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Improvement of LIBS signal stability for NaCl solution using femtosecond laser-induced water film.

Investigation of the efficiency of oil-containing wastewater sorption treatment with sawdust and probiotic agent addition

Advances of dual-comb spectroscopy based on QCL for environmental and water analysis

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More Liquid Analysis 液体分析 sentence examples

Sampling and sample introduction

Pyrolysis of polystyrene plastic waste using bentonite catalyst

Investigating silicon wafer based substrates for dried-droplet analysis by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

The analysis of nitrate explosive vapour samples using Lab-on-a-chip instrumentation.

SERS detection of mercury (II)/lead (II): A new class of DNA logic gates.

Learn more from Liquid Analysis 液体分析

Liquid Analysis 液体分析の概要

Liquid Analysis 液体分析
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