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Practice Theories sentence examples within Social Practice Theories

Understanding Resource Consumption in the Home, Community and Society through Behaviour and Social Practice Theories

Dynamic non-humans in a changing world

A practice theory approach to primary school physical activity: opportunities and challenges for intervention

How Software Matters: Connective Tissue and Self-Driving Cars

Modes of Eating and Phased Routinisation: Insect-Based Food Practices in the Netherlands

Dances with potential food waste: Organising temporality in food waste reduction practices

Nursing Knowledge in the 21st Century: Domain-Derived and Basic Science Practice-Shaped

Phenomenography’s contribution to organizational studies based on a practice perspective

Where Do We Draw the Line? Interlopers, (Ant)agonists, and an Unbounded Journalistic Field

Investigating Relational Ontologies in Macromarketing: Toward a Relational Approach and Research Agenda

The social construction of strategic coherence: Practices of enabling leadership

Why Is Obesity Such a Political Issue

Implementation in practice: The use of force to protect civilians in United Nations peacekeeping

The lived experiences of ICT and Engineering Faculty teaching in higher education institutions in Ireland and the United Kingdom, who adopt and implement mobile technology enhanced learning initiatives : a phenomenological investigation

Diagnosing the scope of action for governing sustainable transformation in developing cities

The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field

Flower viewing from horseback? New directions in Chinese tourism in Australia

Space, Place and Practice in Computing Education

“I Work All Day with Automation in Construction: I am a Sociomaterial-Designer”

Practice as a collective and knowledgeable doing

Attentive, speculative experimental research for sustainability transitions : An exploration in sustainable eating

Nudge(ography) and practice theories: Contemporary sites of behavioural science and post-structuralist approaches in geography?

Opportunities and limitations of carbon footprint calculators to steer sustainable household consumption – Analysis of Nordic calculator features

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