Professional Education
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Professional Education sentence examples within secondary vocational education
For students of secondary vocational education institutions of pedagogical profile, students of the system of additional professional education( advanced training), practitioners of preschool educational institutions and all those who are interested in the development of the mental activity of preschoolers.
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The article presents the results of research on the state task of the Ministry of Education of the
Russian Federation (2020) for the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian
Academy of Education (ISRO RAO) on the topic ”Research of the scientific potential of teachers
of professional educational organizations of secondary vocational education and the mechanisms
for its improvement”.
教育アカデミー(ISRO RAO)トピックに関する「教師の科学的可能性の研究」
この記事では、教育省の国家課題に関する研究の結果を提示します。 ロシアの教育開発戦略研究所のロシア連邦(2020) 教育アカデミー(ISRO RAO)トピックに関する「教師の科学的可能性の研究」 職業教育の専門教育組織とメカニズム その改善のために」
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Professional Education sentence examples within interprofessional collaborative practice
Background Increasing evidence suggests that sustainable delivery of interprofessional education (IPE) has the potential to lead to interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP), which in turn has the potential to lead to enhanced healthcare systems and improved patient-centered care health outcomes.
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Background: A growing body of research demonstrates that interprofessional education (IPE) has the potential to lead to successful interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP).
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Professional Education sentence examples within patient centered care
To enhance the quality of patient care, it is important that athletic trainers integrate the components of the core competencies (CCs; evidence-based practice [EBP], patient-centered care [PCC], health information technology [HIT], interprofessional education and collaborative practice [IPECP], quality improvement [QI], professionalism) as a part of routine clinical practice.
コンテクスト 患者ケアの質を高めるために、アスレチックトレーナーがコアコンピテンシーの構成要素を統合することが重要です(CCS;証拠ベースの実践[EBP]、患者中心のケア[PCC]、健康情報技術[ヒット]、インターフェプロフェッショナル教育、そして 日常的な臨床診療の一環として、協力的な実践[IPECP]、品質改善[Qi]、プロ意識。
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Interprofessional education is a key driver for patient-centered care.
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Learn more from Professional Education 専門教育
Professional Education sentence examples within patient safety competence
Objectives Evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Health Professional Education in Patient Safety Survey (H-PEPSSDutch), an instrument used to assess self-efficacy regarding patient safety competence.
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A retrospective pre-test post-test survey measured participants’ confidence levels of patient safety competence using the health professional education in patient safety survey and content analysis of daily reflective writings.
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Professional Education sentence examples within encompasses integration communication
Background: Interprofessional education (IPE) encompasses integration, communication, mutual trust and shared decision-making with a common goal of improved patient care and safety.
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Background Interprofessional education (IPE) encompasses integration, communication, mutual trust and shared decision-making with a common goal of improved patient care and safety.
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Professional Education sentence examples within continuing professional development
Professional Education sentence examples within ballroom choreographic education
The dynamics of the development of ballroom choreographic education in a historical retrospective is investigated and its features are revealed in the context of the artistic culture of the 20th century; analyzed the theoretical and practical foundations of teaching ballroom dance in the context of transformational processes of pedagogical practice; considered the problems of promoting ballroom choreographic education in the development of art, aesthetic and cultural education in Ukraine; the criteria used for an objective academic assessment of ballroom choreographic education in professional educational institutions of Ukraine at the present stage are considered; identified and characterized promising ways of further development of ballroom dance as a performing art and a separate academic discipline.
歴史的な遡及におけるボールルーム振り付け教育の開発の動力学は調査され、その特徴は20世紀の芸術文化の文脈において明らかにされています。 教育診療の変革過程の文脈で社交ダンスを教えることの理論的および実践的な基礎を分析した。 ウクライナの芸術、審美的および文化教育の開発におけるボールルーム振り道教育を促進するという問題を考える。 現段階でウクライナのプロの教育機関におけるボールルーム振付教育の客観的な学術的評価に使用される基準が考慮されます。 演技芸術としての社交ダンスのさらなる発展の有望な方法と特徴的な方法と特徴付けされています。
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Professional Education sentence examples within shared decision making
Furthermore, informed shared decision-making has been insufficiently considered in professional education and training.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Health Professional Education
The role of health professional education to deliver indigenous health and wellbeing is well documented.
