Discover more insights into Liquid Gas Interface 液体ガス インターフェース

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Construction of Exact Solution Describing Three-layer Flows with Evaporation in a Horizontal Channel

Numerical and experimental analysis of vertically ascending swirling liquid film flow

Electrohydraulic Streamer Discharge Plasma-Enhanced Alternaria brassicicola Disinfection in Seed Sterilization.

Comparison of Commercial and Open-Source CFD Solvers on Surface Tension Dominated Flows

Evaluation of CFD simulations of transient pool fire burning rates

An enhanced phase field model for micron-scale droplet impact with solidification microstructure formation

Simplified biogeochemical numerical model to predict pore fluid chemistry and calcite precipitation during biocementation of soil

Edge-Enriched Large-Area Hexagonal BN Ultrathin Films with Enhanced Optical Second Harmonic Generation.

Combined effects of nanoparticles and surfactants upon foam stability

Disintegration co-flowing gas-liquid jet coupled with forced perturbation

Numerical evaluation of separation efficiency in the diverging T-junction for slug flow

Suppression of vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism in the growth of α-Sb2O4 nanobelts by a vapor-deposition approach

Numerical investigation of the pouring mechanism in the filling of epoxy resin in pressure casting processes

Effect of odd viscosity on the stability of thin viscoelastic liquid film flowing along an inclined plate

Elucidating Cathodic Corrosion Mechanisms with Operando Electrochemical Liquid-Cell STEM in Multiple Dimensions

Mathematical model of liquid spontaneous imbibition into gas-saturated porous media with dynamic contact angle and gravity

A higher-order finite element method with unstructured anisotropic mesh adaption for two phase flows with surface tension


Effect of interface curvature on isothermal heat transfer in a hydrophobic microchannel with transverse ribs and cavities

Effect of finite contact angle on the structure and shear behavior of two-dimensional wet foam

Observation and Control of Unidirectional Ballistic Dynamics of Nanoparticles at a Liquid-Gas Interface by 4D Electron Microscopy.

Consistent evaporation formulation for the phase-field lattice Boltzmann method.

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Liquid Gas Interface 液体ガス インターフェースの概要

Liquid Gas Interface 液体ガス インターフェース
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