Discover more insights into Ocean Warming 海洋温暖化

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Ocean Warming sentence examples within sea level rise

Argo-Two Decades: Global Oceanography, Revolutionized.

Risks to future atoll habitability from climate‐driven environmental changes

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Indian Ocean Warming

On the Varying Responses of East Asian Winter Monsoon to Three Types of El Niño: Observations and Model Hindcasts

Delayed Impact of Indian Ocean Warming on the East Asian Surface Temperature Variation in Boreal Summer

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Future Ocean Warming

Seasonal Photophysiological Performance of Adult Western Baltic Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) Under Ocean Warming and Acidification

Temperature Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Co-culture With a Red Sea Synechococcus Strain

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Global Ocean Warming

Individual and Interactive Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Adult Favites colemani

Projected ocean warming constrained by the ocean observational record

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Deep Ocean Warming

What is the heat uptake potential of Antarctic Bottom Water?

Shutdown of Southern Ocean convection controls long-term greenhouse gas-induced warming

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Driven Ocean Warming

Direct Evidence Of Sex In Symbiodiniaceae And A Hypothesis About Meiosis

Microbial Shift in the Enteric Bacteriome of Coral Reef Fish Following Climate-Driven Regime Shifts

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Combined Ocean Warming

Rapid, but limited, zooplankton adaptation to simultaneous warming and acidification

Adaptation to simultaneous warming and acidification carries a thermal tolerance cost in a marine copepod

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Simulated Ocean Warming

Global change differentially modulates coral physiology and suggests future shifts in Caribbean reef assemblages

Within-generation and transgenerational plasticity of mate choice in oceanic stickleback under climate change

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Regional Ocean Warming

Stabilizing effect of mélange buttressing on the Marine Ice Cliff Instability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Marine heatwaves threaten global biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Gradual Ocean Warming

Interactive effects of increased temperature and gadolinium pollution in Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryos: a climate change perspective.

Shifts in Labridae geographical distribution along a unique and dynamic coastline

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Rapid Ocean Warming

The transformation of mesopelagic structure across polar fronts

Phenological changes in North Atlantic right whale habitat use in Massachusetts Bay.

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Arctic Ocean Warming

Intensification of hot Eurasian summers by climate change and land–atmosphere interactions

Rethinking the relationship between the observed, simulated and real Arctic sea-ice evolution

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Ongoing Ocean Warming

Circumpolar phylogeography and demographic history of beluga whales reflect past climatic fluctuations

Plastic adjustments of biparental care behavior across embryonic development under elevated temperature in a marine ectotherm

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Southern Ocean Warming

Glacial mode shift of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by warming over the Southern Ocean

The effects of historical ozone changes on Southern Ocean heat uptake and storage

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Australian Ocean Warming

Climate-Driven Range Shifts Are Rapid Yet Variable Among Recreationally Important Coastal-Pelagic Fishes

Differential tolerance of species alters the seasonal response of marine epifauna to extreme warming.

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Long Ocean Warming

The 20th century global warming signature on the ocean at global and basin scales as depicted from historical reanalyses

Rapid decline in Antarctic sea ice in recent years hints at future change

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Anthropogenic Ocean Warming

Warming Iron-Limited Oceans Enhance Nitrogen Fixation and Drive Biogeographic Specialization of the Globally Important Cyanobacterium Crocosphaera

The enhanced expression of heat stress-related genes in scleractinian coral ‘Porites harrisoni’ during warm episodes as an intrinsic mechanism for adaptation in ‘the Persian Gulf’

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Especially Ocean Warming

The Genomic Basis of the Genetic Differentiation and Local Adaptive Evolution of Pampus Echinogaster based on SLAF-seq

Climate Change and Fisheries Regulation: What We Should Consider for the Future?

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Significance Ocean Warming

Heat stress destabilizes symbiotic nutrient cycling in corals

Coral bleaching response is unaltered following acclimatization to reefs with distinct environmental conditions

Ocean Warming sentence examples within Increased Ocean Warming

A framework for selectively breeding corals for assisted evolution

An Experimental Framework for Selectively Breeding Corals for Assisted Evolution

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming hotspot

Climate refugia for kelp within an ocean warming hotspot revealed by stacked species distribution modelling.

Climate-Driven Range Shifts Are Rapid Yet Variable Among Recreationally Important Coastal-Pelagic Fishes

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming may

Glacial mode shift of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by warming over the Southern Ocean

Coral distribution and bleaching vulnerability areas in Southwestern Atlantic under ocean warming

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming event

Evidence for divergent selection and spatial differentiation in a putative zona pellucida gene is indicative of local adaptation in Pacific cod

Predicting subsurface water temperature from sea surface temperature in the Great Barrier Reef

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming could

A Review and Meta-Analysis of Potential Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Calcifiers From the Southern Ocean

Effect of temperature increase on fertilization, embryonic development and larval survival of the sea urchin Toxopneustes roseus in the Mexican south Pacific.