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The time and effort students devote to learning tasks has been related to student success and outcomes, however, the way students understand and experience time during their health professional education remains poorly understood.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Higher Professional Education
The period of study at a higher professional educational institution is of great importance for the individual, since it is at this time that they begin to take an active part in industrial relations, demonstrate a meaningful, mature perception of their future specialty, supported by a formed system of values and clear motivation.
より高い専門教育機関での研究の期間は、彼らが産業関係の積極的な役割を果たし始めるので、個人にとって非常に重要です。 値のシステムと明確な動機を形成しました。
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The article substantiates the need for informatization of education in general, and higher professional education in particular, requiring the modernization of forms, methods and content of information training of students in the light of the implementation of the program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.
この論文は、一般的な教育の情報化の必要性を実証しており、特に高等教育の需要を実証し、プログラムの「ロシアの連邦のデジタル経済」の実装に照らして学生の形態、方法および情報訓練の訓練の近代化を必要とする 。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Additional Professional Education
Forensic experts’ primary and additional professional education does not include such a subject as logic.
Forensic Expertsの主要および追加の専門教育には、そのような主題は論理として含まれていません。
Forensic Expertsの主要および追加の専門教育には、そのような主題は論理として含まれていません。
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The authors stressed the importance of the problem of reorganization and development of additional professional education as part of the system of continuous education, among the priorities of the state and society.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Continuing Professional Education
To address concerns that health workers and students may have in working with people living with HBV, particularly those from migrant communities, and to ensure that health workers feel comfortable and confident, HBV workforce development should be included in undergraduate and postgraduate training programs as well as in continuing professional education.
結論 健康労働者や学生がHBV、特に移住地域からの人々と協力して働いていることに対処し、医療員が快適で自信を持っていることを確実にすることで、HBVの労働力の開発を学部課程および大学院の研修プログラムに含める必要があります。 継続的な職業教育で。
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Continuing professional education (CPE) programmes improve staff knowledge, skills, retention, and practice, but remain costly and rare in low-resource settings.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Secondary Professional Education
The article considers innovative processes taking place in modern socio-economic conditions in the system of higher and secondary professional education in the Russian Federation.
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Astafiev with bachelor’s degree and master’s degree students, high school students, teachers from educational institutions, students of universities and secondary professional educational institutions of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Continuou Professional Education
5 - 26 months, had laparoscopic pancreatic resections at the department of pediatric surgery of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education.
5 - 26ヶ月、ロシアの継続的な専門教育学会の小児科手術部門で腹腔鏡下膵臓切除がありました。
5 - 26ヶ月、ロシアの継続的な専門教育学会の小児科手術部門で腹腔鏡下膵臓切除がありました。
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a Department of Hospital Surgery with The Course of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, North Caucasian State Academy, Russian Federation b Department of Surgery, Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russian Federation c Department of Genetics, N.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Healthcare Professional Education
The researchers recommend using the AGREE II instrument for CPG appraisal in healthcare professional education and training.
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The second cycle was focused on aEEG interpretation in a healthcare professional education program with the outcome indicators being accuracy of seizure identification on aEEG and change in conventional EEGs (EEG) performed.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Care Professional Education
Because ultrasound use and interpretation is a skill it therefore needs to be taught as part of undergraduate medical and allied health care professional education.
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The future of health care professional education is moving from a focus on the individual to embrace the health of the larger society.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Teacher Professional Education
This study aims to establish a Heutagogy approach for teacher professional education in Indonesia as an attempt to improve teacher competencies.
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Teacher Professional Education (PPG) for SMA / SMK in East Kalimantan Province is higher education after an undergraduate education program that prepares students to have jobs with special skills requirements to become teachers.
東カリマンタン州のSMA / SMKのための教師専門教育(PPG)は、学生が教師になるための特別なスキル要件を持つ雇用を準備する学部教育プログラムの後の高等教育です。
東カリマンタン州のSMA / SMKのための教師専門教育(PPG)は、学生が教師になるための特別なスキル要件を持つ雇用を準備する学部教育プログラムの後の高等教育です。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Continued Professional Education
Veterinarians would also benefit from continued professional education to help improve prescription practices, antimicrobial stewardship and curb AMR.
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However, continued professional education is advised among HCWs to curtail the spread of this disease.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Main Professional Education
In the course of the study, proposals are made for the full implementation of the main professional educational programs of a bachelor's degree in “Linguistics” in terms of the concept of ESD.
