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Liquid States sentence examples within Spin Liquid States

Antiferromagnetic Order and Spin-Canting Transition in the Corrugated Square Net Compound Cu3(TeO4)(SO4)·H2O.

Quantum disorder and unconventional magnetism in ALnX2 (A = alkali; Ln = lanthanide; X = chalcogen) materials

Liquid States sentence examples within Supercooled Liquid States

Characterization on the glass forming ability of metallic nano-glasses by the dynamic scaling for mechanical loss in supercooled liquid state

Structural and short-time vibrational properties of colloidal glasses and supercooled liquids in the vicinity of the re-entrant glass transition.

Liquid States sentence examples within Fermi Liquid States

Nontrivial fixed points and truncated SU(4) Kondo models in a quasi-quartet multipolar quantum impurity problem

Emergent non-Fermi-liquid phenomena in multipolar quantum impurity systems.

Learn more from Liquid States 液体の状態

Liquid States sentence examples within Two Liquid States

Structural and topological changes across the liquid-liquid transition in water.

From Critical Point to Critical Point: The Two-States Model Describes Liquid Water Self-Diffusion from 623 to 126 K

Liquid States sentence examples within Normal Liquid States

A crossover in spatio-temporal correlations of strain fluctuations in glass forming liquids

The emergence of cooperativity accompanying vitrification: insights from density fluctuation dynamics

Liquid States sentence examples within Density Liquid States

Segregation on the nanoscale coupled to liquid water polyamorphism in supercooled aqueous ionic-liquid solution.

The role of high-density and low-density amorphous ice on biomolecules at cryogenic temperatures: a case study with polyalanine.

Fermi arcs and pseudogap in a lattice model of a doped orthogonal metal

More Liquid States 液体の状態 sentence examples

Techniques for measuring ultra-high temperature thermophysical properties of silicon-based alloys

Structural Aspects of the Superionic Transition in AX2 Compounds With the Fluorite Structure

Emergent Ferromagnetism with Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Proton Intercalated CaRuO3

Nuclear quantum effects on the thermodynamic, structural, and dynamical properties of water.

Impact of chirality on the amorphous state of conglomerate forming systems: a case study of N-acetyl-α-methylbenzylamine.

Discovery of an ultra-quantum spin liquid

Effect of plasticity characteristics on the electrical resistivity of bentonite

NMR Crystallography Enhanced by Quantum Chemical Calculations and Liquid State NMR for the Investigation of Se NHC Adducts.

More Liquid States 液体の状態 sentence examples

Linear and nonlinear optical responses in Kitaev spin liquids

Thermodynamic behavior of modified integer-spin Kitaev models on the honeycomb lattice.

More Liquid States 液体の状態 sentence examples

Электрическое сопротивление и магнитная восприимчивость сплавов CoFeSiBNb + REM при высоких температурах

Understanding the evolution of liquid and solid microjets from grooved Sn and Cu samples using radiography

Paraffin Wax Enhanced with Carbon Nanostructures as Phase Change Materials: Preparation and Thermal Conductivity Measurement

Competition between Born solvation, dielectric exclusion, and Coulomb attraction in spherical nanopores

Comparison of a dimeric and a monomeric indium-quinolinato complex: synthesis, structure and photoluminescence

A Novel Modeling Approach for Plastics Melting within a CFD-DEM Framework

Characterization of Fatty Acids as Biobased Organic Materials for Latent Heat Storage

Density of Al–Ni–Co-R (R = Nd, Gd, Yb) alloys in solid and liquid states

Electrical Resistivity of Cu and Au at High Pressure above 5 GPa: Implications for the Constant Electrical Resistivity Theory along the Melting Curve of the Simple Metals

The changing state of porous materials

Dual emissive dinuclear Iridium(III) azomethine complexes: Synthesis, luminescence, thermal stability and antibacterial studies

Self-assembled macrocycle that binds polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Effect of Anserine and Carnosine on Sperm Motility in the Japanese Quail

Thermodynamic Anomalies in Silicon and the Relationship to the Phase Diagram.

Melt-quenched porous organic cage glasses

Clusters Deposition on Surface an Atomic Scale Study by Computer Simulation Method

Microstructure and mechanical behavior of 316L liquid phase sintered stainless steel with boron addition

On the similarity of the self-diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients in low-molecular liquids

Dynamic Motion of Twisted π System-Induced Temperature-DependentDielectric Response in the Neat Liquid State

Influence of ultrasonic amplitude and position in the vibration distribution on the microstructure of a laser beam welded aluminum alloy

A hydrogen supply chain with spatial resolution: Comparative analysis of infrastructure technologies in Germany

Glass ceramic for the vitrification of high level waste with a high molybdenum content

An SPH model to simulate the dynamic behavior of shear thickening fluids

Giant thermal Hall conductivity from neutral excitations in the pseudogap phase of cuprates

Fiber laser butt joining of AZ31B alloy to 304 stainless steels with copper foil

Incorporation of thermal gels for facile microfluidic transient isotachophoresis

Giant thermal Hall conductivity in the pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors

More Liquid States 液体の状態 sentence examples

Experimental study on visualization of U-shaped array thermosyphon

Density and thermal expansion of samarium in a wide temperature range

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and quantum chemical studies of 2-trifluoroacetylpyrrole chemisorbed on colloidal silver and gold nanoparticles: A comparative study

More Liquid States 液体の状態 sentence examples

Thermal properties and applications of microencapsulated PCM for thermal energy storage: A review

Thermodynamics of tetraphenylantimony benzoate Ph4SbOC(O)Ph

Nanoscale Dynamics and Transport in Highly-Ordered Low Dimensional Water.

Experimental Investigation of Thermal Stability and Enthalpy of Eutectic Alkali Metal Solar Salt Dispersed with MgO Nanoparticles

Modifications in coordination structure of Mg[TFSA]2-based supporting salts for high-voltage magnesium rechargeable batteries.

Thermodynamic metric geometry of the two-state ST2 model for supercooled water.

High-energy and ultra-wideband tunable monochromatic terahertz source and frequency domain system based on DAST crystal

Optical Properties of Gadolinium in the Condensed State

Magnetocaloric effect in the triangulated Kagome lattice Cu9Cl2(cpa)6

Spectrophotometric and photocatalytic studies of H-bonded charge transfer complex of oxalic acid with imidazole: single crystal XRD, experimental and DFT/TD-DFT studies

Competing orders in pyrochlore magnets from a Z2 spin liquid perspective

Intereaction and intermetallic phase formation between aluminum and stainless steel

Correlation between excess volume and thermodynamic functions of liquid Pd-X (X = Fe, Cu and Ni) binary systems

More Liquid States 液体の状態 sentence examples

Molecular Motion in the Solid State

Solidification of Graphene-Assisted Phase Change Nanocomposites inside a Sphere for Cold Storage Applications