings.

Psychological and psychosocial interventions offered to forensic mental health inpatients: a systematic review

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Risk Comparison リスク比較
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