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Media Event sentence examples within Global Media Event

Introduction: The Charlie Hebdo Affair as a Global “Meta-Media Event”

Historia(s) en movimiento: la primera guerra mundial como evento de medios populares en españa y méxico

Media Event sentence examples within Disruptive Media Event

The front page as a time freezer: An analysis of the international newspaper coverage after the Charlie Hebdo attacks

Dealing with the Disaster: The Live Media Event

Media Event sentence examples within Social Media Event

Social media participatory CPD for nursing revalidation, professional development and beyond.

A Statistical Approach for Studying the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Geolocated Tweets in Urban Environments

Learn more from Media Event メディアイベント

Co-Creation of Knowledge: A Community-Based Approach to Multilevel Dissemination of Health Information.

Social Media and Ambient Social Distance

Book Review: Stories without Borders: The Berlin Wall and the Making of a Global Iconic Event

Social media as public opinion: How journalists use social media to represent public opinion

Decomposition of a Media Event Through the Definition of Information Waves

In Hoc Signo Vinces: The Politics of Religion as a Source of Power and Conflict

Temporal Affordances in the Networked Remembering of Fukushima

Introduction to Digital Media

As inundações de Lisboa de 1967 como acontecimento mediático no Rádio Clube Português

Persuasive identities? German propaganda in Chile and Argentina during the first World War

(Un)successful years: EU countries’ cultural diplomacy with Russian Federation

Symbolic Convergence in the 2015 Duggar Scandal Crisis Communication

A Fine Granularity Object-Level Representation for Event Detection and Recounting

Межтекстовые и интертекстуальные связи как проявление диалога текстов


Eco-media Events in ChinaFrom Yellow Eco-peril to Media Materialism

Charlie Hebdo, 2015: ‘Liveness’ and acceleration of conflict in a hybrid media event

Фактор медиареальности в процессах трансформации ценностей акторов демонстративного потребления

Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network

Learn more from Media Event メディアイベント

Media Event メディアイベントの概要

Media Event メディアイベント
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