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Liquid Crystalline Polymers sentence examples within Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers

Influencing factors on liquid crystalline properties of cholesterol side-chain liquid crystalline polymers without spacer: molecular weight and copolymerisation

Highly Ordered Sub-10 nm Patterns Based on MultichainColumns of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers

Liquid Crystalline Polymers sentence examples within Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers

Design and Synthesis of Luminescent Liquid Crystalline Polymers with “Jacketing” Effect and Luminescent Patterning Applications

Design, synthesis and properties of hemiphasmidic luminescent liquid crystal polymers with the AIEE effect

Liquid Crystalline Polymers sentence examples within Crosslinked Liquid Crystalline Polymers

A Cut-and-Weld Process to 3D Architectures from Multiresponsive Crosslinked Liquid Crystalline Polymers.

Photo Actuation Performance of Nanotube Sheet Incorporated Azobenzene Crosslinked Liquid Crystalline Polymer Nanocomposite

Learn more from Liquid Crystalline Polymers 液晶ポリマー

Liquid Crystalline Polymers sentence examples within Discotic Liquid Crystalline Polymers

Effect of grafting density on the self-assembly of side-chain discotic liquid crystalline polymers with triphenylene discogens.

Significantly Enhanced Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Columnar Mesophases in Stereoregular Polymethylenes with Discotic Triphenylene Side Groups

Supramolecular hydrogen bond enables Kapton nanofibers to reinforce liquid-crystalline polymers for light-fueled flight

Phase Behavior of Lyotropic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers under Varying Solvent Conditions: Effect of External Fields on the Phase Diagram.

Hydrogen Bond Enhances Photomechanical Swing of Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Bilayer Films.

Real-time molecular-level visualization of mass flow during patterned photopolymerization of liquid-crystalline monomers

Prospects for design and construction development of integral circuits of LC–filters based on the modern dielectric materials

“Rod–coil” copolymers get self-assembled in solution

Simultaneous control of Gaussian curvature and buckling direction by swelling of asymmetric trilayer hydrogel hybrids.

Programmable 3D Shape-Change Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Based on Vertically-Aligned Monodomain with Crosslink Gradient.

Optical forces on patterned particles

Thermoresponsive liquid crystalline polymer membranes that undergo phase transition at body temperature

The design, synthesis and order-enhanced emission of luminescent liquid crystalline polymers based on a “jacketing” effect

Learn more from Liquid Crystalline Polymers 液晶ポリマー

Liquid Crystalline Polymers 液晶ポリマーの概要

Liquid Crystalline Polymers 液晶ポリマー
Encyclopedia 百科事典