Liquid Handling
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within high throughput screening
Due to this method being entirely PCR-based, it may enable future high-throughput screening efforts when coupled with automated liquid handling systems.
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In the present study an automated high-throughput screening (HTS) for fiber-based adsorbents was established on a robotic liquid handling station in 96 well filter plates.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within flexible open source
In addition to these examples, we also created a flexible open-source package for modular blending automation on a low-cost liquid handling system to facilitate wide use of this method.
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In addition to these examples, we also created a flexible open-source package for modular blending automation on a low-cost liquid handling system to facilitate wide use of this method.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within eco friendly automation
Results In this work, we develop an eco-friendly automation workflow that effectively calibrates and decontaminates fixed-tip liquid handling systems to reduce tip waste.
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In this work, we develop an eco-friendly automation workflow that effectively calibrates and decontaminates fixed-tip liquid handling systems to reduce tip waste.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Automated Liquid Handling
Due to this method being entirely PCR-based, it may enable future high-throughput screening efforts when coupled with automated liquid handling systems.
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Sequential injection analysis allowed automated liquid handling, including non-contact bacteria retention, washing and enzyme-substrate exchange within the acoustic trap.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Robotic Liquid Handling
The protocol also is designed to be compatible with robotic liquid handling systems for further scalability.
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This physiological assay platform combines calcium imaging, robotic liquid handling, and automated analysis to generate physiological activation profiles of single neurons at a large scale.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Acoustic Liquid Handling
Our method reduces cost and time by combining cell-free lysates, linear DNA to avoid cloning, and acoustic liquid handling to increase throughput and reduce reaction volumes.
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We next optimised automated assembly of miniaturised cell-free reactions using an acoustic liquid handling platform and then compared tag configurations to identify those that increase expression.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Automatic Liquid Handling
Moreover, Ci-5 is the first approved biochip for tumor marker quantitative detection kit which can be used for both manual and automatic liquid handling system.
さらに、Ci-5 は、手動と自動の両方のリキッド ハンドリング システムに使用できる、腫瘍マーカー定量検出キット用に承認された最初のバイオチップです。
さらに、Ci-5 は、手動と自動の両方のリキッド ハンドリング システムに使用できる、腫瘍マーカー定量検出キット用に承認された最初のバイオチップです。
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User-defined flow-programming capitalizing upon software control for automatic liquid handling is synergistically combined with additive manufacturing based on stereolithographic 3D printing so as to launch the so-called fourth generation of microflow analysis (3D-μFIA).
自動液体処理のためのソフトウェア制御を活用するユーザー定義のフロープログラミングは、いわゆる第 4 世代のマイクロフロー分析 (3D-μFIA) を開始するために、ステレオリソグラフィ 3D 印刷に基づく付加製造と相乗的に組み合わされます。
自動液体処理のためのソフトウェア制御を活用するユーザー定義のフロープログラミングは、いわゆる第 4 世代のマイクロフロー分析 (3D-μFIA) を開始するために、ステレオリソグラフィ 3D 印刷に基づく付加製造と相乗的に組み合わされます。
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Precise Liquid Handling
The automated system is capable of precise liquid handling, mixing, and filtering and is flexible; new skills and procedures could be added with minimum effort.
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The measured insulin concentrations showed low sample-to-sample variation as a consequence of precise liquid handling with stable drop volumes, equal flow rates in the channels, and accurately controlled sampling volumes in all four drops.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Volume Liquid Handling
This necessitates the development of nanolitre-volume liquid handling and high detection sensitivity of low-volume and low-concentration samples.
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Overall, our FHRv2 offers a low-cost and versatile solution for zero-volume liquid handling in microfluidic devices.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Cost Liquid Handling
In addition to these examples, we also created a flexible open-source package for modular blending automation on a low-cost liquid handling system to facilitate wide use of this method.
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In addition to these examples, we also created a flexible open-source package for modular blending automation on a low-cost liquid handling system to facilitate wide use of this method.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Tip Liquid Handling
Results In this work, we develop an eco-friendly automation workflow that effectively calibrates and decontaminates fixed-tip liquid handling systems to reduce tip waste.
