Discover more insights into Gel Microcapsules ゲルマイクロカプセル

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Targeted Delivery of Narrow-Spectrum Protein Antibiotics to the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract in a Murine Model of Escherichia coli Colonization

Comparative study of agarose-gel microcapsules and Cryotop in cryopreservation of extremely small numbers of human spermatozoa

Human dermal fibroblasts support the development of human primordial/primary follicles in a 3-dimensional alginate matrix culture system.

Engineering microcapsules to construct vascularized human brain organoids

Deep Learning-Enabled Label-Free On-Chip Detection and Selective Extraction of Cell Aggregate-Laden Hydrogel Microcapsules.

Enabling direct dense encapsulation of water-insoluble powder in hydrogel microcapsules by bubble-assisted encapsulation method

Microfluidic Formation of Hydrogel Microcapsules with a Single Aqueous Core by Spontaneous Cross-Linking in Aqueous Two-Phase System Droplets.

Strategies for controlling egress of therapeutic cells from hydrogel microcapsules

Microencapsulation facilitates low-CPA vitrification of HUVECs

Physical confinement induces malignant transformation in mammary epithelial cells.

Hydrogel micromotors with catalyst-containing liquid core and shell.

Microcapsules with Distinct Dual-Layer Shells and Their Applications for the Encapsulation, Preservation and Slow Release of Hydrophilic Small Molecules.

Nano-fibre Integrated Microcapsules: A Nano-in-Micro Platform for 3D Cell Culture

Design of a Novel Oxygen Therapeutic Using Polymeric Hydrogel Microcapsules Mimicking Red Blood Cells

Microencapsulation Facilitates Low-Cryoprotectant Vitrification of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells.

Characterization of encapsulated cells within hyaluronic acid and alginate microcapsules produced via horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed crosslinking

Engineering 3D parallelized microfluidic droplet generators with equal flow profiles by computational fluid dynamics and stereolithographic printing.

Electrodeposition of Magnetic Alginate-poly-L-lysine Microcapsules for Targeted Drug Delivery

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Gel Microcapsules ゲルマイクロカプセル
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