Protective Mechanical 保護機械 - This is related to the uniform distribution of WC particles with the lower mean free path that minimized adhesive wear at the initial stages of wear and helped to develop a higher coverage of protective mechanically mixed layers. [1] The multi-modal size distribution of cast WC with significantly lower MFP minimized adhesive wear and helped to develop a higher coverage of protective mechanically mixed layers (MMLs) that typically formed near WC particles. [2]これは、平均自由行程が低く、摩耗の初期段階での接着剤の摩耗を最小限に抑え、機械的に混合された保護層の被覆率を高めるのに役立つWC粒子の均一な分布に関連しています。 [1] MFP が大幅に低いキャスト WC のマルチモーダルなサイズ分布は、付着摩耗を最小限に抑え、通常は WC 粒子の近くに形成される保護機械混合層 (MML) の被覆率を高めるのに役立ちました。 [2]
respiratory distress syndrome 呼吸窮迫症候群
Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation and protective mechanical ventilation of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients induce hypercapnic respiratory acidosis. [1] Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute kidney injury (AKI) treated by kidney replacement therapy may also require treatment with extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2 R) devices to permit protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation. [2] The main progress in international critical care medicine in 2020 are: the reflections on the mandatory of implementation of the 1-hour cluster treatment strategy for sepsis are still continuing; the "metabolic resuscitation" therapy, represented by large dose of vitamin C, failed to yield positive results; the global epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread, with evidences indicating Dexamethasone, Remdesivir or interferon β-1b (IFNβ-1b), Lopinavir/Ritonavir and ribavirin as promising therapy; conservative oxygen therapy did not exert positive effects neither for mechanical ventilated patients nor for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patient; the concept of lung- and diaphragm-protective mechanical ventilation illuminates a new opportunity to potentially improve clinical outcomes for critically ill patients; there was no positive evidence for stress ulcer prophylaxis and timing of endoscopy for severe acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding; early initiation of renal-replacement therapy (RRT) for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) has not shown positive effect. [3] Bedside assessment of lung recruitability is crucial for personalized lung-protective mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients. [4] Extracorporeal carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (ECCO2R) facilitates the use of low tidal volumes during protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation when managing patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); however, the rate of ECCO2R required to avoid hypercapnia remains unclear. [5] Pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome are common and important causes of respiratory failure in the intensive care unit with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and health care utilization despite early antimicrobial therapy and lung protective mechanical ventilation. [6] PurposeProtective mechanical ventilation based on multiple ventilator parameters such as tidal volume, plateau pressure, and driving pressure has been widely used in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). [7] Pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome are common and important causes of respiratory failure in the intensive care unit with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and health care utilization despite early antimicrobial therapy and lung protective mechanical ventilation. [8] The major tenets of managing patients with sepsis include fluid resuscitation for sepsis-induced hypoperfusion and elevated lactate, vasopressors for refractory hypotension, antimicrobial therapy and source control, supplemental oxygen or lung protective mechanical ventilation for sepsis-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and other supportive therapies. [9]背景慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)の悪化と急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)患者の保護的人工呼吸は、高炭酸ガス性呼吸性アシドーシスを誘発します。 [1] 腎代替療法によって治療された急性呼吸窮迫症候群および急性腎障害(AKI)の患者は、保護的または超保護的人工呼吸を可能にするために体外二酸化炭素除去(ECCO2 R)装置による治療も必要とする場合があります。 [2] nan [3] nan [4] 体外二酸化炭素 (CO2) 除去 (ECCO2R) は、急性呼吸窮迫症候群 (ARDS) の患者を管理する際に、保護的または超保護的人工呼吸中の低一回換気量の使用を容易にします。ただし、高炭酸ガス血症を回避するために必要な ECCO2R の割合は不明のままです。 [5] 肺炎および急性呼吸窮迫症候群は、集中治療室における呼吸不全の一般的かつ重要な原因であり、早期の抗菌療法および肺保護機械換気にもかかわらず、罹患率、死亡率、およびヘルスケアの利用に重大な影響を与えます。 [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9]