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In this work, we develop an eco-friendly automation workflow that effectively calibrates and decontaminates fixed-tip liquid handling systems to reduce tip waste.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Multiple Liquid Handling
Desalting workflows may include multiple liquid handling steps and are thus error prone and labour intensive.
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While effective, these methods often require multiple liquid handling steps which are not ideal for use by untrained personnel in a point-of-care setting.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Commercial Liquid Handling
The commercial liquid handling workstations, including King FisherTM Flex, Agilent Bravo, AssayMAP Bravo, and Biomek® NXP, perform the handling steps of 96- or 384-channel microplate formats using a mechanical arm that increases the throughput and robustness of sample preparation.
King FisherTM Flex、Agilent Bravo、AssayMAP Bravo、Biomek®NXPなどの市販の液体処理ワークステーションは、サンプル前処理のスループットと堅牢性を向上させるメカニカルアームを使用して、96チャネルまたは384チャネルのマイクロプレートフォーマットの処理手順を実行します。
King FisherTM Flex、Agilent Bravo、AssayMAP Bravo、Biomek®NXPなどの市販の液体処理ワークステーションは、サンプル前処理のスループットと堅牢性を向上させるメカニカルアームを使用して、96チャネルまたは384チャネルのマイクロプレートフォーマットの処理手順を実行します。
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The aim of this study was to semi-automate process analytics for the quantification of common impurities in downstream processing such as host cell DNA, host cell proteins and endotoxins using a commercial liquid handling station.
この研究の目的は、商用の液体処理ステーションを使用して、宿主細胞 DNA、宿主細胞タンパク質、エンドトキシンなどのダウンストリーム処理で一般的な不純物を定量化するためのプロセス分析を半自動化することでした。
この研究の目的は、商用の液体処理ステーションを使用して、宿主細胞 DNA、宿主細胞タンパク質、エンドトキシンなどのダウンストリーム処理で一般的な不純物を定量化するためのプロセス分析を半自動化することでした。
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Inexpensive Liquid Handling
Here we demonstrate automation of droplet microfluidics based on an inexpensive liquid handling robot for the automated production of human scaffold-free cell spheroids, using pipette actuation and interfacing the pipetting tip with a droplet generating microfluidic chip.
ここでは、ピペット作動を使用し、ピペッティング チップを液滴生成マイクロ流体チップと接続する、人間の足場のない細胞スフェロイドの自動生産のための安価な液体ハンドリング ロボットに基づく液滴マイクロフルイディクスの自動化を示します。
ここでは、ピペット作動を使用し、ピペッティング チップを液滴生成マイクロ流体チップと接続する、人間の足場のない細胞スフェロイドの自動生産のための安価な液体ハンドリング ロボットに基づく液滴マイクロフルイディクスの自動化を示します。
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Here we demonstrate automation of droplet microfluidics based on an inexpensive liquid handling robot for the automated production of human scaffold-free cell spheroids, using pipette actuation and interfacing the pipetting tip with a droplet generating microfluidic chip.
ここでは、ピペット作動を使用し、ピペッティング チップを液滴生成マイクロ流体チップと接続する、人間の足場のない細胞スフェロイドの自動生産のための安価な液体ハンドリング ロボットに基づく液滴マイクロフルイディクスの自動化を示します。
ここでは、ピペット作動を使用し、ピペッティング チップを液滴生成マイクロ流体チップと接続する、人間の足場のない細胞スフェロイドの自動生産のための安価な液体ハンドリング ロボットに基づく液滴マイクロフルイディクスの自動化を示します。
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Microfluidic Liquid Handling
Droplet motion on surfaces influences phenomena as diverse as microfluidic liquid handling, printing technology and micro-organism migration.
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In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art droplet-based microfluidic cooling methods in the literature, including the basic theory of electrocapillarity, cooling applications of continuous electrowetting (CEW), electrowetting (EW) and electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD), and jumping droplet microfluidic liquid handling methods.
