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Edible film coating to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut kiwi

Cold plasma: Microbial inactivation and effects on quality attributes of fresh and minimally processed fruits and Ready-To-Eat vegetables

Fuzzy Mamdani based user-friendly interface for food preservatives determination

Growth and Export Potential of Horticultural Crops from India: An Overview


Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Bio-Control of Botrytis cinerea and the Potential of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum for Eco-Friendly Preservation of Fresh-Cut Kiwifruit

Effects of Argon-Based and Nitrogen-Based Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology on the Quality of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L. cv. Wonderful) Arils

Tomatoes Expressing Thaumatin Ii Retain Their Sweet Taste After Salting And Pickling Processing.

A Mini Review of Plant-Based Diets in Hemodialysis

The Influence of Physical Treatments on Phytochemical Changes in Fresh Produce after Storage and Marketing

Wild edible plants in Yeşilli (Mardin-Turkey), a multicultural area

Valorization of fruits by-products to unconventional sources of additives, oil, biomolecules and innovative functional foods.

Warzywa i owoce – świeże czy przetworzone – które są lepszym źródłem witaminy C?

Identification of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Mulberries

Ethylene facilitates boil‐peeling in fruits

Improving the shelf-life and quality of fresh and minimally-processed fruits and vegetables for a modern food industry: A comprehensive critical review from the traditional technologies into the most promising advancements

Nutrient density and bioaccessibility, and the antioxidant, satiety, glycemic, and alkalinizing potentials of fruit-based foods according to the degree of processing: a narrative review

Fruit and vegetables – fresh or processed – which are a better source of vitamin C?*

Learn more from Processed Fruits フルーツ加工品

Processed Fruits フルーツ加工品の概要

Processed Fruits フルーツ加工品
Encyclopedia 百科事典