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A questionnaire was used to study the reflection formation towards mastering the main professional educational program.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Lifelong Professional Education
The specificity of self-organization in relation to lifelong professional education, its sources, methodology, factors that need to be taken into account in the formation of managerial decisions are investigated.
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The experience of holding the annual webinar “Mother Language and Multilingual Education in the Context of Sustainable Development” dedicated to the International Mother Language Day (21 February) by the initiative of the UNESCO Chair on Lifelong Professional Education in the XXI Century of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which is based at the Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of NAES of Ukraine.
国際アカデミーのXXI世紀の生涯にわたる専門教育に関するユネスコ議長のイニシアチブによる国際的な母国語日(2月21日)に捧げられた「持続可能な開発の文脈」の「持続可能な開発の文脈」の経験の経験 ウクライナの教育科学の教育科学のためのウクライナのNOESの教育教育と成人教育の教育研究所に基づいています。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Oriented Professional Education
The methodological basis for the implementation of the proposed project is the theory of research-oriented professional education (Inquiry Based Science Education) and, thereafter, technology of advanced learning (Technology Enhanced Learning), which provide wide opportunities to study the course of bioethics in the form of observation of remote virtual experiments on the portal Go-Lab; GRAASP environment for the implementation of author's developments and pedagogically structured programs in the process of performative interaction between teacher and students.
提案されたプロジェクトの実施のための方法論的基礎は、研究志向の専門教育の理論(照会に基づく科学教育)、そしてその後、先進的な学習の技術(技術強化学習)の技術(技術強化学習)であり、その中での生命倫理学の過程を勉強する機会を提供する。 ポータルGO-Labの遠隔仮想実験の観測の形式 教師と学生の間の演奏的な相互作用の過程で、著者の開発と教育的構造化プログラムの実施のための環境を把握してください。
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The use of the parameters of social activity development set by the system of social competencies according to professional requirements and the need for qualified support of the process of social activity development of future specialists of socionomic professions in the contexts of competence-oriented professional education is substantiated.
職業的要件に従って社会的能力のシステムによる社会活動開発のパラメータの使用および能力指向の職業教育の文脈における社会活動の展開の社会活動の開発のプロセスの援助の必要性の必要性は実証されている 。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Medical Professional Education
Background: Grit is one of the noncognitive predictors that must be owned by medical professional education students in taking professional education.
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The subjects were the final year students of the Medical Professional Education of Medicine Faculty who took OSCIE.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Postgraduate Professional Education
The types of work that contribute to acquiring the necessary competencies by students of the Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education were analyzed.
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The activities of the Scientific and Educational department allowed us to create a system of training qualified medical personnel, improve the quality of postgraduate professional education of ophthalmologists, which will contribute to improving the efficiency of using the achievements of modern science and technology in everyday medical practice when providing medical care to the population.
科学的および教育部の活動は私達が訓練資格のある医療関係者のシステムを構築すること、眼科医の大学院専門教育の質を向上させることを可能にしました。 人口に医療を提供するとき。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Technological Professional Education
This article aimed to rescue and reflect on how Paulo Freire’s teachings on the ideals of a liberating, dialogical and democratic education can help to implement the assumptions of the Technical and Technological Professional Education.
この記事は、Paulo Freire教育の理想に関するPaulo Freireの教育をどのように救助して反映していました。
この記事は、Paulo Freire教育の理想に関するPaulo Freireの教育をどのように救助して反映していました。
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The OFE Institute was created in this direction, objectingto offer high quality education, to be a reference in university technological professional education, based on innovation, social justice, sustainable, participatory and ethicalmanagement, in order to promote local and regional development by means of a humane,sensitive, welcoming methodology, with certification in stages, and which values the subject'spath based on a hybrid teaching with welcoming.
OFE Instituteはこの方向に創設されました。
OFE Instituteはこの方向に創設されました。 人道的、敏感な、歓迎方法論、段階での認証を持つ、そしてどのような歓迎のハイブリッド教育に基づいて主題のスパースを評価します。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Obtaining Professional Education
An empirical study of strategies for reproduction of entrepreneurial dynasties shows that small businesses in our country are less focused on educational strategies, through obtaining professional education.
