Diabetic Foot 糖尿病の足 - 0% presented ulceration, and this condition was considered as a diabetic foot in 57. [1] Although diabetic polyneuropathy is the most important risk factor in cases of diabetic foot, given its poor prognosis, the criteria for diagnosis and staging of diabetic polyneuropathy has not been established; consequently, no disease‐modifying treatment is available. [2] Proper diagnosis of the causative agents and their antibiotic susceptibility play a significant role in preventing adverse prognosis of diabetic foot. [3] 8% were women; 47 of the lesions were ulcers (venous, arterial, and diabetic foot), others were surgical and traumatic wounds, burns, and scars. [4] In today’s world, type 2 diabetes has become a part of every household and leads to various complications including high blood sugar level, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic foot, diabetic nephropathy and diabetic neuropathy. [5] OBJECTIVE To evaluate the health status of patients with amputations due to diabetic foot in two hospitals in Peru in 2017. [6] 3 Multidisciplinary care for the diabetic foot is common but treatment results are often unsatisfactory. [7] The aims of this study were to investigate the characteristics of EDA, to design a portable electronic device capable of acquiring it and to formulate a hypothesis regarding the relationship between EDA and diabetic foot. [8] Staphylococcus aureus was the commonest organism involved in soft tissue and diabetic foot infections (32% vs. [9] Results it was observed low compliance of the care practice, standing out as the worst parameter the evaluation of the diabetic foot (2. [10]0%が潰瘍を示し、この状態は57歳で糖尿病性足と見なされました。 [1] 糖尿病性多発神経障害は糖尿病性足の場合の最も重要な危険因子ですが、その予後が悪いことを考えると、糖尿病性多発神経障害の診断と病期分類の基準は確立されていません。その結果、疾患修飾治療は利用できません。 [2] 原因物質とその抗生物質感受性の適切な診断は、糖尿病性足の予後不良を防ぐ上で重要な役割を果たします。 [3] 8%は女性でした。病変の47は潰瘍(静脈、動脈、および糖尿病性の足)であり、他は外科的および外傷性の創傷、火傷、および瘢痕であった。 [4] 今日の世界では、2型糖尿病はすべての家庭の一部になり、高血糖値、糖尿病性網膜症、糖尿病性足、糖尿病性腎症、糖尿病性ニューロパチーなどのさまざまな合併症を引き起こしています。 [5] 目的 2017年にペルーの2つの病院で糖尿病性足による切断患者の健康状態を評価すること。 [6] 3糖尿病性足の学際的ケアは一般的ですが、治療結果はしばしば不十分です。 [7] この研究の目的は、EDAの特性を調査し、それを取得できる携帯型電子機器を設計し、EDAと糖尿病性足との関係に関する仮説を立てることでした。