Psychology Theories 心理学理論 - Additionally, we contribute to theory by showing that economics and psychology theories should be viewed as complements in investigating the intricate relationship between incentives and performance. [1] Taking Himalayan FM as case study, this study combines communication with psychology theories by online interview as “Cyber-ethnography”. [2] According to psychology theories, one rich source of such information is user’s personality such as optimism and pessimism that can help determine her propensity in establishing positive and negative links. [3] Through the cooperation of System 1 and System 2, the proposed cognition learning algorithm can apply the psychology theories to allow the humanoid robot for learning the suitable pitching postures autonomously. [4] Implications are discussed for economics and psychology theories and policies. [5] Self-actualization is term that is commonly used in psychology theories. [6] ,The psychology theories that were explored were the adult learning theories, and that gestalt-psychology, behavioral psychology and cognitive psychology were illustrated. [7]さらに、経済学と心理学の理論は、インセンティブとパフォーマンスの複雑な関係を調査する際の補完と見なされるべきであることを示すことにより、理論に貢献します。 [1] Himalayan FMをケーススタディとして採用して、この研究では、オンラインインタビューによる心理学理論とのコミュニケーションを「サイバーエトノグラフィー」と組み合わせています。 [2] 心理学の理論によると、そのような情報の豊富な情報源の 1 つは、楽観主義や悲観主義などのユーザーの性格であり、肯定的および否定的なリンクを確立する傾向を判断するのに役立ちます。 [3] システム 1 とシステム 2 の連携により、提案された認知学習アルゴリズムは心理学理論を適用して、ヒューマノイド ロボットが適切な投球姿勢を自律的に学習できるようにすることができます。 [4] 経済学と心理学の理論と政策への影響が議論されています。 [5] 自己実現は、心理学理論で一般的に使用される用語です。 [6] ,調査された心理学理論は成人学習理論であり、ゲシュタルト心理学、行動心理学、認知心理学が説明されました。 [7]
health service psychology 医療サービス心理学
The events of 2020 generated significant stress that continues to take a toll on mental health in America and calls for an integrated response from psychologists across the field's many subdisciplines The current article highlights potential "bridges" between health service psychology and recent work in social psychology Social psychological theories and research are argued to be particularly useful tools that faculty can use to help students understand and respond to recent events, thus enhancing health service psychology education and training In particular, the current article focuses on social psychological perspectives that can help health service psychology faculty to address the impact of (a) the COVID-19 pandemic, (b) the civil unrest from police violence against Black and Brown bodies, and (c) escalating political division in the United States Social psychology theories, research findings, principles, and approaches are considered in the context of each topic and are used to inform the recommendations made to educators and trainers We propose that the integration of social and health service psychology is both natural and necessary for improving our understanding of these and other inherently social problems, and for improving health service psychology education and training moving forward (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Impact Statement Public Significance Statement-Health service psychologists can use social psychological theories and research to help their students better understand and respond to such recent events as the COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest following police killings, and escalating political division This integrated approach can enhance training and education by increasing students' awareness of social-contextual factors and human motivations (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved). [1]2020年の出来事は、アメリカのメンタルヘルスに打撃を与え続け、フィールドの多くのサブディスカリス全体の心理学者からの統合された反応を求めている重大なストレスを生み出しました。心理的理論と研究は、学生が最近の出来事を理解し、対応するのに役立つ特に有用なツールであると主張されています。 (a)covid-19パンデミック、(b)黒人団体に対する警察の暴力からの市民の不安、および(c)米国の社会心理学の理論、研究結果、原則、アプローチは各トピックのコンテキストで考慮され、iに慣れていますnform教育者とトレーナーに行われた推奨事項は、社会と医療サービスの心理学の統合は、これらおよびその他の本質的に社会的問題の理解を改善し、医療サービスの心理学教育とトレーニングを改善するために、自然で必要であることを提案します(Psycinfoデータベース記録(c)2021 APA、All rights reserved)影響声明の公的重要性声明の声明声明 - 健康心理学者は、社会心理学の理論と研究を使用して、学生がCovid-19パンデミック、警察に続く市民の不安などの最近の出来事をよりよく理解し、対応するのに役立つことができます殺害、および政治的部門のエスカレートこの統合されたアプローチは、社会的文脈的要因と人間の動機に対する学生の認識を高めることにより、トレーニングと教育を強化することができます(Psycinfoデータベース記録(c)2021 APA、All rights Reserved)。 [1]
Social Psychology Theories 社会心理学理論
Here, we integrate social neuroscience findings with classic social psychology theories into a framework to better understand how intergroup threat can lead to violence. [1] This paper reviews (1) the social psychology theories that have established the framework to study human behaviors and their manifestations during social interactions and (2) the technologies that have contributed to the monitoring of human behaviors. [2] Our findings contribute to understanding the post-pandemic global trade recovery process and validate behavioral economics and social psychology theories. [3] Drawing upon various media, communication, and social psychology theories such as agenda-setting theory, framing theory, priming theory, cultivation theory, social cognition theory, and risk perception, this chapter offers an understanding of the causative and preventive