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Enthalpy–entropy compensation in the binding of peptide ligands to human Arc

Generation of hypothalamic arcuate organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells.

The Rhesus Macaque Serves As a Model for Human Lateral Branch Nephrogenesis.

Teju Cole: Public intellectual

Downregulation of death receptor 4 is tightly associated with positive response of EGFR mutant lung cancer to EGFR-targeted therapy and improved prognosis

Posthuman Archaeologies, Archaeological Posthumanisms

Comparative study of bio-materials versus conventional materials in building construction methods; economical evaluation of different building materials

Diversidad genética en restos humanos de contextos arqueológicos tardíos de la provincia de Santiago del Estero a partir del estudio de ADN mitocondrial

Analysis of the bacterial communities in ancient human bones and burial soil samples: Tracing the impact of environmental bacteria

A probable case of infantile cortical hyperostosis in 2nd-4th centuries AD Romania.

Radiation databases and archives – examples and comparisons

Three thousand years of wild capuchin stone tool use

Exploring the Archaeome: Detection of Archaeal Signatures in the Human Body

Creativity and beauty in art and science today: A basis for discussion of a possible future architecture

Protective association of A-T-T haplotype of DMT1 gene against risk of human age-related nuclear cataract

Light as a central component in the aesthetics of Islamic architecture And its impact on the creation of contemporary design formulations

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Human Arc ヒューマンアークの概要

Human Arc ヒューマンアーク
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