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming induced

Effects of thermal conditioning on the performance of Pocillopora acuta adult coral colonies and their offspring

Potenial future recovery of Petermann Glacier in northwest Greenland simulated using ISSM

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming scenario

Windows of opportunity: ocean warming shapes temperature-sensitive epigenetic reprogramming and gene expression across gametogenesis and embryogenesis in marine stickleback.

Future thermal regimes for epaulette sharks (Hemiscyllium ocellatum): growth and metabolic performance cease to be optimal

Ocean Warming sentence examples within ocean warming contrast

Large-scale drivers of the Mediterranean climate change hot-spot

An energy budget framework to understand mechanisms of land–ocean warming contrast induced by increasing greenhouse gases Part I: Near-equilibrium state

Airborne ultra-wideband radar sounding over the shear margins and along flow lines at the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

Evolution of mean ocean temperature in Marine Isotope Stages 5-4

Understanding the Molecular and Physiological Responses of Tropical Coralline Algae to a Changing Ocean

Temperature effects on the shell growth of a larger benthic foraminifer (Sorites orbiculus): Results from culture experiments and micro X-ray computed tomography

Carbonate fluxes by coccolithophore species between NW Africa and the Caribbean: Implications for the biological carbon pump

Characterization of the Gene Repertoire and Environmentally Driven Expression Patterns in Tanner Crab ( Chionoecetes Bairdi )

Marine Heatwave Drives Collapse of Kelp Forests in Western Australia

Temporal and Spatial Variabilities of Chemical and Physical Parameters on the Heron Island Coral Reef Platform

De novo Assembly of the Brain Coral Platygyra sinensis Genome

The tipping points and early warning indicators for Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica

How Do the Players Play? A Post-Genomic Analysis Paradigm to Understand Aquatic Ecosystem Processes

Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic

Interannual variability of gelatinous mesozooplankton in a temperate shelf sea: greater abundance coincides with cooler sea surface temperatures

Microzooplankton Communities in a Changing Ocean: A Risk Assessment

Influence of the mightiest rivers worldwide on coastal sea surface temperature warming.

Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat

Aerobic growth index (AGI): An index to understand the impacts of ocean warming and deoxygenation on global marine fisheries resources

Diel oxygen fluctuation drives the thermal response and metabolic performance of coastal marine ectotherms

Gene expression plasticity, genetic variation and fatty acid remodelling in divergent populations of a tropical bivalve species

Temperature reduces fish dispersal as larvae grow faster to their settlement size.

Shell mineralogy of a foundational marine species, Mytilus californianus, over half a century in a changing ocean

Diminished growth and vitality in juvenile Hydractinia echinata under anticipated future temperature and variable nutrient conditions

Three decades of continuous ocean observations in North Atlantic Spanish waters: The RADIALES time series project, context, achievements and challenges

C30 — A simple, rapid, scientifically valid, and low-cost method for citizen-scientists to monitor coral reefs

Ocean warming impairs the predator avoidance behaviour of elasmobranch embryos

Salinity shapes the stress responses and energy reserves of marine polychaetes exposed to warming: From molecular to functional phenotypes.

Potential Local Adaptation of Corals at Acidified and Warmed Nikko Bay, Palau

Cold-Water Coral Reefs in the Langenuen Fjord, Southwestern Norway—A Window into Future Environmental Change

A comparative baseline of coral disease across the central Red Sea

Linear extension, skeletal density, and calcification rates of the blue coral Heliopora coerulea

Spatial Distribution of Arctic Bacterioplankton Abundance Is Linked to Distinct Water Masses and Summertime Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics (Fram Strait, 79°N)

Exposure to moderately elevated temperatures changes food preferences in the tropical marine herbivore Haliotis squamata

Understanding and Advancing Natural Resource Management in the Context of Changing Ocean Conditions

Socioeconomic impacts of marine heatwaves: Global issues and opportunities

Physiological potential of the chlorophyte Caulerpa prolifera for proliferation across the Mediterranean-Atlantic basins in a warmer ocean

Impact of Marine Heatwaves on Seagrass Ecosystems

Summer Heatwave Impacts on the European Kelp Saccharina latissima Across Its Latitudinal Distribution Gradient

A committed fourfold increase in ocean oxygen loss

Transcriptomic and Physiological Responses of the Tropical Reef Calcified Macroalga Amphiroa fragilissima to Elevated Temperature1

Phenotypic plasticity is not a cline: thermal physiology of an intertidal barnacle over 20 degrees of latitude.

Reply on RC1

Vegetative Reproduction Is More Advantageous Than Sexual Reproduction in a Canopy-Forming Clonal Macroalga under Ocean Warming Accompanied by Oligotrophication and Intensive Herbivory

The Potential Impact of Climate Change on the Micronutrient-Rich Food Supply.

Ocean acidification in the Northern Indian ocean : A review

Impact on Fertility Rate and Embryo-Larval Development Due to the Association Acidification, Ocean Warming and Lead Contamination of a Sea Urchin Echinometra lucunter (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)

Ocean Warming 海洋温暖化の概要

Ocean Warming 海洋温暖化
Encyclopedia 百科事典