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Novel Mhealth sentence examples within novel mhealth intervention

Developing OurSleepKit: A Couple-focused mHealth Tool to Support Adherence to Positive Airway Pressure Treatment.

mHealth intervention for multiple lifestyle behaviour change among high school students in Sweden (LIFE4YOUth): protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Novel Mhealth sentence examples within novel mhealth tool

Individualized sleep promotion in acute care hospitals: managing specific factors that affect patient sleep.

A clinic-based tablet application to support safer conception among HIV serodiscordant couples in Kenya: feasibility and acceptability study.

Novel Mhealth sentence examples within novel mhealth app

Effects of an mHealth App (Kencom) With Integrated Functions for Healthy Lifestyles on Physical Activity Levels and Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers: Observational Study of 12,602 Users

A Novel Mobile Health App to Educate and Empower Young People With Type 1 Diabetes to Exercise Safely: Prospective Single-Arm Mixed Methods Pilot Study.

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Novel Mhealth sentence examples within novel mhealth solution

A pilot study of a novel, incentivised mHealth technology to monitor the vaccine supply chain in rural Zambia

EmERGE Platform: A New mHealth Solution for People Living with HIV

Novel Mhealth sentence examples within novel mhealth application

Development of a computer-aided text message platform for user engagement with a digital Diabetes Prevention Program: a case study.

e-CoVig: A Novel mHealth System for Remote Monitoring of Symptoms in COVID-19

The Smartphone App haMSter for Tracking Patient-Reported Outcomes in People With Multiple Sclerosis: Protocol for a Pilot Study

An mHealth intervention to improve nurses’ atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation knowledge and practice: the EVICOAG study

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Novel Mhealth 新しいMhealthの概要

Novel Mhealth 新しいMhealth
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