role of mass media in panic buying behavior during emergencies and uncertain situations among people. [4] Although the importance of tailoring persuasive technologies (PTs) has been discussed extensively in the literature, there is insufficient theory-driven guidance on how to employ social psychology theories in the design of PT interventions. [5] To strengthen the theoretical background to research on interpreters’ role, this study draws on social psychology theories of social identity and optimal distinctiveness, and the sociolinguistic notion of face, to develop an interdisciplinary framework for conceptualising how identity claims may influence interpreters’ choice of linguistic strategies in delivery. [6] While there are a number of social psychology theories that propose motivation-related characteristics of those who persist with change, few computational studies have explored the motivational stage of personal change. [7] A few studies have sought to study this phenomenon but mainly on the basis of social psychology theories. [8] The events of 2020 generated significant stress that continues to take a toll on mental health in America and calls for an integrated response from psychologists across the field's many subdisciplines The current article highlights potential "bridges" between health service psychology and recent work in social psychology Social psychological theories and research are argued to be particularly useful tools that faculty can use to help students understand and respond to recent events, thus enhancing health service psychology education and training In particular, the current article focuses on social psychological perspectives that can help health service psychology faculty to address the impact of (a) the COVID-19 pandemic, (b) the civil unrest from police violence against Black and Brown bodies, and (c) escalating political division in the United States Social psychology theories, research findings, principles, and approaches are considered in the context of each topic and are used to inform the recommendations made to educators and trainers We propose that the integration of social and health service psychology is both natural and necessary for improving our understanding of these and other inherently social problems, and for improving health service psychology education and training moving forward (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Impact Statement Public Significance Statement-Health service psychologists can use social psychological theories and research to help their students better understand and respond to such recent events as the COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest following police killings, and escalating political division This integrated approach can enhance training and education by increasing students' awareness of social-contextual factors and human motivations (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved). [9] Several studies have confirmed that users have a negative bias towards advertisements, so we apply social psychology theories via the elaboration probability model in this analysis. [10] Drawing on financial reporting, institutional, and social psychology theories, we consider whether awareness of SEC scrutiny affects the extent to which managers exercise financial reporting discretion. [11] Her approach to the topic in 1 Thessalonians is exegetical, comparative and makes use of social psychology theories. [12] Then we encode structural balance-based features and status-based features according to social psychology theories. [13]ここでは、社会神経科学の調査結果を古典的な社会心理学理論と枠組みに統合し、グループ間の脅威が暴力にどのようにつながるかをよりよく理解します。 [1] このペーパーでは、(1)社会的相互作用中の人間の行動とそれらの症状を研究するための枠組みを確立した社会心理学理論、および(2)人間の行動の監視に貢献した技術をレビューします。 [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] 2020年の出来事は、アメリカのメンタルヘルスに打撃を与え続け、フィールドの多くのサブディスカリス全体の心理学者からの統合された反応を求めている重大なストレスを生み出しました。心理的理論と研究は、学生が最近の出来事を理解し、対応するのに役立つ特に有用なツールであると主張されています。 (a)covid-19パンデミック、(b)黒人団体に対する警察の暴力からの市民の不安、および(c)米国の社会心理学の理論、研究結果、原則、アプローチは各トピックのコンテキストで考慮され、iに慣れていますnform教育者とトレーナーに行われた推奨事項は、社会と医療サービスの心理学の統合は、これらおよびその他の本質的に社会的問題の理解を改善し、医療サービスの心理学教育とトレーニングを改善するために、自然で必要であることを提案します(Psycinfoデータベース記録(c)2021 APA、All rights reserved)影響声明の公的重要性声明の声明声明 - 健康心理学者は、社会心理学の理論と研究を使用して、学生がCovid-19パンデミック、警察に続く市民の不安などの最近の出来事をよりよく理解し、対応するのに役立つことができます殺害、および政治的部門のエスカレートこの統合されたアプローチは、社会的文脈的要因と人間の動機に対する学生の認識を高めることにより、トレーニングと教育を強化することができます(Psycinfoデータベース記録(c)2021 APA、All rights Reserved)。 [9] nan [10] 財務報告、制度、および社会心理学の理論を利用して、SEC の精査の認識がマネージャーが財務報告の裁量権を行使する範囲に影響を与えるかどうかを検討します。 [11] テサロニケ人への第一のトピックに対する彼女のアプローチは、解釈的で比較的であり、社会心理学の理論を利用しています。 [12] 次に、社会心理学理論に従って、構造的バランスに基づく特徴とステータスに基づく特徴をエンコードします。 [13]
Positive Psychology Theories ポジティブ心理学理論