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The article is aimed at researching, studying and substantiating the advantages and problems regarding the creativity of students in the process of obtaining professional education.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Supplementary Professional Education
In supplementary professional education student teachers combine the roles of a student and a tutor, are provided with the possibility to consider capacities and limitations of various approaches, to broaden their idea of the pedagogical and other relations, to strengthen their striving for personal development, the ability to maintain and stimulate this aspiration both in their own lives and the lives and activities of their students.
附属教育学生教師は、学生と家庭教師の役割を兼ね備えています。 彼ら自身の生活と生徒の生活や活動の両方でこの誤嚥を維持し刺激する能力。
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The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness of implementing a collaborative approach in the formation of team competence in the system of higher and supplementary professional education.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Technical Professional Education
The article concludes that these changes in the profile of students in technical professional education were due to external phenomena, such as the economic crisis, which may have promoted the search for training or a secondary source of income.
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154 / 04, which regulates Technical Professional Education at secondary level, is considered an improvement over previous ones because it allows Technical Professional Education to be offered in the Integrated modality to High School under the articulation of the axes work, science, technology and culture.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Inter Professional Education
Inter Professional Education and Collaboration (IPEC) is grounded on mutual respect, enhances collaborative practice, and increases satisfaction among health care professionals.
バックグラウンド 専門の教育とコラボレーション(IPEC)は相互尊重に基づいており、協調的実践を強化し、医療専門家の満足度を高めます。
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Risk factors found during Community and Family Health Care-Inter Professional Education visits in Pondok 2, Widodomartani, Ngemplak are the habits of people who still lacking in controlling excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and oily foods.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Computer Professional Education
It brings innovation and entrepreneurship teaching mode to computer professional education.
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In the background of new engineering education, how to meet the new needs of social development and cultivate more high-quality computer professionals is the key to the development of computer professional education.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Design Professional Education
In view of this, on the basis of experience at home and abroad, this paper tries to put forward the integration way of innovative entrepreneurship education and interior design professional education from the aspects of the reform of talent training mode, the innovation of curriculum system, the construction of practical platform, and the construction of teaching staff, in order to achieve better educational effect.
このことから、国内外での経験に基づいて、この紙は革新的な起業家教育とインテリアデザインの専門教育の統合方法を、才能トレーニングモードの改革の側面からの統合方法を提案しようとしています。 より良い教育効果を達成するために、実践的なプラットフォームの構築、教育スタッフの建設。
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In terms of teaching reform and other aspects, it is discussed to make design professional education take an innovative and applicationoriented path in design professional education, Through interdisciplinary joint training of talents, implementation of a digital national strategy, formation of a multi-disciplinary cluster of scientific research atmosphere, use of information teaching to enrich teaching methods, and integration of digital technology into traditional culture, red culture and other forms to promote the transformation of traditional liberal arts education.
教育改革やその他の側面の面では、デザイン専門教育の設計専門教育の革新的かつ適用配向の経路を講じ、デジタル全国戦略の実装、多議会のクラスターの形成を通じて 科学的研究の雰囲気、教育方法を充実させるための情報教育、そしてデジタル技術の伝統的な文化への統合、そして伝統的な文化およびその他の形態の伝統的なリベラルアーツ教育の変革を促進する。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Library Professional Education
The study object is collaboration within the system of continuing library professional education.
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He made a great contribution to library professional education and training librarians in the Republic of Dagestan and Northern Caucasus on the whole.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Military Professional Education
Topicality of the study is caused by insufficient research of training problems of Red Army railway painter technicians throughout the days of the Civil War ending, the military reform of the 1920s, reorganisation of system of military professional education and stabilisation of a staff contingent.
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The problems of military education in general and the training of officers in particular, which cannot be solved without the integration of military professional education and education in military training centers at civilian universities, are touched upon.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Special Professional Education
The requirements for such specialists have information and communication, information and management, and social and communicative content and do not need special professional education in the field of computer science.
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The main concepts of web content management as a strategy for the formation of digital information and communication environment are digital transformations of all spheres of public life as a factor in the development of activities in the web environment, development of information and communication infrastructure, web resources as a set of integrated technical, software-hardware, as well as content intended for publication in the webspace, special professional education in the field of web content management.
