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Ultralow emission micro-printing process for PET fibers using liquid disperse dye

Equilibrium, kinetic and mechanism studies on adsorption of textile disperse dye from aqueous solution onto TiO2 in the presence of ultrasound and rare earth ions

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Nonlinear effects in photoinduced nanomovement of carbazole-based azo-polymers

Wide dye reactors

Disperse Orange sentence examples within disperse orange 25

Current methodologies for chemical compound searching in patents: A case study

Removal of Disperse Orange and Disperse Blue dyes present in textile mill effluent using zeolite synthesized from cenospheres.

Learn more from Disperse Orange 分散オレンジ

Disperse Orange sentence examples within disperse orange 1

The Anti-amyloid Compound DO1 Decreases Plaque Pathology and Neuroinflammation-Related Expression Changes in 5xFAD Transgenic Mice.

Optimization and Characterization of Prepared Nano-Disperse Dyes via a Sonication Process and Their Application in Textile Dyeing and Printing

Flocculation of combined contaminants of dye and heavy metal by nano-chitosan flocculants.

La10Si6O27:Tb 3+ nanomaterial; its photocatalytic and electrochemical sensor activities on Disperse Orange and Fast Blue dyes

Decolorization and phytotoxicity reduction in an innovative anaerobic/aerobic photobioreactor treating textile wastewater.

Learn more from Disperse Orange 分散オレンジ

Disperse Orange 分散オレンジの概要

Disperse Orange 分散オレンジ
Encyclopedia 百科事典