The model is primarily based on psychological wellbeing and positive psychology theories, and it was tested empirically over two group coaching interventions. [1] These findings are explained through three key positive psychology theories: mindsets, broaden and build, and systems informed positive psychology (SIPP). [2] PurposeUsing positive psychology theories, the authors build a model to test whether episodic fluctuations in strengths use coincide with changes in flow experiences and further predict risk-taking behavior and attentional performance. [3] Second, it aims at strengthening the importance of theoretical psychobiographical investigations and their application in real-world scenarios to address complex contemporary challenges on the basis of existentialist positive psychology theories. [4] This study was based on the framework of attachment, reinforcement sensitivity, and positive psychology theories. [5] This will improve the use of positive psychology theories to advance the literature on climate change adaptation. [6] These findings are consistent with humanistic, existential, and positive psychology theories of authenticity and meaning and raise the possibility that increasing authenticity states over time may predict sustained improvement in multiple aspects of meaning. [7] In the midst of the positive psychology theories, Luthans et al. [8] This chapter explores the use of psychological contracts and positive psychology theories to explain and predict users' behaviors in knowledge management systems. [9] Positive psychology theories usually focus on positive, holistic, health-related concepts within psychology. [10]このモデルは主に心理的健康と肯定的な心理学理論に基づいており、2つのグループコーチング介入で経験的にテストされました。 [1] これらの発見は、3つの重要な肯定的な心理学理論を通じて説明されています:マインドセット、広がり、構築、およびシステムは肯定的な心理学(SIPP)に情報を提供します。 [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] ポジティブ心理学の理論は通常、心理学におけるポジティブで全体論的な健康関連の概念に焦点を当てています。 [10]
Developmental Psychology Theories
New insights into the process of becoming a self through occupation heads up this issue of the Journal of Occupational Science, with Maersk (2021) offering a synthesis of psychodynamic, narrative, and developmental psychology theories. [1] Drawing on selected approaches, different principles of task selection are discussed (curriculum-based, based on neuropsychology theories, or based on developmental psychology theories) together with their consequences for the interpretation of respective test results. [2] Developmental psychology theories back this hypothesis. [3]nan [1] 選択されたアプローチを利用して、タスク選択のさまざまな原則 (カリキュラムに基づく、神経心理学理論に基づく、または発達心理学理論に基づく) が、それぞれのテスト結果の解釈に対するそれらの結果とともに説明されます。 [2] 発達心理学の理論は、この仮説を支持しています。 [3]
Health Psychology Theories
However, despite Health Psychology theories underpinning chronic care models demonstrating beliefs are crucially associated with intention and behaviour, staff beliefs towards Supported Self-Management have received little attention. [1] Analyses explore the optimum number of singing classes required to trigger a wider behaviour change and health psychology theories around behaviour change that could account for these results are discussed. [2]しかし、信念が意図と行動に決定的に関連していることを実証する慢性疾患モデルを支える健康心理学の理論にもかかわらず、サポートされた自己管理に対するスタッフの信念はほとんど注目されていません. [1] 分析では、より広い行動変化を引き起こすために必要な歌唱クラスの最適な数を探り、これらの結果を説明できる行動変化に関する健康心理学理論について説明します。 [2]
Environmental Psychology Theories
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Environmental gerontology and environmental psychology theories address adaptations of living space for disability and individual preferences. [1] Environmental psychology theories suggest that environmental context affects attitudes and social behavior. [2]nan [1] 環境心理学の理論は、環境の状況が態度や社会的行動に影響を与えることを示唆しています。 [2]
Behavioral Psychology Theories
Behavioral psychology theories may provide useful frameworks for studying motivating factors that drive a careful exam. [1] Behavioral Psychology Theories and Social Learning Theories study behavior learned from the environment and social interactions through stimulus-response. [2]行動心理学の理論は、慎重な試験を推進する動機付け要因を研究するための有用なフレームワークを提供する可能性があります。 [1] 行動心理学理論と社会的学習理論は、環境から学習した行動と刺激反応による社会的相互作用を研究します。 [2]
Tested Psychology Theories テスト済みの心理学理論
In particular, the ontology formally documented 108 constructs and thousands of cognitive-related paths based on 20 time-tested psychology theories. [1] In particular, the ontology formally documented 108 constructs and thousands of cognitive-related paths based on 20 time-tested psychology theories. [2]特に、オントロジーは、20の実験的な心理学理論に基づいて、108の構造と数千の認知関連の経路を正式に文書化しました。 [1] 特に、オントロジーは、20の実験的な心理学理論に基づいて、108の構造と数千の認知関連の経路を正式に文書化しました。 [2]
Educational Psychology Theories 教育心理学理論
It is well established from a variety of educational psychology theories that social and emotional factors are influential in the transition to secondary school. [1] Adult learning and educational psychology theories suggest that instead, assessment should be aligned with learning, not teaching, objectives. [2]さまざまな教育心理学理論から、中等学校への移行において社会的および感情的な要因が影響を与えるということは十分に確立されています。 [1] 大人の学習と教育心理学の理論は、代わりに、評価は教育ではなく学習と目的と一致するべきであることを示唆しています。 [2]
psychology theories suggest
Adult learning and educational psychology theories suggest that instead, assessment should be aligned with learning, not teaching, objectives. [1] Environmental psychology theories suggest that environmental context affects attitudes and social behavior. [2]大人の学習と教育心理学の理論は、代わりに、評価は教育ではなく学習と目的と一致するべきであることを示唆しています。 [1] 環境心理学の理論は、環境の状況が態度や社会的行動に影響を与えることを示唆しています。 [2]