ventilator induced lung 人工呼吸器誘発肺
While lung protective mechanical ventilation (MV) guidelines have been developed to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), a one-size-fits-all approach cannot benefit every individual patient. [1] In recent years, intraoperative lung-protective mechanical ventilation (LPV) has been reportedly able to attenuate ventilator-induced lung injuries (VILI). [2] In recent years, adequate ventilation to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and patient self-inflicted lung injury (P-SILI) as well as lung-protective mechanical ventilation has an increasing attention in ARDS. [3] Lung-protective mechanical ventilation minimizes the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and improves survival. [4]人工呼吸器誘発肺損傷(VILI)を回避するために、肺保護機械的人工呼吸(MV)ガイドラインが作成されましたが、万能のアプローチですべての患者に利益をもたらすことはできません。 [1] 近年、術中の肺保護機械的換気(LPV)は、人工呼吸器誘発性肺損傷(VILI)を軽減できると報告されています。 [2] nan [3] nan [4]
acute kidney injury 急性腎障害
Critically ill acute kidney injury (AKI) patients may require treatment by extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) devices to allow protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation and avoid hypercapnic acidosis. [1]重症急性腎障害(AKI)の患者は、体外二酸化炭素除去(ECCO2R)装置による治療を必要とし、保護的または超保護的な機械的人工呼吸を可能にし、高炭酸ガス血症を回避します。 [1]
Lung Protective Mechanical 肺保護機械
Lung protective mechanical ventilation, inhaled nitric oxide, sedation, neuromuscular blockade, and infusions of norepinephrine and epinephrine were initiated. [1] He was transferred heavily sedated, paralyzed, in the prone position, and with lung protective mechanical ventilation settings of 6cc/kg of ideal body weight, tidal volume of 350cc, positive end-expiratory pressure of 14 cm H2O, respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute, and FiO2 of 100%. [2] While lung protective mechanical ventilation (MV) guidelines have been developed to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), a one-size-fits-all approach cannot benefit every individual patient. [3] Decreased lung compliance combined with high plateau and peak pressures might predispose to VILI, however our case series shows two patients with pneumomediastinum while on lung protective mechanical ventilation. [4] Ultra-lung protective mechanical ventilation was achieved within 24 hours. [5] Pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome are common and important causes of respiratory failure in the intensive care unit with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and health care utilization despite early antimicrobial therapy and lung protective mechanical ventilation. [6] Extracorporeal removal of carbon dioxide in patients experiencing severe hypercapnia due to lung protective mechanical ventilation was first described over four decades ago. [7] Future clinical studies of applying the proposed methods to human subjects are needed to show the clinical significance of the method for lung protective mechanical ventilation and mechanical ventilator weaning in ICU. [8] While on lung protective mechanical ventilation, bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage were performed. [9] Lung protective mechanical ventilation (LPV) even in patients with healthy lungs is associated with a lower incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC). [10] Pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome are common and important causes of respiratory failure in the