Nationwide Insurance 全国保険 - CONCLUSIONS In an analysis of nationwide insurance and Medicare claims data, we found GIB to occur in a higher proportion of patients prescribed combinations of anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents compared with monotherapy. [1]結論 全国的な保険およびメディケアの請求データの分析では、単剤療法と比較して、抗凝固薬と抗血小板薬の組み合わせを処方された患者の割合が高いことが判明しました。 [1]
retrospective cohort study 後ろ向きコホート研究
METHODS We conducted a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide insurance database in Taiwan. [1] METHODS We performed a retrospective cohort study using Marketscan (Truven Health Analytics, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI), a nationwide insurance claims database. [2] Methods We performed a retrospective cohort study using nationwide insurance claims data (Optum Clinformatics Data Mart data) from 2014-2016 of U. [3] A retrospective cohort study using nationwide insurance claims data from 2014 to 2016 of US adults ≥ 18 years old with chronic BZD use (i. [4] STUDY DESIGN A retrospective cohort study performed in a nationwide insurance claims database. [5]方法 台湾の全国保険データベースを使用して後ろ向きコホート研究を実施しました。 [1] 方法 全国規模の保険請求データベースである Marketscan (Truven Health Analytics, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI) を使用して遡及的コホート研究を実施しました。 [2] 方法 我々は、U. [3] nan [4] nan [5]
lumbar interbody fusion
Materials and Methods: Data were obtained for patients undergoing initial posterior lumbar interbody fusion, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion, anterior lumbar interbody fusion, posterolateral fusion, discectomy, and laminectomy procedures from January 2007 to June 2015 covered by the nationwide insurance carrier Humana. [1]材料と方法: データは、2007 年 1 月から 2015 年 6 月まで、全国的な保険会社ヒューマナによってカバーされた、最初の後部腰椎椎体間固定、経椎間孔腰椎椎体間固定、前腰椎椎体間固定、後外側固定、椎間板切除術、および椎弓切除術を受けた患者について取得されました。 [1]
Large Nationwide Insurance
However, the advent of large nationwide insurance databases enables the investigation of where type 1 diabetes cases occur throughout the country. [1] Therefore, the purpose of this study was to use a large nationwide insurance database to compare (1) costs, (2) reimbursements, and (3) net losses of 90-day episodes of care (EOC) for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patients according to Elixhauser's comorbidity index (ECI) scores. [2]しかし、大規模な全国規模の保険データベースの出現により、1 型糖尿病の症例が全国のどこで発生しているかを調査できるようになりました。 [1] したがって、この研究の目的は、大規模な全国的な保険データベースを使用して、(1) コスト、(2) 償還、および (3) 人工膝関節全置換術 (TKA) の 90 日間のケアのエピソード (EOC) の純損失を比較することでした。 Elixhauserの併存疾患指数(ECI)スコアによる患者。 [2]
nationwide insurance claim 全国保険金請求
To address this gap, we conducted real-world data analyses using nationwide insurance claims data with 85. [1] STUDY DESIGN/SETTING Longitudinal cohort from a nationwide insurance claims database. [2] The aim of this study was to estimate the cost of illness for axillary hyperhidrosis in Japan by conducting a nationwide insurance claims database analysis and a cross‐sectional Web‐based survey. [3] OBJECTIVE We sought to discern the incidence of VTE following rhinoplasty in a large patient population using a nationwide insurance claims database. [4] METHODS We performed a retrospective cohort study using Marketscan (Truven Health Analytics, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI), a nationwide insurance claims database. [5] Methods: This study analyzed data from the nationwide insurance claims database administered by the Korean National Health Insurance Service. [6] DESIGN Cross-sectional cohort from a nationwide insurance claims database. [7] Methods We performed a retrospective cohort study using nationwide insurance claims data (Optum Clinformatics Data Mart data) from 2014-2016 of U. [8] A retrospective cohort study using nationwide insurance claims data from 2014 to 2016 of US adults ≥ 18 years old with chronic BZD use (i. [9] Methods: Using a nationwide insurance claims database, Clinformatics DataMart Database, we identified opioid-naïve patients who underwent surgical treatment of unstable ankle fracture patterns