Less Predictable 予測しにくい - The dissolution of dichotomies central in hybrid learning makes it more complex and less predictable. [1] Conclusions The OGS outcomes of BCLP patients were less predictable than those of the UCLP and noncleft patients. [2] While chronic kidney disease trajectory is less predictable in transplanted patients, recent data have suggested that similar GFR decline might be an acceptable surrogate for long-term transplant outcome. [3] It could also be assumed that, as a consequence of the settings of this plant, a reduction in fuel consumption could be expected, which, although at a percentage that cannot be theoretically evaluated at the moment, is nevertheless predictable. [4] Although electoral volatility substantially decreased between 1994 and 2010, the patterns of interparty alliances became less and less predictable from 2002 onwards, as party fragmentation increased while interparty ideological differences decreased. [5] Improvement due to oral therapy of otherwise unresponsive skin hyperpigmentation or hyperpigmentation of unknown cause is less predictable. [6] This resulted in implications that are more severe and less predictable than earlier crises that the world had witnessed. [7] These abiotic stressors are expected to become more extreme, less predictable, and more widespread in the near future. [8] The results indicate that as the baseline length increases, the stochastic model is less predictable and exposed to irregularities in the observation’s precision. [9] Main challenges associated with operating such a system stems primarily from the intermittent and uncertain nature of renewable energy sources causing the energy generation to be highly irregular and less predictable. [10] We found that the children will continue engaging in the activity behaviourally, but may start to pay less visual attention over time to activity-relevant locations when the robot is less predictable. [11] This indicates that the selection of sex-specific immune strategies is less predictable than thought before and explains why sex differences in immunity have been found to be not universal and pervasive across animal species. [12] As SSWs tend to be less predictable than strong vortex events, it is hypothesized that the predictability of acceleration and deceleration events might differ as they are related to opposite mechanisms. [13] The increasing uncertainty of the COVID‐19 outbreak has made stock markets in China more turbulent and less predictable. [14] Moreover, ecosystems in the Gulf are subject to multiple stressors that can combine to impart greater, and less predictable, impacts. [15] Results: The results showed higher entropy values at higher temporal scales indicating that wind speed fluctuations are les regular and less predictable when wind speed is observed at lower temporal frequency. [16] In addition, upregulation and downregulation of gene expression, in response to an altered cellular environment, can achieve the same range of metabolic function (phenotype), but often in a less predictable and time-dependent manner. [17] However, one of the barriers for the diffusion of micro-wind turbines in urban settlements is the difficulty to estimate its feasibility based on the local wind resource, which is highly site-specific and less predictable than other renewable sources in an urban framework (i. [18] INTRODUCTION When gingival recession is combined with cervical abrasion, root coverage outcomes are less predictable due to the challenging adaptation of the connective tissue graft (CTG) to the marked root step. [19] However, 2D-MOFs involving different kinds of noncovalent interactions and multiple metal components are more complex and less predictable. [20] Terrorist attacks have become more acute, less predictable and frequently involve use of explosives and gunfire to inflict mass casualty to civilians. [21] The flexibility used by DSOs however typically comes from small-scale, less predictable and less controllable assets. [22] Hydrological conditions and salinity influenced soil GHG fluxes between the two field campaigns, but snags were less predictable and more variable. [23] In contrast, if the sample is obtained during the absorption phase, the plasma concentration can be both much higher and less predictable than is the case when absorption is complete. [24] It should be noted that the China SAT in December is less predictable than that in January and February by the dynamical and SD models, which may be due to the complex predictability source of December SAT. [25] The results from the study respondents and trend analysis show that rainfall is shorter in terms of duration and less predictable, whilst temperature has increased. [26] Consumers have become more demanding and less predictable in their purchasing behavior that expects high quality, guaranteed availability and fast delivery. [27] 5 ng/mL and higher grade tumors, mpMRI results are less predictable, suggesting greater diagnostic value for detecting recurrence post prostatectomy. [28] The strength of the model lies mainly in the topographic rainfall in Taiwan rather than migratory events that are less predictable. [29]ハイブリッド学習の中心となる二分法の解消は、それをより複雑にし、予測しにくくします。 [1] 結論BCLP患者のOGSの結果は、UCLPおよび非裂け目患者の結果よりも予測可能性が低かった。 [2] 慢性腎臓病の軌跡は移植された患者ではあまり予測できませんが、最近のデータは、同様のGFRの低下が長期的な移植結果の許容可能な代理である可能性があることを示唆しています。 [3] また、このプラントの設定の結果として、燃料消費量の削減が期待できると想定することもできます。これは、現時点では理論的に評価できない割合ではありますが、それでも予測可能です。 [4] 選挙のボラティリティは1994年から2010年にかけて大幅に減少しましたが、2002年以降、政党の断片化が進み、政党間のイデオロギーの違いが減少したため、政党間の同盟のパターンはますます予測できなくなりました。 [5] 他の方法では反応しない皮膚の色素沈着過剰または原因不明の色素沈着過剰の経口療法による改善は、あまり予測できません。 [6] これは、世界が目撃した以前の危機よりも深刻で予測不可能な影響をもたらしました。 [7] これらの非生物的ストレッサーは、近い将来、より極端になり、予測が難しくなり、より広まると予想されます。 [8] 結果は、ベースラインの長さが長くなると、確率モデルの予測が難しくなり、観測の精度の不規則性にさらされることを示しています。 [9] このようなシステムの運用に関連する主な課題は、主に再生可能エネルギー源の断続的で不確実な性質に起因し、エネルギー生成が非常に不規則で予測しにくいものになっています。 [10] 子供たちは行動的に活動に従事し続けますが、ロボットの予測が難しい場合、時間の経過とともに活動に関連する場所に視覚的な注意を向けなくなる可能性があることがわかりました。 [11] これは、性特異的な免疫戦略の選択が以前に考えられていたよりも予測可能性が低いことを示し、免疫の性差が普遍的でなく、動物種全体に広がっていないことがわかった理由を説明しています。 [12] SSWは強い渦イベントよりも予測可能性が低い傾向があるため、加速イベントと減速イベントは反対のメカニズムに関連しているため、予測可能性が異なる可能性があると仮定されています。 [13] COVID-19の発生の不確実性の高まりにより、中国の株式市場はより混乱し、予測が困難になっています。 [14]