この論文では、電気毛管現象の基本理論、連続エレクトロウェッティング(CEW)、エレクトロウェッティング(EW)、エレクトロウェッティングオン誘電体の冷却アプリケーションなど、文献にある最先端の液滴ベースのマイクロ流体冷却方法をレビューします。 (EWOD)、およびジャンピング液滴マイクロ流体液体処理方法。
この論文では、電気毛管現象の基本理論、連続エレクトロウェッティング(CEW)、エレクトロウェッティング(EW)、エレクトロウェッティングオン誘電体の冷却アプリケーションなど、文献にある最先端の液滴ベースのマイクロ流体冷却方法をレビューします。 (EWOD)、およびジャンピング液滴マイクロ流体液体処理方法。
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within Existing Liquid Handling
In contrast to the majority of the existing liquid handling systems, the proposed system allows the operator to place the materials freely on the workbench and the usage of different materials’ variants, facilitating the implementation of the system in any laboratory.
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The blister packages seem difficult to miniaturize and none of the existing liquid handling techniques despite their variety are capable of proportional repeatable dispensing.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling system
The protocol also is designed to be compatible with robotic liquid handling systems for further scalability.
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In addition to these examples, we also created a flexible open-source package for modular blending automation on a low-cost liquid handling system to facilitate wide use of this method.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling robot
While aliquoting of reagents can be performed by hand, we provide a complete template for automatic aliquoting using an affordable liquid handling robot, including plans for 3D printing of two parts we have found useful for streamlining this procedure.
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This comprised RNA extraction and purification (QuickGene-480, Kurabo, Japan), a duplex RT-PCR assay (Logix Smart COVID-19, Co-Diagnostics, USA), a Myra liquid handling robot (Biomolecular Systems, Australia) and a magnetic induction thermal cycler (MIC, Biomolecular Systems).
これには、RNAの抽出と精製(QuickGene-480、Kurabo、日本)、デュプレックスRT-PCRアッセイ(Logix Smart COVID-19、Co-Diagnostics、米国)、Myra液体処理ロボット(Biomolecule Systems、オーストラリア)、および磁気誘導サーマルサイクラー(MIC、生体分子システム)。
これには、RNAの抽出と精製(QuickGene-480、Kurabo、日本)、デュプレックスRT-PCRアッセイ(Logix Smart COVID-19、Co-Diagnostics、米国)、Myra液体処理ロボット(Biomolecule Systems、オーストラリア)、および磁気誘導サーマルサイクラー(MIC、生体分子システム)。
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling platform
We next optimised automated assembly of miniaturised cell-free reactions using an acoustic liquid handling platform and then compared tag configurations to identify those that increase expression.
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We next optimized automated assembly of miniaturized cell-free reactions using an acoustic liquid handling platform and then compared tag configurations to identify those that increase expression.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling robotic
High throughput process development (HTPD) using liquid handling robotics and RoboColumns is an established methodology in downstream process development to screen chromatography resins and optimize process designs to meet target product profiles.
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By combining DESI with liquid handling robotics, the system achieves throughputs of more than 1 sample/s, handling up to 6144 samples in a single run.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling station
The custom-made operation platform is developed based on a liquid handling station-type, which can automatically load off-chip reagents without placing reagents in CARD in advance.
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Automated liquid handling stations such as the Hamilton Microlab range can be implemented to greatly enhance throughput of cell-based and cell-free assays.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling step
Desalting workflows may include multiple liquid handling steps and are thus error prone and labour intensive.
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Self-assembling allochroic nanocatalyst (SAN) assemblies satisfy these LFA quality measures by optimizing analyte-antibody reporting performance and by intrinsically catalyzing chromogen activation, thereby reducing the number of liquid handling steps involved during sample analysis.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling workstation
Finally, the most appropriate workflow was transferred to a liquid handling workstation for automated sample preparation.
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The commercial liquid handling workstations, including King FisherTM Flex, Agilent Bravo, AssayMAP Bravo, and Biomek® NXP, perform the handling steps of 96- or 384-channel microplate formats using a mechanical arm that increases the throughput and robustness of sample preparation.