between January 2009 and June 2016. [10] STUDY DESIGN A retrospective cohort study performed in a nationwide insurance claims database. [11] Materials and Methods Nationwide insurance claims data from July 2014 to June 2017 were reviewed. [12] This case-control study used nationwide insurance claims data from the South Korean Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service database between 2012 and 2016 to investigate the association between DPP-4 inhibitor use (linagliptin, sitagliptin, vildagliptin and others) and newly diagnosed bullous pemphigoid in 670 patients with diabetes, compared with 670 diabetic controls without bullous pemphigoid. [13] Setting Nationwide insurance claims database in Japan. [14]このギャップに対処するために、85の全国的な保険金請求データを使用して実際のデータ分析を実施しました。 [1] 研究デザイン/設定 全国的な保険金請求データベースからの縦断的コホート。 [2] nan [3] nan [4] 方法 全国規模の保険請求データベースである Marketscan (Truven Health Analytics, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI) を使用して遡及的コホート研究を実施しました。 [5] 方法: この研究では、韓国国民健康保険庁が管理する全国の保険金請求データベースのデータを分析しました。 [6] nan [7] 方法 我々は、U. [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14]
nationwide insurance database 全国保険データベース
METHODS We conducted a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide insurance database in Taiwan. [1] OBJECTIVE To investigate and compare the postoperative efficacy and complications of the transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) and holmium laser enucleation (HoLEP) using the nationwide insurance database of Korea. [2] Methods: Data were collected from 1999 through 2008 for individuals aged 20–70 years in the nationwide insurance database of Taiwan. [3] STUDY DESIGN/SETTING Retrospective review of nationally representative administrative claims data from a nationwide insurance database from 2007 to 2017 utilizing the PearlDiver platform. [4] Therefore, the purpose of this study was to use a large nationwide insurance database to compare (1) costs, (2) reimbursements, and (3) net losses of 90-day episodes of care (EOC) for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patients according to Elixhauser's comorbidity index (ECI) scores. [5] Design We investigated a national cohort using the nationwide insurance database. [6] METHODS Patients who underwent THA or TKA in a nationwide insurance database were stratified by preoperative opioid use. [7] Conclusions Using Taiwan’s nationwide insurance database, we determined that the number of patients with CD increased more rapidly during the study period than the number of patients with UC, especially among age 20 to 39-year-old, resulting in a decreased UC-to-CD ratio. [8]方法 台湾の全国保険データベースを使用して後ろ向きコホート研究を実施しました。 [1] 目的 韓国の全国保険データベースを使用して、経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP)とホルミウムレーザー除核(HoLEP)の術後有効性と合併症を調査および比較すること。 [2] nan [3] 研究の設計/設定 2007 年から 2017 年までの全国的な保険データベースから、PearlDiver プラットフォームを利用して、全国的に代表的な行政請求データを遡及的にレビューします。 [4] したがって、この研究の目的は、大規模な全国的な保険データベースを使用して、(1) コスト、(2) 償還、および (3) 人工膝関節全置換術 (TKA) の 90 日間のケアのエピソード (EOC) の純損失を比較することでした。 Elixhauserの併存疾患指数(ECI)スコアによる患者。 [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8]
nationwide insurance datum 全国保険データム
In this nationwide insurance data-based study of 43,596 colorectal cancer patients, a high level of physical activity after colorectal cancer diagnosis was negatively associated with a risk of death in both colon and rectal cancer patients, particularly in the surgically treated group. [1] Aim of the work To assess whether there is seasonality in the internet search volume related to gout and whether this reflects the seasonal variation of the actual number of gout cases in South Korea according to the nationwide insurance data. [2] The aim of this study was to analyze long-term outcomes after CAS compared with CEA using Korean nationwide insurance data. [3]43,596人の結腸直腸癌患者を対象としたこの全国的な保険データベースの研究では、結腸直腸癌診断後の高レベルの身体活動は、結腸癌患者と直腸癌患者の両方、特に外科的治療を受けたグループの死亡リスクと負の関連がありました。 [1] 作業の目的痛風に関連するインターネット検索ボリュームに季節性があるかどうか、およびこれが全国的な保険データによる韓国の実際の痛風症例数の季節変動を反映しているかどうかを評価すること。 [2] nan [3]