intensive care unit with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and health care utilization despite early antimicrobial therapy and lung protective mechanical ventilation. [11] The major tenets of managing patients with sepsis include fluid resuscitation for sepsis-induced hypoperfusion and elevated lactate, vasopressors for refractory hypotension, antimicrobial therapy and source control, supplemental oxygen or lung protective mechanical ventilation for sepsis-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and other supportive therapies. [12] Lung protective mechanical ventilation strategies in these patients may lead to hypercapnia (HC). [13] Lung Protective mechanical ventilation (MV) of critically ill adults and children is lifesaving but it may decrease diaphragm contraction and promote Ventilator Induced Diaphragm Dysfunction (VIDD). [14]肺保護的人工呼吸、吸入一酸化窒素、鎮静、神経筋遮断、およびノルエピネフリンとエピネフリンの注入が開始されました。 [1] 彼はひどく鎮静され、麻痺し、腹臥位で、理想体重6cc / kgの肺保護機械的人工呼吸設定、一回換気量350cc、呼気終末陽圧14 cm H2O、呼吸数30呼吸/分、100%のFiO2。 [2] 人工呼吸器誘発肺損傷(VILI)を回避するために、肺保護機械的人工呼吸(MV)ガイドラインが作成されましたが、万能のアプローチですべての患者に利益をもたらすことはできません。 [3] nan [4] 超肺保護機械換気は 24 時間以内に達成されました。 [5] 肺炎および急性呼吸窮迫症候群は、集中治療室における呼吸不全の一般的かつ重要な原因であり、早期の抗菌療法および肺保護機械換気にもかかわらず、罹患率、死亡率、およびヘルスケアの利用に重大な影響を与えます。 [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14]
protective mechanical ventilation 保護機械換気
She developed high-grade fever and difficulty in breathing requiring intubation and lung-protective mechanical ventilation and was treated with high-dose methylprednisolone, azithromycin, soframycin skin dressings, and topical ocular antibiotics. [1] Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation and protective mechanical ventilation of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients induce hypercapnic respiratory acidosis. [2] Lung protective mechanical ventilation, inhaled nitric oxide, sedation, neuromuscular blockade, and infusions of norepinephrine and epinephrine were initiated. [3] Nine animals received protective mechanical ventilation with a tidal volume of 6 mL × kg −1 and nine animals were ventilated with a tidal volume of 10 mL × kg −1. [4] Critically ill acute kidney injury (AKI) patients may require treatment by extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) devices to allow protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation and avoid hypercapnic acidosis. [5] The current recommendations indicate that patients with severe acute respiratory failure due to SARS-CoV-2 should be managed with protective mechanical ventilation measures. [6] BACKGROUND: Transpulmonary pressure (PL) is used to assess pulmonary mechanics and guide lung-protective mechanical ventilation (LPV). [7] After 50 h of lung-protective mechanical ventilation, sedation and immobility, greater levels of hippocampal apoptosis and neuroinflammation were clearly observed in the mechanically ventilated group, in comparison to a never-ventilated group. [8] He was transferred heavily sedated, paralyzed, in the prone position, and with lung protective mechanical ventilation settings of 6cc/kg of ideal body weight, tidal volume of 350cc, positive end-expiratory pressure of 14 cm H2O, respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute, and FiO2 of 100%. [9] Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute kidney injury (AKI) treated by kidney replacement therapy may also require treatment with extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2 R) devices to permit protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation. [10] More than 90% of RTs led the implementation of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy (HFNC), pulmonary protective mechanical ventilation, prone ventilation, pulmonary rehabilitation, airway management, transfer of critical patients, and other respiratory treatment. [11] 6 µm voxel size, under protective mechanical ventilation [tidal volume: 6 ml/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP): 5 cmH2O]. [12] Using protective mechanical ventilation strategies