King FisherTM Flex、Agilent Bravo、AssayMAP Bravo、Biomek®NXPなどの市販の液体処理ワークステーションは、サンプル前処理のスループットと堅牢性を向上させるメカニカルアームを使用して、96チャネルまたは384チャネルのマイクロプレートフォーマットの処理手順を実行します。
King FisherTM Flex、Agilent Bravo、AssayMAP Bravo、Biomek®NXPなどの市販の液体処理ワークステーションは、サンプル前処理のスループットと堅牢性を向上させるメカニカルアームを使用して、96チャネルまたは384チャネルのマイクロプレートフォーマットの処理手順を実行します。
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling technology
We were also able to demonstrate the compatibility of our optimised method for current automated liquid handling technologies.
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We were also able to demonstrate the compatibility of our optimised method for current automated liquid handling technologies.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling automation
robust DNA synthesis and assembly techniques), liquid handling automation and scale-down characterization platforms, generating large heterogeneous data sets.
堅牢な DNA 合成およびアセンブリ技術)、液体処理の自動化およびスケールダウン特性評価プラットフォーム、大規模な異種データ セットの生成。
堅牢な DNA 合成およびアセンブリ技術)、液体処理の自動化およびスケールダウン特性評価プラットフォーム、大規模な異種データ セットの生成。
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Whereas array‐format screens require liquid handling automation and assay miniaturization, pooled‐format screens, in which reagents are introduced at random and in bulk, can be done in a standard lab setting.
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Liquid Handling sentence examples within liquid handling operation
Microfluidic devices have been increasingly used for low-volume liquid handling operations.
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In these instances, researchers must work in an environment where liquid handling operations are performed manually with handheld pipetting devices.
このような場合、研究者はハンドヘルド ピペッティング デバイスを使用して手動で液体処理操作を行う環境で作業する必要があります。
このような場合、研究者はハンドヘルド ピペッティング デバイスを使用して手動で液体処理操作を行う環境で作業する必要があります。
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Automation of liquid handling and reactions in capillaric circuits can be achieved by passive elements alone, making such devices ideally suited for point-of-care applications.
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This paper exploits control theory to develop a new robust output feedback technique for liquid handling using reconfigurable mobile robots.
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Multiple ICV configuration were simulated to maximize oil, minimize gas and water production considering facilities limitation in terms of liquid handling and gas processing to reduce carbon footprint.
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Therefore, adding colorants as color indicator in the lyophilized matrix in the microchips or adding to sample or master mix can impart not only user-friendliness to the task of liquid handling but also precision, and color-codes for easy identification of multiple kits in the layout of the microchip without compromising PCR data quality.
したがって、マイクロチップの凍結乾燥マトリックスに着色剤をカラーインジケーターとして追加したり、サンプルまたはマスターミックスに追加したりすることで、液体処理のタスクに使いやすさだけでなく、精度とカラーコードを付与して、 PCRデータの品質を損なうことなくマイクロチップのレイアウト。
したがって、マイクロチップの凍結乾燥マトリックスに着色剤をカラーインジケーターとして追加したり、サンプルまたはマスターミックスに追加したりすることで、液体処理のタスクに使いやすさだけでなく、精度とカラーコードを付与して、 PCRデータの品質を損なうことなくマイクロチップのレイアウト。
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Traditional approaches that utilize chromatography-based analysis or plate-based fluorescence assays are relatively throughput limited and require a high degree of liquid handling.
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These developments include molecular enrichment for maximum sensitivity, spatial arrays to maximize analytical throughput, automation of liquid handling to streamline the analytical workflow in miniaturized devices, and seamless integration of signal transduction to translate RCA product titers (and ideally spatial information) into a readable output.
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Liquid handling is performed with high-precision syringe pumps and microfluidic chip-based mixing devices and flow cells.
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Digital microfluidics based on liquid marble (LM) has recently emerged as a promising platform for liquid handling and cell-based assays.
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This process was automated using liquid handling and pipetting systems, permitting cost-effective scale-up and reducing sphere variability.