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Development of an imagery-based monitoring system for nearshore bathymetry by using wave breaking density

Influence of Nearshore Bathymetry Changes on the Numerical Modelling of Dune Erosion

The Influence of Camera Calibration on Nearshore Bathymetry Estimation from UAV Videos

Toward nearshore, bathymetry induced wave amplification in False Bay, South Africa

Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping of Xinji Island Based on Multispectral Satellite Image using Deep Learning

Short-term seasonal changes of the Dzita beach of Ghana using geographic information system and photogrammetry

Toward geomorphic mapping of reef habitat by laser altimeter on ICESat-2 Satellite

A photon-counting LiDAR bathymetric method based on adaptive variable ellipse filtering

Refraction correction and coordinate displacement compensation in nearshore bathymetry using ICESat-2 lidar data and remote-sensing images.

Sky-high to the sea floor

California harbor dredging: History and trends

Virtual BUOY: A video-based approach for measuring near-shore wave peak period

New understanding of a coastal erosion hotspot in a bimodal wave climate.

Field measurements and hydrodynamic modelling to evaluate the importance of factors controlling overwash

Tsunamigenic Potential of the Baiyun Slide Complex in the South China Sea

Defining boat wake impacts on shoreline stability toward management and policy solutions

Learn more from Nearshore Bathymetry 近海の海底地形

Nearshore Bathymetry 近海の海底地形の概要

Nearshore Bathymetry 近海の海底地形
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