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Injectable Vitamin sentence examples within injectable vitamin c

160 Injectable Vitamin C Prior to Transit and Transit Duration Effects on Feedlot Performance, Inflammation, and Muscle Fatigue of Beef Steers

The effect of injectable vitamin C and road transit duration on inflammation, muscle fatigue, and performance in pre-conditioned beef steer calves.

Injectable Vitamin sentence examples within injectable vitamin b12

A pilot study comparing the pharmacokinetics of injectable cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin associated with a trace mineral injection in cattle

Study to evaluate the role of serum LDH in the diagnosis of Megaloblastic anemia by treatment response at a tertiary care center in the northeastern part of India

Nutraceutical effect of vitamins and minerals on performance and immune and antioxidant systems in dairy calves during the nutritional transition period in summer.

Preliminary investigation of the effect of treating sheep during pregnancy with a vitamin A, D, E formulation on the incidence of vaginal prolapse

Gym nephropathy ‘bodybuilding versus kidney damaging’

Severe Vitamin a Deficiency After Biliopancreatic Diversion (P12-051-19).

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