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Simulation Study of Scarp and Berm Formation Using a Suspended Sediment Transport Model

Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Cross-Shore Morphological Processes in a Nourished Beach

Evolution of a nourished sand beach under low wave energy in Thailand

Morphodynamic Evolution of a Nourished Beach with Artificial Sandbars: Field Observations and Numerical Modeling

Morphodynamic Evolution of Post-Nourishment Beach Scarps in Low-Energy and Micro-Tidal Environment

An idealised study for the evolution of a shoreface nourishment

The state of understanding of the effects of beach nourishment activities on coastal biogeochemical processes and conditions

A method to nourished beach stability assessment: The case of China

Morphodynamic Evolution and Adaptability of Nourished Beaches

Preliminary Study on the Development of a Platform for the Optimization of Beach Stabilization Measures against Beach Erosion II - Centering on the Development of Physics-Based Morphology Model for the Estimation of an Erosion Rate of Nourished Beach

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Nourished Beach 栄養のあるビーチ
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