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Magnetic anisotropy in YbIII complex candidates for molecular qubits: a theoretical analysis.

Controlling the Dynamics of Three Electron Spin Qubits in a Donor-Acceptor-Radical Molecule Using Dielectric Environment Changes.

Electronic structure study of divanadium complexes with rigid covalent coordination: potential molecular qubits with slow spin relaxation.

Molecular-Spin-Qubit Noise Spectroscopy Through Dynamical Decoupling

Electronic spin-spin decoherence contribution in molecular qubits by quantum unitary spin dynamics

A chemical path to quantum information

Vanadyl phthalocyanines on graphene/SiC(0001): toward a hybrid architecture for molecular spin qubits

Unravelling the Spin Dynamics of Molecular Nanomagnets with Four‐Dimensional Inelastic Neutron Scattering

How do phonons relax molecular spins?

Learn more from Molecular Qubits 分子量子ビット

Molecular Qubits 分子量子ビットの概要

Molecular Qubits 分子量子ビット
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