with low tidal volume is usually accompanied by an increment of respiratory rate to maintain adequate alveolar ventilation. [13] At the beginning of resuscitation comprising re-transfusion, norepinephrine support and lung-protective mechanical ventilation, animals received either i. [14] ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association that protective mechanical ventilation (MV), based on VT and maximum distending pressure (MDP), has with mortality in patients at risk for ARDS. [15] While lung protective mechanical ventilation (MV) guidelines have been developed to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), a one-size-fits-all approach cannot benefit every individual patient. [16] Five animal studies demonstrated altered cerebral blood flow and increased intracranial pressure with the use of lung-protective mechanical ventilation. [17] Understanding these mechanisms provides the fundamental basis for the adequate therapeutic management of RV dysfunction, which incorporates protective mechanical ventilation, the prevention and treatment of pulmonary vasoconstriction and thrombotic complications, as well as the appropriate management of RV preload and contractility. [18] In recent years, intraoperative lung-protective mechanical ventilation (LPV) has been reportedly able to attenuate ventilator-induced lung injuries (VILI). [19] The prevalence of ACP in non-Covid-19 related ARDS (NC-ARDS) has been evaluated to be 22% [95% confidence interval (CI) 19–25%] during the first 72 h of protective mechanical ventilation [1]. [20] In recent years, adequate ventilation to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and patient self-inflicted lung injury (P-SILI) as well as lung-protective mechanical ventilation has an increasing attention in ARDS. [21] A lung-protective mechanical ventilation strategy using low tidal volumes is a cornerstone to management, but uncontrolled hypercapnia is a life-threatening consequence among severe cases. [22] Purpose of review The aim of this review was to describe the risk factors for developing diaphragm dysfunction, discuss the monitoring techniques for diaphragm activity and function, and introduce potential strategies to incorporate diaphragm protection into conventional lung-protective mechanical ventilation strategies. [23] Then we will review the current mechanical ventilation settings adopted during extracorporeal support among ECMO, the rationale behind different approaches, and the potential use of ECMO to allow ultra-protective mechanical ventilation. [24] Before tracheal transection and after tracheal anastomosis was applied, protective mechanical ventilation of the lungs was performed. [25] The main progress in international critical care medicine in 2020 are: the reflections on the mandatory of implementation of the 1-hour cluster treatment strategy for sepsis are still continuing; the "metabolic resuscitation" therapy, represented by large dose of vitamin C, failed to yield positive results; the global epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread, with evidences indicating Dexamethasone, Remdesivir or interferon β-1b (IFNβ-1b), Lopinavir/Ritonavir and ribavirin as promising therapy; conservative oxygen therapy did not exert positive effects neither for mechanical ventilated patients nor for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patient; the concept of lung- and diaphragm-protective mechanical ventilation illuminates a new opportunity to potentially improve clinical outcomes for critically ill patients; there was no positive evidence for stress ulcer prophylaxis and timing of endoscopy for severe acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding; early initiation of renal-replacement therapy (RRT) for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) has not shown positive effect. [26] VV-ECMO weaning should be tested when native lung function has sufficiently recovered, allowing for adequate oxygenation and protective mechanical ventilation [e. [27] Noninvasive