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X-Band RFID System Exploiting Doppler-Based Microwave Motion Sensors

Adding RFID Capabilities to IoT Technologies: Proof-of-Concept on Microwave Doppler Sensors

Radiofrequency Identification sentence examples within wireless performance evaluation

Embroidered and e-textile Conductors Embedded inside 3D-printed Structures

Design, Fabrication, and Wireless Evaluation of a Passive 3D-printed Moisture Sensor on a Textile Substrate

Radiofrequency Identification sentence examples within ultra high frequency

Flipping a Coin, Heads or Tails. Flipping an RFID Tag on Metal, ETSI or FCC Bands

Fully 3D-Printed RFID Tags based on Printable Metallic Filament: Performance Comparison with other Fabrication Techniques

Learn more from Radiofrequency Identification 無線周波数識別

Radiofrequency Identification sentence examples within Chiples Radiofrequency Identification

Chipless-RFID: A Review and Recent Developments

Calibration-Free Chipless Radiofrequency Identification Tags with Enhanced Data Capacity

Radiofrequency Identification sentence examples within radiofrequency identification tag

Evaluation of Small-Bowel Patency in Crohn’s Disease: Prospective Study with a Patency Capsule and Computed Tomography

The Wire and Beyond: Recent Advances in Breast Imaging Preoperative Needle Localization.

Radiofrequency Identification sentence examples within radiofrequency identification device

A Review of Options for Localization of Axillary Lymph Nodes in the Treatment of Invasive Breast Cancer.

First Reported Use of the Faxitron LOCalizer™ Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) System in Europe – A Feasibility Trial, Surgical Guide and Review for Non-palpable Breast Lesions

Radiofrequency Identification sentence examples within radiofrequency identification reader

Electromagnetic Energy Absorption in a Head Approaching a Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) Reader Operating at 13.56 MHz in Users of Hearing Implants Versus Non-Users

Towards Using Cloud Elasticity on the Internet of Things Landscape

Ultrathin-Body TiO2 Thin Film Transistors With Record On-Current Density, ON/OFF Current Ratio, and Subthreshold Swing via O2 Annealing

Radiofrequency Identification of the ER-REBOA: Confirmation of Placement Without Fluoroscopy.

Flexible pH Sensor for Wireless Monitoring of the Human Skin from the Medimun Distances

Comment From the Editor-in-Chief

Automated Shopping and Billing System Using Radio-Frequency Identification

Radiofrequency identification tag localization is comparable to wire localization for non-palpable breast lesions

Radiofrequency identification tag system improves the efficiency of closed vitrification for cryopreservation and thawing of bovine ovarian tissues

Design and Implementation of Port Bulk Storage Management System Based on Internet of Things Technology

2SPD-028 Optimisation of surgical procedural-kit setting

Integrated cmos rectifier for rf-powered wireless sensor network nodes

Constrained Safety-Integrity Performance of Through-the-Arms UHF-RFID Transcutaneous Wireless Communication for the Control of Prostheses

Self-Tuning UHF Epidermal Antennas

Optimization of receiving window width of the correlation receiver for radiofrequency identification marker localization

Immediate Non-readability Detection for RFID Reliability

Monitoring of temperature stress during firefighters training by means of RFID epidermal sensors

Screen-Printed Graphite Nanoplate Conductive Ink for Machine Learning Enabled Wireless Radiofrequency-Identification Sensors

Data Model Centered Road Maintenance Support System Using Mobile Device

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) reveals long-distance flight and homing abilities of the stingless bee Melipona fasciculata

Development of Optimization Model and Algorithm for Storage and Retrieval in Automated Stereo Warehouses

Learn more from Radiofrequency Identification 無線周波数識別

Radiofrequency Identification 無線周波数識別の概要

Radiofrequency Identification 無線周波数識別
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