一体化された技術的、ソフトウェア - ハードウェアのセットとして、Webコンテンツ管理の分野におけるWebSpaceの公開を目的としたコンテンツとして。
デジタル情報および通信環境の形成のための戦略としてのWebコンテンツ管理の主な概念は、Web環境における活動の開発、情報通信インフラストラクチャの開発、Webリソースの開発の要因としての公共救命のすべての球のデジタル変換です。 一体化された技術的、ソフトウェア - ハードウェアのセットとして、Webコンテンツ管理の分野におけるWebSpaceの公開を目的としたコンテンツとして。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Global Professional Education
The Knowledge Hub was one of the projects taken forward by the IAACD Global Professional Education Committee (GPEC) following their 2016 international survey.
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To understand the impact of Covid-19 on children and families across the globe, and assist clinicians around the world in adapting and adjusting to new ways of delivering services which would continue to meet families’ need in local contexts, the Global Professional Education Committee of the International Alliance of Academies of Childhood Disability (IAACD) established a Covid-19 Task force.
幼年期障害者学会(IAACD)の国際的な同盟は、Covid 19タスクフォースを設立しました。
世界中の子供や家族へのCOVID-19の影響を理解し、地元の文脈における家族のニーズを満たし続けるサービスを提供する新しい方法を適応させ、世界中の臨床医を支援するために、グローバル専門教育委員会 幼年期障害者学会(IAACD)の国際的な同盟は、Covid 19タスクフォースを設立しました。
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Professional Education sentence examples within Continue Professional Education
To continue professional education during this crisis, web-based conferences can be conducted via livestream and an audience interaction platform as an alternative.
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To continue professional education during this crisis, an alternative is conducting online conferences with live streaming and an audience interaction platform.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Modern Professional Education
The Flexner Report and its effects, written in 1910, still has significant impact on modern professional education in the medical and dental arenas.
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There are some weaknesses in the traditional approach to investigating and training competitive specialists, in particular, lack of correspondence between the concepts derived from economical science and the humanistic paradigm of the modern professional education at universities.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Support Professional Education
This form of debating supports professional education and soft skills training, efficient teamwork and individual study, and effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
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These efforts are seen by the faculty as one of the ways to support professional education methodologically.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Accounting Professional Education
S1 Accounting Study Program students need to take additional Accounting Professional Education, but this is still a minimal number of public accountants at this time.
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With the rapid development of new technologies such as the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, mobile internet, cloud computing and block chain, accounting professional education is facing profound changes and challenges.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Effective Professional Education
Can virtual training deliver effective professional education to ART professionals?
Virtual continual professional education programs are an excellent learning platform for ART professionals.
バーチャルトレーニングは芸術の専門家に効果的な専門教育を提供できますか? 仮想継続的な専門教育プログラムは、芸術の専門家のための優れた学習プラットフォームです。
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This requires effective professional education strategies and resources.
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Professional Education sentence examples within Ongoing Professional Education
Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is an ongoing public health issue, which threatens the lives of more than 2 4 million people worldwide This study's purpose is to establish paramedics’ knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) towards COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia An online cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted among paramedics in four hospitals via WhatsApp Messenger The study population was composed of paramedics aged 18 years and above A pre-validated questionnaire was used to evaluate KAP towards COVID-19 Bloom’s cut-off of 80% was used to assess sufficient knowledge (≥80%), positive attitude (≥4), and good practice (≥2 4) All analyses were performed using SPSS version 26 of the approaching 300 paramedics, 71 (24%) responded The majority of participants were male (n=61, n=85 9%), with an average age of 33 (range: 18–57) years Overall, 4 2% (n=3) had sufficient knowledge, 42% (n=30) had a positive attitude, and 4% (n=4) had good practice regarding to COVID-19 There was a statistically significant difference between paramedics’ KAP according to their socio-demographic characteristics Younger paramedics (≥ 18) have sufficient knowledge and a good practice toward COVID-19 than older paramedics (≥37) (p=0 000, p=0 005), respectively Older paramedics (≥37) have a positive attitude towards COVID-19 relative to younger paramedics (≥ 18) (p=0 000) A statistically significant difference between the total KAP and the level of education (p=0 000) at which the diploma (p=0 000) had sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 than the bachelors and the postgraduate level Bachelor's and graduates have a positive attitude (p=0 000) towards COVID-19 than the diploma Saudi paramedics have poor knowledge of COVID-19 In addition, the results of this study have shown that there are statistically significant differences in KAPs’ paramedics according to their demographic characteristics The author suggests follow-up studies concerning emergency medical services (EMS) settings around the country Relevance to clinical practice: Ongoing professional education program for Saudi paramedics is encouraged to improve knowledge of paramedics, thus preventing negative attitudes and encouraging constructive preventive and therapeutic practices © 2021 The Authors.