airway management, protective mechanical ventilation, and complete reversion of neuromuscular blockade and awake extubation also proved to be beneficial in preventing PRAEs. [28] Bedside assessment of lung recruitability is crucial for personalized lung-protective mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients. [29] Lung-protective mechanical ventilation minimizes the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and improves survival. [30] Development of PNX/PMD seems to occur despite use of protective mechanical ventilation and has a radiologic predictor sign. [31] The MICU reflects standard procedures of the clinical intensive care unit: fluid resuscitation, lung-protective mechanical ventilation, and hemodynamic monitoring and management, all tailored to organ- and function-specific targets. [32] Therefore, it is important to have a reliable estimate of respiratory effort to guarantee lung and diaphragm protective mechanical ventilation. [33] METHODS We obtained data on ventilatory variables and mechanical power from a pooled database of ARDS patients who had participated in six randomized clinical trials of protective mechanical ventilation, and one large observational cohort of ARDS patients. [34] Their respiratory failure deteriorated despite endotracheal intubation with protective mechanical ventilation, at which point a decision for VV ECMO initiation was made. [35] Decreased lung compliance combined with high plateau and peak pressures might predispose to VILI, however our case series shows two patients with pneumomediastinum while on lung protective mechanical ventilation. [36] We used oxygen inhalation via a face mask with an oxygen inflow of 5–15 l/min, highflow oxygen therapy via nasal cannulas using Airvo 2 devices, non-invasive lung ventilation, invasive lung ventilation in accordance with the principles of protective mechanical ventilation. [37] Application of Intellivent-ASV mode after uncomplicated cardiac surgery provides more protective mechanical ventilation and reduces the physician’s workload without compromising the quality of respiratory support and safety of patients. [38] Ultra-lung protective mechanical ventilation was achieved within 24 hours. [39] Therefore, the management of ARDS is still based on supportive care strategies, such as lung-protective mechanical ventilation and conservative fluid administration. [40] Rituximab and intravenous corticosteroids were administered in addition to protective mechanical ventilation. [41] Paramount to the care of affected patients is the delivery of lung-protective mechanical ventilation which prioritizes tidal volume and plateau pressure limitation. [42] If conventional lung-protective mechanical ventilation strategies fail, alternative approaches such as veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO) should be considered. [43] All patients were receiving medical care under identical general support guidelines and protective mechanical ventilation. [44] In 19 patients (68%), VV-ECMO was implemented for refractory hypoxemia despite maximised lung-protective mechanical ventilation and immunosuppression with high-dose steroids (100%), plasma exchange (95%), cyclosphosphamide (63%) and rituximab (21%). [45] Extracorporeal carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (ECCO2R) facilitates the use of low tidal volumes during protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation when managing patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); however, the rate of ECCO2R required to avoid hypercapnia remains unclear. [46] Pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome are common and important causes of respiratory failure in the intensive care unit with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and health care utilization despite early antimicrobial therapy and lung protective mechanical ventilation. [47] Inclusion: Age >18years, PaO2/FiO2<200 with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, absent heart failure, and ultra-protective mechanical ventilation (UPMV) defined as tidal volume (VT) <6 mL/kg PBW. [48] Is the protective mechanical ventilation completely integrated today in our daily practice for the management of respiratory distress? Some will be shocked to know that the answer is ‘‘no’’. [49] Extracorporeal removal of carbon dioxide in patients experiencing severe hypercapnia due to lung protective mechanical ventilation was first described over four decades ago. [50]彼女は高熱と呼吸困難を発症し、挿管と肺保護機械的人工呼吸を必要とし、高用量のメチルプレドニゾロン、アジスロマイシン、ソフラマイシン皮膚ドレッシング、および局所眼抗生物質で治療されました。 [1] 背景慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)の悪化と急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)患者の保護的人工呼吸は、高炭酸ガス性呼吸性アシドーシスを誘発します。 [2] 肺保護的人工呼吸、吸入一酸化窒素、鎮静、神経筋遮断、およびノルエピネフリンとエピネフリンの注入が開始されました。 [3] nan [4] 重症急性腎障害(AKI)の患者は、体外二酸化炭素除去(ECCO2R)装置による治療を必要とし、保護的または超保護的な機械的人工呼吸を可能にし、高炭酸ガス血症を回避します。 [5] 現在の推奨事項は、SARS-CoV-2による重度の急性呼吸不全の患者は、保護的な機械的人工呼吸手段で管理されるべきであることを示しています。 [6] 背景:経肺圧(PL)は、肺の力学を評価し、肺保護的人工呼吸(LPV)をガイドするために使用されます。 [7] 肺を保護する機械的人工呼吸、鎮静および不動の50時間後、人工呼吸を行っていないグループと比較して、機械的人工呼吸を行ったグループでは、より高いレベルの海馬アポトーシスおよび神経炎症が明確に観察されました。 [8] 彼はひどく鎮静され、麻痺し、腹臥位で、理想体重6cc / kgの肺保護機械的人工呼吸設定、一回換気量350cc、呼気終末陽圧14 cm H2O、呼吸数30呼吸/分、100%のFiO2。 [9] 腎代替療法によって治療された急性呼吸窮迫症候群および急性腎障害(AKI)の患者は、保護的または超保護的人工呼吸を可能にするために体外二酸化炭素除去(ECCO2 R)装置による治療も必要とする場合があります。 [10] nan [11] 6 µmボクセルサイズ、保護的人工呼吸下[一回換気量:6 ml / kg;呼気終末陽圧(PEEP):5cmH2O]。 [12] nan [13] 再輸血、ノルエピネフリンサポートおよび肺保護機械的人工呼吸を含む蘇生の開始時に、動物は次のいずれかを受けた。 [14] 要約目的:VTおよび最大膨張圧(MDP)に基づく保護的人工呼吸(MV)が、ARDSのリスクのある患者の死亡率と関連していることを評価すること。 [15] 人工呼吸器誘発肺損傷(VILI)を回避するために、肺保護機械的人工呼吸(MV)ガイドラインが作成されましたが、万能のアプローチですべての患者に利益をもたらすことはできません。 [16] 5つの動物実験では、肺を保護する人工呼吸器を使用することで、脳血流の変化と頭蓋内圧の上昇が示されました。 [17] nan [18] 近年、術中の肺保護機械的換気(LPV)は、人工呼吸器誘発性肺損傷(VILI)を軽減できると報告されています。 [19] Covid-19に関連しないARDS(NC-ARDS)におけるACPの有病率は、保護的人工呼吸の最初の72時間で22%[95%信頼区間(CI)19–25%]と評価されています[1]。 [20] nan [21] 低呼吸量を使用する肺保護機械的人工呼吸戦略は管理の基礎ですが、制御されていない高炭酸ガス血症は重症例の中で生命を脅かす結果です。 [22] レビューの目的このレビューの目的は、横隔膜機能障害を発症する危険因子を説明し、横隔膜の活動と機能のモニタリング技術を議論し、横隔膜保護を従来の肺保護機械的人工呼吸戦略に組み込むための潜在的な戦略を紹介することでした。 [23] 次に、ECMOの体外サポート中に採用された現在の機械的換気設定、さまざまなアプローチの背後にある理論的根拠、および超保護的機械的換気を可能にするECMOの潜在的な使用について検討します。 [24] 気管切除前および気管吻合を適用した後、肺の保護的人工呼吸を行った。 [25] nan [26] VV-ECMO離脱は、本来の肺機能が十分に回復し、適切な酸素化と保護的人工呼吸を可能にしたときにテストする必要があります[e。 [27] 非侵襲的気道管理、保護的人工呼吸、および神経筋遮断と覚醒抜管の完全な復帰も、PRAEの予防に有益であることが証明されました。 [28] nan [29] nan [30] PNX / PMDの発症は、保護的人工呼吸器を使用しているにもかかわらず発生しているようであり、放射線学的予測因子の兆候があります。 [31] MICUは、臨床集中治療室の標準的な手順を反映しています。輸液蘇生、肺保護機械的人工呼吸、血行力学的モニタリングと管理など、すべて臓器および機能に固有のターゲットに合わせて調整されています。 [32] nan [33] 方法 保護的人工呼吸の6つのランダム化臨床試験とARDS患者の1つの大規模な観察コホートに参加したARDS患者のプールされたデータベースから、換気変数と機械的能力に関するデータを取得しました。 [34] 保護的人工呼吸器を用いた気管内挿管にもかかわらず、呼吸不全は悪化し、その時点でVVECMO開始の決定がなされました。 [35] nan [36] 5〜15 l / minの酸素流入を伴うフェイスマスクによる酸素吸入、Airvo 2デバイスを使用した鼻カニューレによる高流量酸素療法、非侵襲的肺換気、保護的人工呼吸の原則に従った侵襲的肺換気を使用しました。 [37] 合併症のない心臓手術後にIntellivent-ASVモードを適用すると、呼吸サポートの質と患者の安全性を損なうことなく、より保護的な機械的換気が提供され、医師の負担が軽減されます。 [38] 超肺保護機械換気は 24 時間以内に達成されました。 [39] したがって、ARDS の管理は依然として、肺保護人工呼吸器や保守的な輸液管理などの支持療法戦略に基づいています。 [40] nan [41] nan [42] nan [43] nan [44] nan [45] 体外二酸化炭素 (CO2) 除去 (ECCO2R) は、急性呼吸窮迫症候群 (ARDS) の患者を管理する際に、保護的または超保護的人工呼吸中の低一回換気量の使用を容易にします。ただし、高炭酸ガス血症を回避するために必要な ECCO2R の割合は不明のままです。 [46] 肺炎および急性呼吸窮迫症候群は、集中治療室における呼吸不全の一般的かつ重要な原因であり、早期の抗菌療法および肺保護機械換気にもかかわらず、罹患率、死亡率、およびヘルスケアの利用に重大な影響を与えます。 [47] nan [48] nan [49] nan [50]
protective mechanical barrier 保護機械バリア
TaffiX® is a personal, anti-viral nasal powder spray comprised of low pH Hypromellose that upon insufflation into the nose creates a thin gel layer covering the nasal mucosa and forming a protective mechanical barrier that prevents viruses from engaging with nasal cells- the main portal of entry for viruses. [1] TaffiX® is an anti-viral nasal powder spray comprised of low-pH hypromellose, which forms a protective mechanical barrier that prevents viruses from engaging with nasal cells. [2]TaffiX®は、低pHのハイプロメロースで構成された個人用の抗ウイルス性鼻用粉末スプレーで、鼻に吹き込むと、鼻粘膜を覆う薄いゲル層を形成し、ウイルスが鼻細胞に侵入するのを防ぐ保護機械的バリアを形成します-メインポータルウイルスの侵入の。 [1] TaffiX®は、低pHのヒプロメロースで構成された抗ウイルス性の鼻用粉末スプレーで、ウイルスが鼻細胞に侵入するのを防ぐ保護的な機械的バリアを形成します。 [2]