コロナウイルス病害2019年(Covid-19)は、世界中の2,00万人以上の人々の生活を脅かす継続的な公衆衛生問題です。サウジアラビアオンライン横断的、記述的研究は、WhatsApp Messengerを介して4つの病院で救急救急隊員の間で行われました。十分な知識を評価するために80%が使用され、前向きな姿勢(4)、そして良い態度(≥24)すべての分析が行われました。大部分の参加者は男性(n = 61、n = 85 9%)で、平均年齢が33歳(範囲:18~57)年、全体として4 2%(n = 3)は十分な知識を持っていた42%(n = 30)前向きな姿勢を有し、4%(n = 4)はCovid-19に関する良い実践を持っていました - STAがありました社会人口統計学的特性若い救急救命的特性(≥18)によると、救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急隊員よりも十分な知識と慣習があります(≥37)(P = 0 000、P = 0 005)。それぞれ古い救急救急隊(≧37)は、若い救急救急救急救急隊(≧18)に対してCOVID - 19に対して前向きな姿勢を有している(P = 0 000)、総KAPと教育レベルの統計的に有意差(P = 0 000)卒業証書(p = 0 000)は、学士号よりもCOVID-19の知識を持っていて、大学院レベルの学士号と卒業生は、Diploma Saudi Perapedicsよりも気まぐれの知識を持っています。 19さらに、この研究の結果は、彼らの人口統計学的特性に従ってKAPの救急救命士に統計的に有意な違いがあることを示しています。臨床診療への国の関連性:サウジアラビア救急隊員のための継続的な専門教育プログラムは、救急隊の知識を向上させることが奨励され、したがって否定的な態度を防ぎ、建設的予防および治療的慣行©2021著者。
コロナウイルス病害2019年(Covid-19)は、世界中の2,00万人以上の人々の生活を脅かす継続的な公衆衛生問題です。サウジアラビアオンライン横断的、記述的研究は、WhatsApp Messengerを介して4つの病院で救急救急隊員の間で行われました。十分な知識を評価するために80%が使用され、前向きな姿勢(4)、そして良い態度(≥24)すべての分析が行われました。大部分の参加者は男性(n = 61、n = 85 9%)で、平均年齢が33歳(範囲:18~57)年、全体として4 2%(n = 3)は十分な知識を持っていた42%(n = 30)前向きな姿勢を有し、4%(n = 4)はCovid-19に関する良い実践を持っていました - STAがありました社会人口統計学的特性若い救急救命的特性(≥18)によると、救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急救急隊員よりも十分な知識と慣習があります(≥37)(P = 0 000、P = 0 005)。それぞれ古い救急救急隊(≧37)は、若い救急救急救急救急隊(≧18)に対してCOVID - 19に対して前向きな姿勢を有している(P = 0 000)、総KAPと教育レベルの統計的に有意差(P = 0 000)卒業証書(p = 0 000)は、学士号よりもCOVID-19の知識を持っていて、大学院レベルの学士号と卒業生は、Diploma Saudi Perapedicsよりも気まぐれの知識を持っています。 19さらに、この研究の結果は、彼らの人口統計学的特性に従ってKAPの救急救命士に統計的に有意な違いがあることを示しています。臨床診療への国の関連性:サウジアラビア救急隊員のための継続的な専門教育プログラムは、救急隊の知識を向上させることが奨励され、したがって否定的な態度を防ぎ、建設的予防および治療的慣行©2021著者。
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Introduction: Ongoing professional education is an essential activity to ensure that hospital staff are using the best available evidence to deliver healthcare.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education program
Purpose/Objectives: The purpose of this literature review is to examine the potential value for an interprofessional education program to increase novice nurse awareness of case management in heart failure (HF).
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Thome 1Ners Professional Education Program, Stikes Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia 2Department of Nursing, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia 3Bachelor of Nursing Program, Stikes Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia ORCID: Rifki S.
Thome 1nesプロの教育プログラム、スティクジャヤプラ、パプア、インドネシア、教育大学インドネシア、バンドン、インドネシア、インドネシア看護プログラム、スティク・ジャヤプラ、パプア、インドネシア・オルコード:Rifki S.
Thome 1nesプロの教育プログラム、スティクジャヤプラ、パプア、インドネシア、教育大学インドネシア、バンドン、インドネシア、インドネシア看護プログラム、スティク・ジャヤプラ、パプア、インドネシア・オルコード:Rifki S.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education system
According to most Western scientists, flexible skills are the most important competencies necessary for the successful realization of potential; the professional education system is not ready for the formation of soft skills, as a result, a radical change in educational programs and curricula is required; the formation of soft skills involves the use of modern innovative technologies and the involvement of leading specialists in various fields.
ほとんどの西洋の科学者によると、柔軟なスキルは、可能性が成功した可能性がある最も重要な能力です。 プロの教育システムはソフトスキルを形成する準備ができていません。その結果、教育プログラムやカリキュラムの根本的な変更が必要です。 ソフトスキルの形成は、現代の革新的な技術の使用とさまざまな分野における主要な専門家の関与を含みます。
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This paper analyzes the latest trends in the development of methods of teaching legal disciplines in higher institutions of the professional education system.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education activity
These results have implications in changing current continuing professional education activities and motivating policy makers to incentivize preventive and minimally invasive dentistry.
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This study describes an IP, palliative care simulation that achieved both IP and "across the lifespan" educational standards.
専門家教育活動 この研究では、IPと「寿命を越えて寿命を越えて」両方の教育基準を達成したIP、緩和ケアシミュレーションについて説明します。
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education course
This case study aims to identify the demand for professional education courses in the city of Itaporã, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the year 2020, offering a cross-cutting diagnosis of this educational panorama; for this purpose, the technique of guided interview in loco was implemented with the action coordinating agents designated by the municipal administration.
この事例研究は、2020年のMato Grosso Do Sulの州で、Itaporã市の専門教育コースの需要を特定することを目的としています。
この事例研究は、2020年のMato Grosso Do Sulの州で、Itaporã市の専門教育コースの需要を特定することを目的としています。 この目的のために、LOCOのインタビューの手法は、市政によって指定された行動調整剤を用いて実施された。
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The BEED graduates’ profile that influenced their LET performance included high school weighted average, aptitude for college work, honors/awards received, the time gap between graduation and licensure examination, GPA, and average obtained in the general education and professional education courses.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education collaborative
Successful interprofessional and collaborative working relationships require a number of key competencies and subcompetencies as outlined by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative, as well as knowledge of others' ethical and professional codes and/or guidelines for professional conduct, along with additional training and resources in the navigation and handling of ethical dilemmas among disparate team members.
成功したインターフェプロフェッショナルと共同作業の関係には、インターフェプロフェッショナル教育協会によって概説されているような多くの重要な能力や競争面が、ナビゲーションでの追加のトレーニングとリソースとともに、他人の倫理的および専門的なコードや専門的行動に関するガイドラインの知識が必要です。 異種チームメンバー間の倫理的ジレンマの取り扱い。
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The four core competency domains presented by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Framework are interpreted through a behavior-analytic lens.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education intervention
in the present study, interprofessional education intervention was conducted in two steps.
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This preliminary study assesses the implementation of IG best practices at two community-based sites by program leaders who participated in a multifaceted professional education intervention for IG best practice use.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education initiative
Interprofessional education initiatives can be used as effective means to influence students' perceptions of their own and others' roles and interactions as health professionals.
バックグラウンド 専門教育のイニシアチブは、学生の自分の人物や他の人の役割と対話の健康専門家との交流に影響を与えるための効果的な手段として使用することができます。
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Purpose: To date, few interprofessional education initiatives have included just medicine and pharmacy learners.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education within
The intention is to understand how EPT institutions incorporate the guidelines and orientations of the internationalization policies of professional education within their institutions and the way they establish institutional and political meanings in the process of internationalization of education in view of the initial conditions of education.
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Interprofessional education within healthcare has been shown to have many benefits, however, it is a relatively new educational concept within the Arabic setting.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education opportunity
Interprofessional education opportunities for team members facilitate effective IPCP.
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Both groups' behavioral intentions are predicted by their rating of conventions' social networking and professional education opportunities.
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Professional Education sentence examples within professional education committee
The Knowledge Hub was one of the projects taken forward by the IAACD Global Professional Education Committee (GPEC) following their 2016 international survey.